What are some examples of Sup Forums approved literature and why are they relevant?

What are some examples of Sup Forums approved literature and why are they relevant?

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Also are we living in Brave New World or 1984?

This too from Evola. It's also worth watching this vid to get this book from an islamic point of view. It may point out some commonalities Sup Forums has with them. It makes a very convincing argument, but nothing is gospel, just let the cognitive dissonance take its course.



>dialectic of enlightenment
>negative dialectics
>one-dimensional man
>the art of loving
>discipline and punish
>killing rage (bell hooks)


Will happen in the coming decades.

A mixture of both, actually. It's doubly effective that way.


The Ego and His Own is a must.

Both, big brother has given us soma as a method of control

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius - Provides a good perspective on the world and teaches us how to respond to life

Anything by Plato, Aristotle

If you are a Christian I recommend: The Bible, Screwtape Letters, Confessions by Augustine, The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer, Everything by GK Chesterton, dostoevsky, tolstoy, kierkegaard and more

Currently I am reading "The Assassination complex" by jeremy scahill. It has a liberal slant at some points, but it is a good contemporary Sup Forums read because it digs into the nitty gritty of our drone program

>muh hippy self-help books with a fashy veneer

anything to feel special eh lads

>Anything by Plato, Aristotle

You can get both of their complete works in three books.

Literally only the third image has anything like that in it. Tell me how the others are in any way "hippy self-help books"

Fucking bongs. One rut down from leafs.

but that's a spook

>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

This. If there was one book I wish I had the fortitude and virtue to live by every day this would be it.

you gotta ride the tiger brah

Everything in this picture

>The acknowledgement of spooks is a spook

that's meta as fuck

The World of Odysseus is pretty redundant if you've read Ancient Greece and Hesiod's Theogony from that list.
>no Aristophanes

>no Aristophanes
Discard that.

What if acknowledging spooks as spook...is a spook?

I have never read Stimer, and thanks to this spook fagposting bullshit, I never will. I have deliberately cut him out of my curriculum, and I dismiss anything said by him out of hand, and look for an opinion that doesn't reek of /his/.

>What if acknowledging spooks as spook...is a spook?

but that's a spook

In all actuality he wouldn't have wanted you (or wouldn't have cared either way) to read his books anyways, egoism was HIS ideology.

That's an incredibly petulant outlook.

Do better.

Sidebar, does anybody have that quote about the black nuclear family not surviving the welfare state?

I would very much appreciate it thanks y'all

Well at the time the publications would have made him money. Plus sales might go to his family, which might have made him rest easier.

what order do you recommend reading Evola in? I recently read the first chapter of Ride the Tiger but felt like I was jumping on too early.

I'll do everyone here a solid.


Wow. Interest for this topic sure is brimming...

Who reads anyway amirite?

Can't recommend this enough.

Any Sup Forums worth their shit reads. The endless summer election year fags who have flooded the board dont

That's a lot of books

Some are pretty shitty.
Good overview though.

Don't make the black kids angry by some guy

Darren Wilson?




I've read Guenon's "Reign of Quantity" and had a blast.
Also, read Eric Hoffer's "True Believer"

I don't see Brave New World in there, or am I retarded?

lolbertarian "free"-trade myths busted

>not skipping Marcuse as a whole and going full Adorno with Minima Moralia


Thomas Sowell


it's a collection of nonfiction for learning m8



Foundations of the 19th century.

That's just the thing- the family was a spook. I also don't know if he still has surviving family in the first place.

Allan Bloom: The Closing of the American Mind

Is Plato redpilled, Sup Forums? Just ordered his complete works on Amazon.

Its hard to read though worth it. Anyway if u read Plato especially The Republic, u should read Aristotel's Politics too

Reading pic related right now, pretty interesting.

Yea I started on Ride the Tiger but was completely lost. Maybe I'm just not a philosophy fag.

Read the book depicted in op's pic then men among the ruins or 'Tiger'

Who gives a fuck if Sup Forums thinks its "redpilled"? Just read it if you want too.

Forgot to add...In fact the prologue of men among the ruins says to read 'Revolt' first since it gives a very solid historical context of his writings

Plato is a statist proto-fascist. DO YOU SUPPORT ME GETTING SHOT?

in spreading his ideas, Plato was willing to employ emotional appeals, state propaganda, and the use of force. Not to mention taking children away from their parents to be raised by the government, going as far as having everyone fuck each other so they don't know who their parents are, and can only perceive the government as a parent. Obscene collectivism.

reminder that Evola fucking hated American culture

But is o still one of the greatest book ever written. A must read, combined with Aristotel's critique.

Economix by Goodwin.