Hey guys what do you think about this news and Macron ?

Hey guys what do you think about this news and Macron ?

Anglo speakers are afraid ?


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Good luck with that

Thanks bro.

Even for Jupiter himself it's impossible

I will stop this
Paris has already fallen to my vile goblin magic

Let me explain
>Goys lets make French the langua franca
>Oh look we now have billions more brown people to import
>Lets give them appartments in paris

Populism for autists who want muh 19th century back.

I just wanna point out you had to post this in English. Think about that.

god you're fucking retarded

i try to forget that french is my mothertongue, i never speak it outside of my home

He's like 200 years later for that.

>vowing an imperialistic agenda
hey that's not very politically correct

even swahilli or lingala would be better than fucking french. it's full of homophones and it sounds ridiculous. lireral babble

How so? All I pointed out is that he had to post about France's future efforts to push french in English.

On the internet most things are in English. Most of pop culture is in English. Most people learn English because it is one of the more likely languages everyone knows at least a little of.



Chinese is the next global lingua franca. Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded

Fuck that, English is the easiest language in the world, while French is hard and boring to learn.

>French is hard
I never expect to read this from an Italian

ew. forgot to say it sounds pompous and stressing the last syllable is irritating. also the writing system, jesus why can't you write like you speak like we do

Fuck French, disgusting ass overrated language.

Only possible if the US collapses and a Francophone superpower replaces it which is pretty much impossible.

"Italian" from south tyrol

>Only possible if the US collapses

Look at me

Can't but admire his ambition.

Are you guys going to continue dumbing down the language to make it easier for your new French-learning friends, like last year with the whole #JeSuisCircumflex shishow again?

I only see a clown tyrant.

It will happen
But he will have nothing to do with it
The new French will be the dominant people and in turn language

I look forward to seeing a new French as leader of France

It isn't an improvement on English.

It is hard to learn to spell just from hearing the words and it's hard to learn how to pronounce the words just from reading them on paper, kinda like English. I like phonetic spelling.

It is also hard to learn to handle all the ways the verbs change according to who is acting the verb out, like in other latin languages.

Either keep English, or adopt Portuguese, Spanish or Italian.

It took me 9 fucking years to learn this preschooler english I use and english is some primitive oogaah boogahh language.

I am a failure at learning languages just stop it.

>It is hard to learn

If I understood you say that people are dumb ?

It will only happen if the West collapses and all the former French colonies in Africa rule the world with their ballooning populations

English spelling is shitty and inconsistent though

I'm saying that some languages are easier to learn than others.

Finnish for instance, is terrifying.

Italian is pretty easy to grasp if you are a romance speaker already and, if you aren't, at least it is easy to learn to spell, write and pronounce the words (there is a more coherent logical connection between spoken speech and written speech).

Agreed, same reason Mandarin will never overtake English even if China becomes a superpower (that and the fucking writing).

>ever being number one
>need to learn a bajillion verb endings

try again sweetie

this is honestly just sad

It is, but so is French. Changing to french wouldn't solve any problems, it just would be a waste of time and money for the people that already learned English because of it's lingua franca status.

This is your brain on Sup Forums.

>Anglo speakers are afraid ?
Well, given they have overblown the little quote they took out of its context, yes.

Either afraid or desperate because Britain is going down the shitter.

aye gaan then France go for it, wee what happens

>politician makes empty promises and platitudes to garner positive sentiment and future votes

not really, I don't know much about the French language but I'm sure it's less of a clusterfuck than English

this though

I never heard Hollande, or any former president say this.

>It will only happen if the West collapses and all the former French colonies in Africa rule the world with their ballooning populations

Macron doesn't sound that unreasonable anymore.

the ruskie literally described Sup Forums though

and? they said their own and this is his new one

good luck lol

I've read the article, it is actually about helping the continent, not about their language. the headline is just a clickbait.

i already took two years of french so i'll be laughing at my langlet peers

Macron is litteraly the best president we had since De Gaulle.

Don't remind me of that.It triggers me everytime

god you're fucking retarded

I'm ok with the proposal. Won't work out, but at least we'll start learning more than just English.

>britshit tabloid
What the fuck did you expect ?

Okay Chang

How can you be this illiterate?


French the next Lingua Franca ? Hell no. That language sounds gay as well and makes a lot of disgusting weird sounds. I would prefer German to French.

irish should be the sole language of all mankind

I'll be happy if the language survives even after the fall of the west.The sad thing is that I already know portuguese and english for speaking with niggers I don't need another language for that.

Je suis d'accord, mais qu'est-ce qu'il veut faire pour s'imposer?

Good luck with that.

only like a hundred at most, you're writing isn't any easier chang

But of the African countries going through a population explosion, Nigeria is at the forefront, and they speak English. So even that wouldn't put French ahead of English.

w-why hello there my true korean friend!

Conquérir l'Europe bien sûr

Renforcer les liens avec le continent africain en misant davantage sur le peuple et non seulement les dirigeants comme c’était le cas avant.

Actually, just 100.

>makes a lot of disgusting weird sounds.
>I would prefer German
Pick one.

>french radio stations keep getting fined for playing only english language music and no french language songs
he can't even keep it as the main language in his own country

That's why we should immediately stop those HIV-stopping charities in Africa.
Let them die of their own disease, or they will outlive us!

>Renforcer les liens avec le continent africain
Seulement ça? L'Afrique Francophone c'est complètement irrilevante au niveau mondial, je crois pas ça serait assez pour imposer le français comme lingua franca.

>Conquérir l'Europe bien sûr
Je suis de Rome et je n'ai rien à dire contre ça

In my country, German is considered to be the coolest language somehow. I never get why people dislike German language.

> TFW have spoken French, Russian, English and German for years now
> Everyone wonders why
> Literally did it for shits


Agree whole heartedly carry on mon empereur.

>L'Afrique Francophone c'est complètement irrilevante au niveau mondial, je crois pas ça serait assez pour imposer le français comme lingua franca.
Ceci pêh

Macron est un autiste qui vit dans un monde à part.

Would unironically learn french just to be set apart from the united states in bigger picture

Macron never said he wanted to make French the first language. I listened to the speech, he was saying how nice it is to have a language in common with the Africans. Then he said, almost joking, that maybe French would be the world tongue in the future thanks to African demography.
Of course English newspapers are striking again, searching the nice headline, even if they need to bend the truth in the process.

So all this discussion in this thread for nothing, that's sad.

Tu sous-estimes les pouvoirs des illuminatis.

What do French people think of Africans speaking their language? I know most Spanish people get butthurt when people associate Spanish with Latin American culture before their own. They don't even consider LA to be true Spanish.

Good I'm B1 in French and would like to put it to good use. Thanks based Macron

Trop Cool! Je suis niveau B1 en Francais et je voudrais l'utilizer plus frequentement. Merci Macron Basé

Honhonhonpill me on Macron, Frenchbros

>commenting on click bait titles, without reading paper

dire quelque chose d'une manière importante

*l'utiliser plus frequemment (you read it as if the "e" before the double m was an "a")
nani ?

Why are europeans so butthurt about Brexit?


It's over eubots. The eu is dying.


>if EU collapse we won't have to pay our debt

what kind of things should i be doing to encourage a jovian mode of thinking frenchlads

at the moment my thoughts aren't anywhere near complex enough and i want to be on MacGOD's level

I love French

>So all this discussion in this thread for nothing, that's sad
Sup Forums all day erry day

Kill yourself...

holy fuck

please include me in the screencap


Fuck the French """""language"""""
Finnish language should be the only international language

>They don't even consider LA to be true Spanish.

you dont even speak it yourself

>but I'm sure it's less of a clusterfuck than English
It's much more of a clusterfuck than english

Madman. Utter madman.

>0 replies

Good thread so far. My vote for a lingua franca. It has better specificity in a lot of cases and it deals with pronouns in a logical, musical way