This is Karl

This is Karl.

Say something nice about him.

Superb head shape

he got the alpha hairline

His head is almost perfectly spherical

He knows celebrities

He BTFO's Steve Merchant regularly

Not nice to pick on an invalid.

You just know Paris sucked his dick.

Massa Ricky will probably throw him a few more crumbs.

He's muscley

But user, this isn't an Adam Corrolla thread

paper bags are made in sizes that can completely cover a human head


much, much wiser than merchant and gervais

get back in your wheelie bin

What's up with that cunt's eyes? Plastic surgery or FAS?

...I'm not an invalid.

>ooooooooh what's the great Pilkoney gonna do next?

An Idiot Abroad was one of the best shows of all time.

He counts as one of your 5 a day

Who the fuck's Clive Warren?