Sequel Storytimes:

Sequel Storytimes:

So, two sequels were finally announced.
And to these old, and real old, comic series.
The first is a take on the ol' Book of Revelation.
And the second is a tie-in to something ongoing...

This is-
American Jesus Book 1: Chosen
SuperCrooks Book 1: The Heist

And here we go...












































































This afterward gives an idea of how Millar will be portraying Jesus in the next installment.






The title has been changed twice.
While Millar was writing it last year it was titled
"The New Messiah"

And now it has been simply shortened to
"American Jesus: Messiah"

Alright, onward.
This is a series that was retroactively made a prequel to Jupiter's Legacy, and so I figured that the series would end there.

But nope.














