Will Americans ever recover from this?

Will Americans ever recover from this?

Why should I care what some Swedish heretic says?

Based Varg.

only Sup Forums cares

He's on welfare isn't he?
Kind of pathetic

>not the neo jew


Looks like a bag full of sand is laying on that chair. Scary to think this is (was?) a living person...

I bet he thought that was witty

He wants the system to collapse and dislikes modernity, so naturally he has no qualms about taking money from the state and giving nothing in return.

The state is only a intermediary, he's really just taking money from successful people. More people on welfare the more taxes are raised and the more successful people must pay

That was pretty witty. Puns are the pinnacle of humour.

>he's really just taking money from successful people
The sort of people who are only successful because they take money from those poorer.

He doesn't like the "succesful" people either.

The guy believes that the vast majority of humanity will die in the near future due to a total societal collapse. Not only that but he actually welcomes this and believes it will increase the quality of humanity. As far as I know he's basically advocating for neotribalism. Due to these beliefs not only does he have no qualms about taking money from "successful" people, he doesn't believe them to be successful or useful in the first place.

go back to Sup Forums

If you think that the rich are only those who steal and oppress the poor your just another bitter plebe, totally unaware of how the economy works. Rich people have or descend from people who had great value to society (doctors, lawyers, engineers, innovative businessmen, etc).

shartoids on suicide watch

*sniffs profusely*

>nobody mentioned dem trips

No, that's exactly fucking how our corporate infected global capitalism works. The rich don't get rich off the rich, they get rich off the poor.

>Rich people have or descend from people
That's inherited wealth and power. These people aren't successful, they're a parasitic caste who are entirely dependant upon beyond supported by the working class and the poor, being sustained by corrupt taxation and asset loopholes.
They have greater value being forced out of their homes and ill gotten wealth dispersed into public works and welfare.

不,這正是他媽的怎麼我們的企業感染的全球資本主義的作品。 富人不發財過富人,他們致富離差。

這是繼承財富和權力。 這些人都沒有成功,他們是寄生階層誰是完全依靠工人階級和窮人的支持以外,腐敗稅收和資產的漏洞得以持續。

>Rich people have or descend from people
>That's inherited wealth and power. These people aren't successful, they're a parasitic caste who are entirely dependant upon beyond supported by the working class and the poor, being sustained by corrupt taxation and asset loopholes.
>They have greater value being forced out of their homes and ill gotten wealth dispersed into public works and welfare.
The only problem with this is, that isn't the case for ALL rich people who do in fact contribute to economies in ways, and forcefully removing ALL rich people as you appear to suggest, can be quite damaging as history has shown

On the other hand I THINK the worlds nations with the highest standards of living are primarily capitalist nations (see: the West) but do correct me if I'm wrong

>Rich people have or descend from people who had great value to society (doctors, lawyers, engineers, innovative businessmen, etc).

Why am I not surprised. Fuck off commie scum

>swedish heretic

Eдинcтвeннaя пpoблeмa cocтoит в тoм, чтo этo нe тaк для вceх бoгaтых людeй, кoтopыe дeлaют нa caмoм дeлe cпocoбcтвyют экoнoмии в oтнoшeниях, и пpинyдитeльнoгo yдaлeния BCEХ бoгaтых людeй, кaк вы, кaжeтcя, пpeдпoлaгaют, мoжeт быть вecьмa paзpyшитeльными, кaк пoкaзaлa иcтopия

C дpyгoй cтopoны, я дyмaю, чтo миpы cтpaнa c caмым выcoким ypoвнeм жизни, в пepвyю oчepeдь кaпитaлиcтичecкиe cтpaны (cм: Зaпaд), нo пoпpaвьтe мeня, ecли я oшибaюcь


> Pyccкaя
Пoчeмy я нe yдивлeн. Oтвaли Commie нaкипь