ITT: Smug liberal logic

ITT: Smug liberal logic

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The term you are looking for is "smuggies"





I don't know why this has never been posted


am i doing it rite?


I wish there was more context to this video than a woman protesting Milo.

wow, they know about the "Bell"



>Guys I need pictures of strawman arguments because I can't even make my own strawmen!

lighten up user. have some fun
i like these strawman comics

You know these make you look insanely butt hurt right?

please post the nihilist one

Too verbose.


Man I'm fucking done wth Canada. You fucks have seriously done nothing of significance in this world. It's actually almost impressive how uniquely bland you are as a people.

Somehow rubbing shoulders with the greatest nation on earth has done nothing to raise your testosterone levels enough to make an impact, either good or bad. You're the beige of the global tapestry, totally in observable in ever way. Cum on my pancakes you fucking foster child.



>being this triggered to a fucking leaf


i gotchu famalam



>being this worthless in a land where worth has never been pursued.


thanks man




1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why they can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.







It's not even covert. Both sides of politics really boil down to the subjectives of responsible thinking. It's really all Jewish and engineered, but Liberalism as an ideal definitely buys into much more emotional thinking.
>Gives the filthy bottom class more booze money
>Affirmative action
Literally 0 financial reasoning for any of this. It comes down to being played like a fiddle and having your emotions get brought into it. I'm more of an advocate of abolishing welfare and having 90% of the global population work for a one world government for nothing more than food and water. Pretty much slavery. People on the bottom class only really use their free time and money to stupify themselves and decay their lifespan at a rapid rate. Slavery would do a lot of good for many people in all actuality. Saves them from drowning in the freedom of choice which literally seems to be a cause of insanity for the people of lesser genetics.



do any of you guys have the versions of this with the Australian and Canadian flags?

My first ever created just now. sorry if sucks.








it's too self aware, B/10

I am unapologetic about my support for Hillary.

My time in DC made me cynical as FUCK. I don't want a perfect candidate. I don't expect a perfect candidate. I EXPECT someone flawed, someone with the baggage and the scraped knees that come with the territory. Gentle, ego-less, altruistic people do not go into politics, especially not at this level. They don't.

I'm voting for POLICIES, and while I may not agree with Clinton's stance on EVERYTHING nor do I agree with EVERY vote she ever made or position she ever took in her long political career, she is 1,000,000 times more aligned with my world view than Donald Trump or any of the other crotchety nutcrackers wheeled out by the GOP.

Does it matter to me that she's a woman? Yes, to a degree. I would absolutely support a male candidate with similar policy positions, but the fact that Clinton has gotten this far despite the RELENTLESS bullshit thrown at her because she's a woman makes me feel GODDAMN DEFENSIVE about her. So, yes it matters to me.

When PAUL FUCKING MANAFORT blames CLINTON for Melania Trump's plagiarism and says that anytime Clinton feels "threatened by a woman" she tries to "take her down" and "demean" her because oh, well, you know how catty those WOMEN are... it makes me feel like I am going to BURST INTO FUCKING FLAMES. When the RNC is selling anti-Hillary buttons that say "2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts, left wing" ... I want to see these OLD RACIST SEXIST WHITE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKS lose. I want to see them lose to a WOMAN who is 10000 times smarter and tougher than they'll ever be.

So goddamn. Yes, I'm voting for Hillary, despite all of her flaws and screw ups.


It's hilarious how the occutards are all voting for Hillary, the anti-occupy candidate. These people truly are fucked in the head.


Yeah maybe youre right.

It should be more subtle.

It literally does.


>invented multiculturalism
>has done nothing for the world

Paaaleeeeese, check your privilege



when will the liberal nightmare end?

Remake that message in this style. Talking decapitated head is a bit silly.


2 hours in MS paint

>needing to disprove the existence of an arbitrary unprovable thing


Completely faulty logic.

There is absolutely no known correlation between race and happiness you stupid fuck.

>inb4 this is bait by a leaf
You're angry because you have to vote for Hillary
Chill out
Breathe, dude!
You're in the same abusive relationship I was in

it's less about disproving something and more about the fact that most atheists and scientists tend to hold on to the status quo and keep their minds shut to any other possibilities other than ones that support that status quo, much like a religion.

it's entirely possible that some kind of omnipotent being created our universe, there is just no way to know for sure. shutting out a possibility just because it can't be proven at the moment or goes against our existing body of knowledge is extremely foolish.

>inb4 invisible pink hippo etc

there is a correlation between race and crime rate however. Blacks and hispanics commit more crimes than whites and Asians

Your face needs a 12 gauge facial

cause its old as fuck

nice blog post, no one cares.

>it's entirely possible that some kind of omnipotent being created our universe

It's highly unlikely to the point where it's crazy to claim that it exists

>the Jews feat the Samurai

How is it unlikely?


in what way?

if a being is omnipotent, it could literally do anything, even set into motion the creation of every universe in existence

that is the joke.

TOP fucking kek this is a great one


All the muslim people who are considered smart and not actually subhuman are the ones integrated into western culture, and are 2nd or 3rd generation. Funny that, I wonder what the difference between terrorist muslims and 'ordinary' muslims could be?

The presence of civilised and until recently, reasonable western culture? Of course not. That would be preposterous. It must be because conservashits try to talk reason into us.. i mean say racist and dumb bigoted things. Fuck them trump supporters, they are literally hitler and the worst kind of people in the world. Lets destroy them and welcome barbaric hateful shitskins into the country our non-cuck ancestors worked so hard to build, that'll teach them racists who trigger those of a religion of peace into attacking us. Muhammed and his mates need more cucks like me to defend them, even though we don't know what we're talking about, and they hardly need fucking defending when 1 allah worshipper can take out a hundred white people single handedly.


Yeah except burden of proof isn't on the atheist m8



Police don't have tanks and aircraft you dolt



Worst use of the meme I've ever seen

well then who created that being? the idea of a god comes from humans not being able to answer the question about how the universe came to exist what they forget though is that if there is a god someone needs to have put it there too so who created god? another god?

because it's accurate and that enrages you, or...?



Underrated post

I'm going to start using this

Sure, if that had anything to do with anything.


No OWS supporter ever thought "let's just leave the experts to do their job"
