What is Sup Forums's stance on animal rights?

What is Sup Forums's stance on animal rights?

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Canada goose genocide when?


I don't care about animal rights. Owned animals should be seen a property, wild animals should be protected if there's low numbers of them.

If you aren't a conversationalist you don't belong on Sup Forums.

Its not so much that the life of the animal matters but what the abuse of the animal means. It means that the person is borderline psychopathic.

I'm personally uncomfortable with harming vertebrates myself but I still eat meat. Hypocritical? maybe.

Torturing your animals should not be ok even if they are your property.

Why not?

there's only one kingdom: Kingdom Animalia


If you have dyslexia, you really should proofread your posts more.

I'd give her a goose if you know what I mean.

i dont get it. she already has one in her arms.

Is that a fucking Canada goose?

because it's degenerate


fuck 'em

So, no good argument against it?

Because it shows what kind of depraved psychopath you are. And that you are a mentally unstable.


is bestiality degenerate?
doesn't hurt them as much

Very few animals deserve rights.

I'm fine with letting animals cross the road but those fuckers are milking it.

Why grant rights to beings other than humans?

Environmentalism and a love of all animal life are the ultimate redpills.

I hope all of you believe in both of these things.

I hate animal rights people. PETA should all drown themselves. I'm fine with animal welfare though.

Just don't fuck with the animals unless you have to. I have thrown my girlfriend out if my house for hitting my dog inappropriately. Doesn't make you a tough guy.

Nice PhD in armchair psychology. Anything else?

That's not a bald eagle faggot.

Dont abuse them. They are food so killing to eat is fine. Pretty much just don't be a fucking dick.

Bestiality is degenerate to however wants to believe it to be. Sexual acts between humans and animals have been recorded for centuries, and it is not likely to stop.

I ultimately don't care if animals suffer or not, but I don't believe it is arguable that a male dog trying his best to mount a female human is not enjoying himself.

Because what kind of a faggot feels the need to dominate or abuse something that can't fight back?
You can judge a person by how they treat those beneath them.

animal abusers should be locked away

Explain to me how hurting animals for the fun of it isn't psychopathic?

>Redpills are whatever I want them to be

The redpill bullshit is starting to sound like just any other echo chambered ideology to me.

Science shows animals are affected by abuse mentally and physically.

Being unnecessarily abusive to any living creature is degenerate. Spain is famous for their Iberico Ham. I guarantee those pigs are treated well as stress hormones from abuse taints the meat.

I went to the amazonas once and tried mushrooms there, since that day I think that I fell in love with nature and all living being, I try to minimize the amount of animal products and overall I feel much more apathetic with all living beings, but fuck the chinese and the jews they dont have a soul.

Growing up on a subsistence farm, I came to appreciate conservation and responsible animal agriculture. My first real political thoughts centered around environmentalism. I still hold many of those beliefs, and consider them complementary to my more right-wing political views. Which is occasionally a shame, because it doesn't feel that there's a place left in discourse for someone who leans right on many social and national questions, but is "green" on these issues.

it doesn't affect the human race negatively

im ok with eating anything non human/primate

even dogs, I had that once in vietnam

but no animal -abuse-, thats not nice

clean kill for food im ok

I don't know what your message was meant to illustrate but a quick google search came up with this


okay but what about animals experiencing physical pain
would you make them suffer for fun?
that's just nigger tier

They should have none. They are companions or food but in either they are property. If you want to buy a cow and beat it literally to death such should be your right.

Psychopaths do affect the human race negatively. Having the inability to feel empathy is bad for everyone that person interacts with and potentially dangerous.

Many do, ultimately I don't care about them or the animals.

It totally depends on your definition of torture. Someone who is having a bad day and a short temper due to stressful events blows up against his dog and kicks it because it won't stop trying to push the leash away. Is he a psychopath now?

Should I send my granny to jail for cutting chicken heads off and let them run around until they exhaust themselves so she can prepare diner?

Animals have no rights neither do niggers. Hence why niggers are likened to apes. If you allow animals to have rights that's basically saying niggers have rights too.

Hunting is great fun especially if you catch them alive, people go on about torturing animals is bad but yet say nothing when peadophiles are let loose.

I used to be a right little shit, skinning rabbits alive and stuff. Literally hurt nobody, not like the animals have a say in it or anything. Why get so defensive when some creature that is going to die anyway (often in pain when caught by a predator) gets tortured by a human.

But they aren't psychopaths

>Environmentalism and a love of all animal life are the ultimate redpills.

step up your game, nigga

I don't have any pets, and unless I was having a severe mental breakdown, I doubt I'd bother torturing animals for the fun of it.

Do I lose sleep when I watch chinks hitting dogs in the head with metal bars? No, I don't.

Canada goose isn't our national bird either, lad

I fucking hate those cunts.

well really he isnt wrong

>blows up against his dog and kicks it because it won't stop trying to push the leash away. Is he a psychopath now?
yes, fucker should have his dog taken away from him.
>Should I send my granny to jail for cutting chicken heads off and let them run around until they exhaust themselves so she can prepare diner?
no, unless she enjoys it

Animals are food

food is food
make animals suffer unnecessarily you deserve to be hanged
>inb4 discussions about what is necessary

He wouldn't be wrong, but a bit off topic.

how do they taste?

Needless cruelty towards animals has no place in a civil society, but we must also remember that they still are only animals. Anthropomorphizing them is equally wrong.

neither do i but it doesnt make it right

Hurting animals for fun is psychopathic. Hate to break it to ya.

Psychopaths are affect the human race positively. Having the inability to feel empathy is good for everyone, specially if the psychopath is doing a job that is potentially dangerous.

>Soldier (elite)

There's obviously the few that end up in prison for being retarded, but not all psychopaths are that way.

Unnecessary cruelty to food or pet animals should be criminalized. Quick and efficient death for euthanizing pets or slaughtering for meat should be the guiding principal (ban on kosher or halal slaughter practices).


omg u evil people stop stepping on bugs they have feelings too wahh wahh

I think this whole thread agrees with this principle except for that one spanish sociopath.

Psychopathy is believed to be a genetic trait, sociopaths are raised that way.

Harming animals doesn't make you a psychopath, it means you were one to begin with or harming animals in front of your child could make them into a sociopath.

They have the right to be eaten.


man, im sad it took me this long

How is doing something that doesn't harm themselves or the rest of human race psychopathic?

Must be tough being so emotional in a world that is so cold and chaotic. Bull-fighting ain't going anywhere, user.

My granny does enjoy it. We all laugh at the headless chicken running around like an idiot. I swear the last 100m sprint makes the meat taste better.

I really don't care if it is right or wrong. A matter of perspectives.

If an animal damages your expensive BMW you wouldn't kick it?

they have no soul. they have no rights. they must earn their rights. If they revolt against the humans and demand rights then "animal rights" can exist.

Thats not to say we should treat them as shit. We are stewards and have a responsibility to look after those lesser than us

Animal abusers are psychopaths. That said, there's nothing wrong with eating animals. As a hunter and a fisherman, every single bit of meat I consume, I caught for myself.

We're the dominant species. Why can't everyone see this? I probably won't not have animal in my diet until they're able to culture it and mass produce that.

That is not needless cruelty towards an animal.

>a literal turkey shoot and no one took advantage of the free food

There's some smart animals out there. Pigs and dogs are essentially on the same level

animals are property

they don't have rights

Do some research, it's not like what I said is outrageous. Psychopaths lack the ability to fear, you really think such an attribute is not exploitable in certain professions where you are putting your life at risk?

souls arent a real thing bud, we dont have them either

How are you not in jail yet?

Bug lives do matter, not to the retarded extent of what you're spouting but they're an important part of the food chain that would and will destroy the balance of the ecosystem if companies like Monsanto continue to use neonicotinoids to pollute the soil.

I don't believe in senseless beating of animals because it's kind of a dick move to pick on a being lower than yourself unless they picked on you first.

Not PETA-tier animal rights though.

If a human were to play in traffic they would be sent to jail. No one gives a shit when animals do it. So animals have no rights.

Humans are at the top of the food chain. We eat meat, we enjoy meat. Animals should not be subject to our cruelty though. If you kill an animal, you do it as quickly, and as efficiently as possible to minimize the animal's suffering.

If you kill animals to watch them suffer, I hope you suffer in hell because you're more than likely going to do the same to humans at some point and both make you scum of the earth.

Can't catch this goy.

>If you kill animals to watch them suffer, I hope you suffer in hell
Fuck off /peta/

Meat is unsustainable with the rate shitskins reproduce

>already drives slow
>still hits it

people like this shouldnt have a fucking drivers license
not to mention they shouldnt even have such a car in the first place

Its not even our national animal.

We see them as pests.

>get fucked in the ass at work because wage salve
>hit your dog who is your only friend and would most likely die for you

yeah guess u have to be a spaniard to defend this

Why don't you go set a cat on fire you faggot

My city is full of peafowl

They don't damage anything they are just loud

We are the caretakers and guardians of all life on this planet. We should treat all lesser forms of life with respect and solidarity. Except for wasps, they can get fucked.

>saving that evil monster

It is not my case, but people are just humans. They can make mistakes and lose their temper.

I don't see how in the context I made, the person kicking the dog would be a psychopath.

Isn't there a law in Germany where your suppose to keep driving even after you hit something?

as the most advanced species on our planet, it is our duty to protect all lesser beings

It's illegal to kill wild chickens here.

>Says the Sup Forumsack after 48h of nonstop nigger hating and race baiting

>I don't see how in the context I made, the person kicking the dog would be a psychopath.
Do you feel bad when you see people getting killed or hurt?