What would I pass off as in your fine nation?

What would I pass off as in your fine nation?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you take off the hat, just some old guy with a good beard.
With the hat, a terrorist.

pure southern european genes

When I was in Iran, everyone thought I was a local and tried speaking Farsi with me.

British :)

If them try to sell me carpets and fake gold then yes, he can pass

some asshole from middle east

I feel like old people and women pass more easily as other ethnicities. It's only men who are instantly stereotyped..

Just a regular old guy, but you have to get a change of dress



Too wh*te

read the question you idiot

read the question you idiot

"mêêêêêh mêêêêh" [unzipping sound, shuffling noises] "mêêêÊÊÊÊÊ-êêÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊH" *slosh* *slosh* *slosh* "MÊÊHÊÊHÊÊÊÊÊË" "râââââh!" *plop* [zipping sound] "mêêêêêêêêh mêêêêh"




Oh sorry. We call them "tokseh jual karpet". We have quite a number of Pakis that synanymous with selling carpets. Also tabligh people.

If we were talking about the guy with the black coat to the left I would say the nose would give him away as a foreigner but the old man could easily pass here with a change of clothes. Make what you want of that.

what if he's afghani?


>tfw "moortugal" is not a meme

moors were black

Doesn't matter, people can't differentiate. Can this girl pass off as a local in Pakistan? Her family is Paki/Malay.


sure, as some islamabadi brat but not to me,I'd think she's half chinese

A maghrebi


A 7-11 franchise owner.

Moors were white and based.
Al-Andalus was white.

Lynch mob target :)

Hello my fellow liquor enthusiast

pashtun superhuman

How relevant is English in Pakistan? I know that it has an official status, but do many people speak it? Also - how many people really speak Urdu? I remember that it's native for only about 7% of Pakistanis, more or less.

everyone speaks urdu, its only a mother tounge to few. 50% of the people speak english at a basic level
