What are right wingers like your cunt?

What are right wingers like your cunt?

Pic related. Inb4 muh Harper and moderate Cons, those guys might as well be neo libs

We don't have any real politicians. Some right wing professors created a community and they are dumb as rocks. USSR turds that need to die in fire. They are socialist shits .

Honestly Trudeau seems like the better leader most of the stuff he does in public like apologising to gays just seems to be a stunt to distract idiots but behind the scenes he gets real work done for Canadians.

Is the communist party still a thing?

They're alll businessmen and they use all the capitalist tools they can reach to please their voters.

Isn't weed banned in most communist countries?

Funny story: states that have legalized weed here in America have lower vote turnout among democrats lol. They literally get too stoned to vote.

In a weird way, legalizing weed helps republicans.

Communists often purge other communists. It's no surprise that they ban weed, not even communists want to face communist revolution.

>Communist Countries
Rural Albertans are the equivalent of West Virginians but with money. They don't think very hard beyond :everything I don't like is a communism attack by Liberals"

It's just that weed has a lot of single issue voters. Try to repeal legalization and I bet they'd turn out

Albertans are pretty nice people though. Not great thinkers by any means, but super friendly and welcoming.

Democrats vote with an intent to improve the country, Republicans vote to make sure Republicans are in power. Take a guess who is more likely to vote

I've never understood the whole "the war on drugs is about keeping the people from enlightenment and overthrowing the system *does massive bong rip* " argument

I mean if I was dictator (god forbid) I think legalising every drug under the sun would be the best way to undermine any resistance to my regime

You'd think that but he hasn't done fuck all in the 2 years he's been PM besides pander to minorities and send billions to terrorist groups with tax payer money. Oh and legalising weed bro. Am I just ignorant or has he done nothing for actual Canadian citizens i.e working class Canadians in the prairies, maritimes, Quebec, northern Ontario.

How do Albertans keep getting dumber every year since the oil crash?

Albertans have a stick up their ass but they're still better than people living in the big cities.

Hey damage control,cuckberta is a province with big cities too.

You know when I say the big cities I mean Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. Don't fucking play coy with me.

Both Calgary and Edmonton are burning tire fires compared to any of those cities.

Albertans are dum-

Albertans are poor ever since oil cra-

Toronto and Vancouver are just pure heaps of shit. Nothing in Canada is worse than them.

He's done the most important thing: make Trump happy. Consider that Mexico, the UK, and Australia are incapable of even getting that right.

Thank god for the NDP, they saved Alberta.

Keeping the American president happy pretty much comes with the job of pm. at least he's not screwing up relations with you guys.

Trump is so easy to flatter and impress. How does everyone fuck it up so badly?

Have you ever worked in a special ed class? Not everyone's cut out for that line of work.