Transgenders and their brains

Is there actual trustworthy scientific proof or research about whether or not transvestites "have a choice" or not?

Are they born with different wired brains or did they talk themselves into degeneracy?

Other urls found in this thread:

mental illness is not a choice, no...


Why would anyone want to be a tranny?
Their suicide rates are through the roof.

there are types of transgenderism where they don't experience gender dysphoria. this is what most of /r9k/ and tumblr has. the special snowflake kind

Why do you question this..???

Ms. Merkel will ve with you shortly

Because they're mentally ill you faggot

official statement is that its not considered mentally ill by the public anymore
Not that its not a mental illness. That wasn't the decision. Just that the public thinks it isn't so it isn't.
Which is rather odd since I think people do.

there's some evidence that they do have organic abnormalities, basically some regions of the brain (not all) that resemble those of the opposite sex. don't have the citation handy but i'll go look for it.

Certain regions of their brains are slightly feminized. That's it. The rest of it and the gray/white matter ratios are still distinctly masculine.

Saying they're women in mens' bodies is absurd.

People with schizophrenia have slightly different brain chemistry, doesn't mean that they're a fucking woman

Homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenders are a congenital events. Simple as that. I'll explain below.

Your sexual preference is determined during pregnancy when the pre-optic hypothalamus is being created. As soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, you'll be an XX or an XY, but there is also a development in the middle of the brain called the pre-optic hypothalamus. This forms during the 3rd-7th week of pregnancy. If this area grows with a missing amount of cells, they are asexual (that crazy aunt thats still single), if you have a few more cells you are bisexual. Certain parts of the hypothalamus can also receive over-development with too many cells and that drives a man to chase men, and if XX you will be a woman chasing woman. If developed completely even and normal you will be XY chasing women and XX chasing men. Its really that simple, its not a choice, we are driven by biology, and entirely responsible of the adult female during pregnancy to consume a diet high in absorbable (colloidal) mineral and vitamins, free of any over processed foods that would inhibit absorption of nutrition.

A good example of this is a deer that's a doe, but born with antlers. Its kind of like lady with a beard at the circus show kind of deal, the mother was missing a nutrient, or the soil was missing a nutrient where the animals were eating from. So you understand, plants take, for example, inorganic calcium molecules from the earth soil or rocks and take it up into the plant and absorb and transform it into colloidal minerals that then organisms can eat and metabolize for their bodies.

tl;dr - The only reason there are more fags today is because failing nutrition of mothers, the american diet in general, and specifically pre-natal nutrition during the 3rd-7th of pregnancy and this is provable.

Also praise kek. Sources below:


Nah, it goes like this

>if molested when child

>If not molested when child

Every gay person will tell you they were molested as a child, and they are just trying to recreate the event over and over when they are older.

>McDonalds turns people gay

yeah, I dont know if I can believe that but thanks

You're theory is incorrect. I know two gay people who are virgins and very kind, never experiencing any abuse. I would say in fact most gays are kinder people because they cannot be open wtih their feelings, leaving them more prone to self-judgment and more empathetic to others in return.

Woaah. I find that very problematic.

*adjusts dress and dick*


Tehehe, i'm a lady :^)

McDonalds food is generally more processed, which would leave it enzyme deficient and void of any critical nutrients. This is why the big hipster thing to do is organic juicing, there's a lot of nutrients in vegetables and fruits and people can recover their digestive system quite fast when given the real food. Although, you could probably just not be a fat undisciplined fuck and eat a salad once or twice a day and find a decent supplement too.

it depends

imo i think its people who dont get corrected paths in life, they spiral down the rabbit hole and come out of the closet which is the biggest mistake because now there is no turning back

Yes, it's caused by nueron pattern & amount in the BSTc area of the brain.

No, people that go on tumblr are transtrenders and are mostly hated because they make us look bad with "MUH 6 GORILLION GENDERS"

t. Degenerate faggot.


Is there a cookbook for couples who dont want their children to be gay? If not, lets make one

That's not quite right but molestation rates are much much higher for gays than for straights. There's clearly at least some environmental components combined with congenital/hormonal ones in determining poz levels.

That depends. 90% of modern trannies aren't actually trannies and eventually stop being one.

That said, dysphoria is a real thing among a small percentage of the population, and those legit ones don't have a choice.

It was forced into them by Jews, so not really a choice. But being being shabbos to the point of actually believing you are the opposite gender makes you a fucking retard.

Dysphoria is a mental disorder and should be treated like one.

They need to be cured. Feeding their disorder only tortures them.

>Dysphoria is a mental disorder and should be treated like one
Explain how you treat neuron amount and placement, plz.

If you would like a general guideline during pregnancy I would stay away from:

Fried Foods
Burnt Fats
Specifically GMO Corn
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Monosodium Glutamate
Sugar Loaded Beverages

And I would focus on:
(Do organic best as you can to avoid Glyphosates)
Soaked Nuts, Beans, Rice
Cultured food like Sauerkraut or Pickles

The probiotics in the cultured foods will tremendously help the stomach flora balance out itself against the bad bacteria inherently in all our stomach, freeing up the villi in our small intestine and allowing for maximum nutrient absorption of all the 60 minerals the body is required to have for natural fetal development.

Good luck user I hope if you know someone pregnant you can help them not produce faggots!

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Link me to the scientific papers on this.

The studies done on the brain of transgendered people were done with people after they had be on hormones for a while. It is a faulty argument if you take in account that the scientific evidence is simply not there. Transgender people are mentally ill. They usually suffer from dissociation and are avoidant.

those studies were done though by people who were already on hormone treatment. there's no evidence available on pretransition brains


Wow, did not expect a cogent response on Sup Forums. Bravo.

>Soaked Nuts

Except that they had one non-transgender person who had been on feminizing hormones for a medical treatment for years as part of the control and found no neuron differentiation in him.

>specifically GMO corn

So...all of it.

>not also focusing on free range grass fed meat and wild caught fish
How about you go fuck yourself

And even then it's just a few small oddities. Their brains are still structurally masculine in gray/white matter ratios and everything else that defines the sexes.


That's a good bet and better than factory raised shit. I'd just say eat it sparingly during pregnancy because the women and baby's body is very prone to the effects acidity when in fetal development. Its not like us guys who can just eat fucking 6 steak gyro's and move on with no problem except some stomach grumbles.

Good point tho. Go fuck yourself too nigger.


Bruh, did you even read your own source?

"Sexual differentiation to the human brain takes place much later than originally claimed. At birth the SDN contains only some 20% of the cells found at 2 to 4 years of age. The cell number rapidly increases in boys and girls at the same rate until 2 to 4 years of age. After that age period, a decrease in cell number takes place in girls, but not in boys. This causes the sexual differentiation of the SDN. This postnatal period of hypothalamic differentiation indicates that, in addition to genetic factors, a multitude of environmental and psychosocial factors may have profound influence on the sexual differentiation of the brain. No difference in SDN cell number was observed between homosexual and heterosexual men. This finding refutes Dörner's hypothesis that homosexual males have a "female" hypothalamus."

Like, what? Doesn't that almost completely refute half of what you stated in your comment? This is from the abstract in your first source, btw.

If it was just one then it is simply an outlier. All studies have them.

>Implying there is an ample abundance of people who had been on feminizing hormones that have donated their body to science
>implying there is a huge push to research this
It's one person that was there, it's not entirely proof in of itself but it's evidence that contradicts what you're claiming.

>Gender is a social construct
>Don't objectify women
>Trans adopt the most superficial aspects of a woman (long hair, breasts, wear skirts and heels).

Very interesting, thanks for the info. What about disorders like zoophilia?
Seems like im the only one with evidence either way.
>Regional Grey Matter Structure Differences between Transsexuals and Healthy Controls—A Voxel Based Morphometry Study

>Gender identity disorder (GID) refers to transsexual individuals who feel that their assigned biological gender is incongruent with their gender identity and this cannot be explained by any physical intersex condition. There is growing scientific interest in the last decades in studying the neuroanatomy and brain functions of transsexual individuals to better understand both the neuroanatomical features of transsexualism and the background of gender identity. So far, results are inconclusive but in general, transsexualism has been associated with a distinct neuroanatomical pattern. Studies mainly focused on male to female (MTF) transsexuals and there is scarcity of data acquired on female to male (FTM) transsexuals. Thus, our aim was to analyze structural MRI data with voxel based morphometry (VBM) obtained from both FTM and MTF transsexuals (n=17) and compare them to the data of 18 age matched healthy control subjects (both males and females). We found differences in the regional grey matter (GM) structure of transsexual compared with control subjects, independent from their biological gender, in the cerebellum, the left angular gyrus and in the left inferior parietal lobule. .... continued on page listed

>this one person at random was the outlier because I say so against all statistical probability.
Nice no true scotsman ya got there user.
If it was as cut and dry as you suggested, then it wouldn't be this way.

nice out dated term

Being a man in the west means mostly, that you are after young and thin fair skinned women. So if its not genes and its not learned, why are white men not flocking the black, the latino communities? Not going after the fats and the mediocre?

Sexual identity, sexual appearance and sexual desire is a complex matter. Since the most muricans are stupid as fuck, its like monkey having a talk about microwaves. No clue whatsoever and constantly feeling tested in your manhood is just embarrassing .

the study is from 2013. Getting triggered over the term gender identity disorder is pretty sad. Im a fucking tranny and the first one to tell you i have a brain disorder.

>can't adopt social constructs
Nah the argument is that because they believe them to be social constructs, there's no reason they can't adopt them.

>So if its not genes
>biology is only genes
>there are no such things as birth defects
If you had half a brain and were able to follow threads you would know another user already explained its 100% caused while the brain is developing in the womb.

Its really not that different from people who are born intersex with mismatched genetalia, but instead they are born with fucked up parts of their brain that affect their identity.


The soaked nuts, beans, and rice refers to removing Phytic Acid which is an anti-nutrient. What this person speaks is true.

Plants are living things that, for the most part, don't want to be eaten (fruit is an exception.) Plants try to make their seeds poisonous, even though they are dense with energy/nutrition, so soaking the seeds (mild form of fermentation) helps removes these natural poisons.

yeah it will be interesting when the paul allen brain institute is running at full gear.
we need to address issues now, like liberty for all.

Autogynephilia + Narcissism

Transexuals are just perverted heterosexual male deviants. It's like inverted heterosexuality, they get off to fantasizing themselves as feminine.

Have a choice to what? Choose what you like? Does what they like take precedence over anything? Maybe the question needs to change.

>i have no evidence and the only thing il ever be able to show is a study from the 70s by someone who had no actual evidence and has been thoroughly refuted 10000x.

Its actually not that hard to tell the difference between a crossdresser who does it because it is their fetish and a tranny who has insane gender dysphoria that makes them extremely uncomfortable in their body.

The crossdresser has no trouble or problem swapping back and forth between their personas, where as someone with gender dyshphoria loathes their birth sex so much that it causes insane depression and suicide rates.

who cares if they have a choice or not? people dont choose to be depressed or schizophrenic either. its a mental problem, and dressing like a woman is not something people should be foced to accep, not is it a treatment.

Except the former is the bulk of transsexuals and the latter is fictional and only exist in fantasy.

>fictional and only exist in fantasy.
>i cant read at all: the post
iv quite literally already posted evidence to a study directly proving you wrong, would you like another one?

This study was torn to pieces in peer review due to having a very small sample size. Even the researchers who performed the study have walked away from their own work.

This man knows

>This study was torn to pieces in peer review due to having a very small sample size
citation required.


Autogynephilic in denial detected. There is no such thing as "authentic transsexuals". They are all perverts getting a thrill out viewing themselves in a feminine manner.

Citation required. I actually get 0 sexual satisfaction from dressing up and usually the only female clothes i wear are undergarments. Everything else i wear is usually pretty androgynous. Iv never worn a dress or a skirt, tank top, etc etc etc etc.

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you?

>a very small sample size
Well no shit because they're .04% of the population
>Even the researchers who performed the study have walked away from their own work
Even though there was another separate study with 42 individuals that had the same results?


Sometimes i want to get my brain scanned just to see if its female at all but i wonder if the fact iv been taking female hormones for almost 2 years would skew it.

There was a prior study out of Sweden that took into account the entire trans population of that country which found the suicide rate among that demographic was statistically giant. This study involving the entire population of that country is the same study most people cite when they talk about that gargantuan suicide rate among trans people.

What's the point in it? You do realize males were shaped by natural selection to be aggressive, strong, and intimidating in order to fight off competing males and survive long enough to reproduce. Females are shaped by natural selection to excellent at giving birth by having wide hips/pelvic and fat deposits to feed their placental offspring.

Stop using sexual dimorphism as your platform for narcissism.

>for narcissism
>this much projection
Despite the fact that i pretend to be a narcicist on the internet to be ironic, i actually have extremely low self esteem and huge anxiety issues from being treated like shit by my parents for all my life. I dont like my picture being taken ever, i dont have a facebook, you cant find me by googling me, i dont have a tumblr etc etc etc.

I mean i know objectively im not ugly since guys always hit on me but fucking dysphoria totally warps your self perception and its really hard for me to not hate myself

You can also see clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and many other disorders from those scan.

Get ready this is going to be our future /pol, the plan is ready , we all going to be Feminized

Really? i know i have some kind of severe anxiety issues from when they took out a tumor in my neck and had to sever parts of my sympathetic nervous system. I wonder if that would show up in a brain scan.
Fuck it, i wanna know how fucked up my brain is.

There was a book at my library that I tried to check out, Galileo's Middle Finger, which covered how liberals thwart scientific research that doesn't agree with the politics/social views, trannies and their allies are apparently the worst offenders. I never got to read it because not ironically some liberal feminist checked it out and refused to return it because she didn't want people to read right wing propaganda.

It would slightly. Most of these studies that scan MTF's to see whether or not their brains are male or female have been on hormones for a while by the time they make the determination that they have a "female brain"

It doesn't matter, expressing degeneracy is still expressing degeneracy. It MUST be repressed.

There was an experiemnt conducted in the 70s, where they found out, that e.g. homosexuals have a disorder in a certain part of their brains. This malfunction causes them to feel repulsed by the opposite sex. They even cured a human test subject by implating a diode in his brain and stimpulating a certain area of his brain.

So yes everyone who is not heterosexual has a mental disorder which can be treated and cured.

>Anatomical and Functional Findings in Female-to-Male Transsexuals: Testing a New Hypothesis.

>MRI of functional connectivity, cortical thickness, surface area, and gray matter volume was carried out in 28 female-to-male transsexuals (FtM-TR) and 68 cis-sexual controls (34 male). FtM-TR displayed thicker mid-frontal, precuneal-parietal, and lingual cortex than both male and female controls, whereas, in regions with reported anatomical sex differences among the controls, FtM-TR followed patterns of the gender assigned at their birth. FtM-TR also displayed weaker functional connections from the pregenual anterior cingulate to the insular cortex, and the temporo parietal junction compared with both control groups. Distinct structural and functional pattern in the own-body image network may represent biological markers for the dysphoric own-body perception in transgender individuals.

Trannies (at least mtf) show signs of schizophrenia on brain scans.


LOL. I've noticed that too. How are liberals so smug about science when it comes to climate change, Darwinian evolution, or medical research, but so distant when it comes to research about transexuals or the unique psychological differences between men and women?

google it. too drunk at moment. on second thought don't use google. theyve picked a side in this debate.

Can't believe the amount of ignorance in this thread. There are plenty of trans women who look exactly like men, who aren't on hormones, etc. Brain differences don't mean anything because no one gets a brain scan to access transition. In fact transition is backsliding and the big political push right now is that you DON'T have to get your dick inverted to be a legal female.

Trans people will even admit online that they lie to their therapists about having dysphoria, so that's hardly a legit criteria. A lot of them don't even want to fully transition, but just say "women have penises too! women have beards too!" and have everyone accept that.

Stop taking anything they say seriously. The BEST conclusion is that they're mentally ill, and they want you to fuck them while you call yourself straight.

>schizophrenia on brain scans.
The study literally doesnt mention schizophrenia once.

>. Distinct structural and functional pattern in the own-body image network may represent biological markers for the dysphoric own-body perception in transgender individuals.

Dysphoria and schizophrenia are not even remotely related

There's one study that showed a structural difference in a tiny portion of male and female brains the function of which is unknown, probably nothing. It found that transvestites brains resembled the brains of their pretend gender rather than the biological reality. The sample size for that survey was ludicrously low, though. Something like 6 individuals were examined.

But that doesn't stop transvestites from seizing anything they can find in a futile attempt to gain legitimacy.

>Can't believe the amount of ignorance in this thread

Go be a science denier somwhere else. Tumblr would love you

That is homosexual propaganda which is utterly unsupported by any fact or research.

>google it. too drunk at moment.
Piss off then.

>utterly unsupported by any fact or research.

Do you want more?

>The study literally doesnt mention schizophrenia once.

>FtM-TR also displayed weaker functional connections from the pregenual anterior cingulate to the insular cortex, and the temporo parietal junction compared with both control groups

>Dysphoria and schizophrenia are not even remotely related
You're right. But those scans that are touted by proponents of mutilation can pick up on both of these disorders. That's the point.

>Piss off
I'm getting there bro.

>Trans people will even admit online that they lie to their therapists about having dysphoria

When you can go to an informed consent clinic and not even have to speak to a therapist?

>Is there actual trustworthy scientific proof or research about whether or not transvestites "have a choice" or not?

No. All studies have their own agendas.

However, "Medical Mutilation" because someone wants to be a "little girl" should be illegal until they -actually- -can- give you a female face and body. And you should have to pay for that yourself.

i believe there have been tests done on brains saved before hormone treatments. i may be wrong

This. As "degenerate" as it is. it's a mental illness so I don't really hold it against them. It must be a total fucked situation for them, which is probably why suicide rates are so high.

yeah idk who this person thinks they are fooling. I had a doctor ask me about 1000 questions and then i had to read over and sign about 20 pages before i was allowed to start hormones. He also contacted a few of my references to see what they thought about my dysphoria.

/lgbt/ calls them gatekeepers for a reason, the same reason most of them self medicate.

>But those scans that are touted by proponents of mutilation can pick up on both of these disorders. That's the point
What the hell are you saying, nigger?

I've never wanted to kill myself because I wanted to be a gril, your point?

Iv wanted to kill myself because of dysphoria. I was suicidal just the other day because i ran out of hormones for 3 days. Shit is fucking crazy and i cant wait for them to find a way to prevent it from happening to anyone in the future.