It's ok to inflict harm on people because they have different views than you

>it's ok to inflict harm on people because they have different views than you
Is this really a good message?

alt-right seems to think so

Does it matter? People are going to hurt those who disagree with them regardless.


people having different views isn't even the main problem with this kind of violence. it's more of a believe of superiority because you propose that there's actually something like "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong" in a sense of morality. so it's not alone about defeating your opponent for the sake of it, but believing you're "in the right" in a cosmological way

>what happened to the Jews was bad
Hello Shlomo

I suppose that's true, but the way Rick and Morty encourages violence is just disgusting. What impact will this leave on future generations?

>it's a redditor misses the point of the end credit sequence which was basically mocking how the strong will always bully the weak
>forgetting that they beat up literally everybody including a guy with a leash on too tight on a dog
>it's literally pro-Sup Forums in how the strong (government, society etc) will step on the 'weak' (disillusioned with the status quo people) in order to get them to do what they want
>instead redditors use it to pretend Dan fucking Harmon, the guy who posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums regularly, is a liberal sjw

You guys need to stop.

Tim Heidecker - > 2984 St Gregory Rd Glendale CA 91206

Antifa seems to think so

I'm just trying to figure out why Rick cares. This a man who has literally committed genocide, and we're supposed to believe that somebody saying something mean about gay people triggered him?

Sounds like someone isn't part of the tolerant left



the world is tired of politically correct

>using reddit, Sup Forums, liberal and sjw in a post
no, you need to stop

>I get offended by a cartoon.
>Also, harm against The Westboro Baptist Church offends me.

People are starting to realize that being a moderate only leads to
stagnation, inefficiency, and degeneracy.
Such is the way of the world; it is a zero sum game. All those who are not with you are enemies.

I'm literally quoting what people have said in the dozens of threads with this .gif or the skinhead being beaten up .gif had said. The fact your reading comprehension is that of a 2 year old is not my fault.

Don't reply, we're done here. Alas, your autism will compel you to get the last word. But what can I expect? Autism sufferers cannot follow simple instructions either.

That's what the left does all the time.

The left is also pro-bullying, cyber-stalking, and all the other nasty shit that they don't like being done to them

>People are starting to realize that being a moderate only leads to
>stagnation, inefficiency, and degeneracy.

>The left is also pro-bullying, cyber-stalking,
Sup Forums is leftist?

Literally none. We already do that, have been doing that, and will continue to do that for the foreseeable future. How long have you been a human?


absolutely and its about fucking time

>what about them, they do it as well!
>it's only okay when we do it!

dude, i didn't even read your first after seeing that it started with mentioning reddit, just skimmed for Sup Forums and found it. quit being so obsessed with this shit

there is no "we"
you're talking about a fictional group of people you created in your mind to facilitate fictional scenarios in which you construe yourself as the victim for social gain.

What is being a moderate, other than a betrayer of ideals? There can be no compromise.

He's just bonding with his granddaughter

>it's ok to copypaste this same thread verbatim 10 times a day every day
Is this REALLY a good message?

>Believe might makes right
>"Bwahhh, stop oppressing me just because I believe Hitler did nothing wrong and that we should kill all Niggers"

nu-right everyone.

Your complaining about the people who protest soldiers funerals because they want to sue getting there dick pushed in?

>I look for messages about morality in adult cartoon about alcoholic goofy scientist
one episode he also made anatomical theme park inside of a homeless man and then blew him up with dynamite from the inside, do you think that was a message too?

Why did you edit the sign, OP?

If I said I wanted to get a taste of this show, would someone direct me toward a particular episode or set of episodes?
Every time it's posted here I would guess there is about a 90-10 split of people who say it's reddit-tier to those who enjoy it.

Where is it best to jump in for a sample?

>some people are gay, get over it
woo hoo, you go girl! tell em how it is!
>most people hate gays, get over it
oh no no no, quick call the supreme court I'm being RAPED

Why does the sign change to "God Hates You" instead of fags for a split second before it's obscured by the angle?

Imagine being a janitor on Sup Forums and having to be all like "damn, Sup Forums, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your porn threads and horrific disgusting BRAAAPposting. I would totally laugh at your forced memes, both my tripcode and my anonymous self." when all he really wants to do is delete the entire fucking board and redirect it to . Like seriously imagine having to do it for free while a BLACKED poster flaunts his thread in front of you, the "what's next for her career?"-posts barely concealing the off-topicness of Sup Forums, and just sit there, thread after thread, waifu after waifu, while spiderman says racist and anti-semetic things. Not only having to tolerate crab legs and cuckposting but Sup Forums's endless arguing about capeshit as everyone on says MARVEL BTFO and DAMN, HOW WILL DC *EVER* RECOVER?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and sift through the report queue deleting threads that make you want to kill yourself. You've been nothing but a hardass who curates forums and ensures high quality content your ENTIRE LIFE. You've never even seen anything this fucking repetitive before, and now you swear you can taste the reddit that's breaking out on the front page as Sup Forums continues to bathe in its own shit, smugly assured that you, the janitor, are enjoying the opportunity to DO IT FOR FREE and revel in Sup Forums's "contrarian" (for that is what it calls itself) memes, the memes it worked so hard on shitposting for years. And then a new pickle rick thread appears, and you know you could ban every single person on this board before the admins could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking janitor. You're not going to lose your future moderator status over this. Just bear it. Delete the rick and morty spam after three hours and bear it.

well it does indeed. Interesting catch, good eye

>act like a neo nazi shit
>cry victim when you get your shit stomped in


I think it's an edit, the original show didn't say fags.

>he uses comic book metaphors as a guiding tool in his life.
jesus christ, that's fucking sad.

>believing that neo-nazis actually exist
got some news for you, but first you have to switch off cnn

>...for maybe the hundred thousands!



Rick doesn't do things that are good.

of the top of my head, try Meeseeks and Destroy (1x05) Total Rickall (2x04). Anatomy Park (1x03)
those are some of the best episodes and give you good sample of the humor

i remember all those sci fi novels which presented a future with totalitarian religious institutions which held back progress. its funny to see that progress itself is regressive since it is an empty idea by which people can justify atrocity and control.

>it's a Sup Forums autistically overanalyzes a short one off sequence that isn't supposed to be taken seriously episode

They also beat up a guy who pulled his dog's leash too hard. Get over yourself OP

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Violence against animals we dislike for any reason is the reason we prospered. It is embedded within any natural person.

Only society attempts to reign in that desire to create slaves who won't enforce their force on others.

Society is a sham.

What are some good messages the show has given?

None. R&M is degenerate garbage for libcucks.

I don't follow. I was just pointing out the holocaust deaths were grossly inaccurate.


What did Dan Harmon mean by this?

kek, what does he actually say.

Because it TRIGGERED your autism, which has morphed from "the holocaust never happened" to "the numbers wee grossly exaggerated" over the years, actually backing down and meeting the "Jewish propaganda lords" half way.

I like how Dan Harmon openly admits to having autism and nobody thinks it affects this show.

This is a weird post, it doesn't make any sense or convey any information, and yet it's so clearly obvious you're trying extremely hard to sound superior. Sorry man.

it's not fucking Arthur, nobody making it gives a shit about messages. they just hate westboro baptist and thought it'd be fun to animate

I'm not even trying, but I'm sorry that you have a difficult time picking up on such things.

Autism is alpha so long as it's channeled properly

Falling for the ((())) lie that autism is an inhibitor

He's posting out the left's hypocrisy retard

>Roses are red
>For you i'd do anything

Id love to kill leftists if I wouldn't go to jail

>self proclaimed neo-nazi gets punched
/poltv/: Booo! Clearly violent leftists are the REAL nazis!
>anti-fa woman gets punched
/poltv/: Topkek xD equal left and rights amrite guys!!

Yes, radical groups are generally in favor of violence, glad we got that settled.

Rick has straight up murdered people and entire planets.

Yet Sup Forums fags are triggered by this shit.

Hell. He even uses super steroids on himself and his grandaughter. That is fucked up too.

fyi people in fiction do fucked up shit and we laugh at it

Seriously, Sup Forums constantly talks about gassing the kikes and day of the rope and all that shit but when lefties start threatening you with actual violence (and even then not on the same level) they cry like fucking babies and talk about how animalistic they are.

Sup Forums was a bunch of retards to begin with, but now they're also hypocrites.

>Sup Forums is one person

Sup Forums is pretty consistently authoritarian right.

>Sup Forums groups and holds all minorities responsible for the actions of other minorities
>gets offended when the actions of one Sup Forumstard is used to generalize Sup Forums as a whole

what episode is it from