Credits will do fine

Credits will do fine.

They should have saved Qui-Gon's death for the next movie after he taught Obi-wan and Anakin

>big nose
>demands monetary compensation

what did lucas mean by this?

>Half the movie revolves around the Jedi not having enough money for a muffler bracket for their spaceship
Such a fucking terrible movie

Or combined them into one character, so Obi-Wan would actually have developed a relationship with Anakin, or had a purpose beyond making quips, inexplicably defeating Maul, and training Anakin? The only purpose for Obi-Wan was that there would be another person for the pseudo-protagonist to exchange thoughts, and that's really only necessary for the first part of the movie.

>training Anakin?
I should say, becoming Anakin's trainer, which only happens after the main conflict is resolved.

Yeah they should have kept Maul around as a recurring antagonist for Anakin to defeat and take his place at the Emperor's side.

Dooku shouldn't have been connected to Sheev but should have been mixed with Qui-Gon to help turn Anakin to the dark side.

>Yeah they should have kept Maul around as a recurring antagonist for Anakin to defeat and take his place at the Emperor's side.
That's a terrible idea because of how shitty Maul actually was, though maybe having a villain in his position might have worked.
>Dooku shouldn't have been connected to Sheev but should have been mixed with Qui-Gon to help turn Anakin to the dark side.
Sheev trying to turn Anakin over to the dark side was probably the best part of the prequels, so no, I don't think this is a good change either. You would also miss the poetry of Sheev replacing Dooku in the third movie when Sheev did the same thing in the third movie of the OT, with the significance of it being that Anakin killed the apprentice and Luke did not, foreshadowing, (in yet another way), how Anakin was different and worse than Luke.

Why didn't they just go to another junk dealer and use the mind trick to swap the credits for currency Watto would take

Or why didn't they just call up the republic and say "hey we need money other than credits"

Or why didn't Qui Gon just sneak in and steal the part

>what did Rowling mean?


>tfw this movie is still stupid as fuck but I have a strange nostalgic love for it after all these years

>lol Jedi mind tricks don't work on my specific alien race!
>prequel apologists will defend this

Sort of interested in how ProjectOrionII would answer this. Too bad I can't make it more than several second through his extremely specious reasoning and autism.

the Hutts cant get mind tricked in episode 6

George Lucas was telling us that Jews are too clever to fall for mind tricks

The Phantom Menace was redpilled as fuck

This was actually in in RotJ, too.

Truly an auteur ahead of his time

Correct, but not in the positive sense.

>durr mind tricks don't work on me because I'm a Jew

We knew that already

is that anything here that is not cgi?

I would think the stairs and some of the background is real. Actually, I'm pretty sure of it, and if they aren't, they're models.