Definitive proof that new Simpsons is shit, it's not you getting older

Definitive proof that new Simpsons is shit, it's not you getting older.

The guy who's name is in blue is the director of the Simpsons of you didn't know.

This is from his AMA

Other urls found in this thread:

>The director of the simpsons dosn't get a simpson reference

I'm not sure if he's trolling, or just retarded.

Even Leddit called him out on his shit.

People in the thread said the same thing.

It's bad if he doesn't get the reference and it might be worse if this is him trying to be witty.


>autistic not-pick gets shot down

where do you fags come from

Do you have a link to the thread?

Reddit obviously

It's not a real nitpick. The scene described didn't genuinely happen. The entire post is actually a direct quote from the show and it is a joke.

It's not a real nit-pick, it's a quote from the show. The episode with the nerds

Reddit obviously
How else would he even know about this reddit post
Honestly, why are people so okay with others just starting threads with stuff ripped straight from Reddit?

>autistic not-pick gets shot down
>this user doesn't get the reference either
That's double hilarious

>This fucking thread

At least he's presumably not the director.

Here you go

Well in this case it's a direct source and not just regular old thievery.

Do we know that for certain?

This is why I say presumably.

i seriously hope this is b8

That guy has worked on The Simpsons since season fucking 2 and directed Last Exit to Springfield.

If he doesn't know some reference, it's probably because he's just one fucking director and not the creator of

dude read the thread, people ask him about that episode and he remembers most of it wrong.

maybe it's time to get a new guy

I guess what I'm saying is, did he EVER know?

He didn't direct that episode and his job is to work with the animation, not memorize the script or even remember the finer details once he's through with it.

Hell, the fucking voice actors often don't remember their lines past the recording stage. It literally is just a job for many of them, and while certain fans have made Simpsons their lifestyle many of the actual creators involved definitely haven't.

I mean, I agree that Simpsons sucks now, but I don't think one director not knowing some random quote is an indicator of that.

well, it's an extremely famous quote, it's not something that's a one off like say, "Eat my shorts, young man" or "Oh hallelujah, our problems are solved. We have banana bread."

Obviously hardcore fan favorite mini quotes from almost 30 years worth of material can be forgiven but the one in the OP is not one of those.

He's not a fucking nerd who devotes his life to the show. It's his job. Why would he know something like that?

I can't tell if he didn't know it or he's pretending to not know to ruse everyone on that page.

some people are passionate about their job

all his responses are like that in the thread

I've never once heard that quote in real life, and if you asked me to quote it without referring to the episode the only part I'd know by heart is the last line and maybe "magic xylophone." And I even like that episode. The only Simpsons quotes I've ever heard spoken are just shit everybody knows like characters' catchphrases.

And if this guy isn't part of the online Simpsons fan community, which he clearly isn't, and since he isn't a writer and wasn't involved with that episode in any way, I think it's incredibly likely he's never heard/seen it used out of context. If he saw the episode, it was close to 20 years ago by now.

I mean, maybe I'm the weirdo and people say that quote in full all the time IRL, but I think this him not knowing it is completely understandable and it's kind of dumb how on reddit people are being dicks to him for that. I've seen more people who were involved with The Simpsons in the past who DON'T remember what they worked on than those who do. Al Jean is one of those who would remember, and look what he's done with the show lately.

I just don't think recognizing quotes means much one way or the other.

people do not say the quote, at all, the quote is however highly referenced as the go to example of the basement dwelling hyper nerd.

This is the full quote

>Doug: In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

>Homer: I'll field that one. Let me ask *you* a question. Why would a grown man whose shirt says "Genius at Work" spend all of his time watching a children's cartoon show?

>[embarrassed pause]

>Doug: I withdraw my question.

>[starts eating a candy bar]

It especially rings true with Sup Forums of all places, that is why this is somewhat astonishing. If you've ever gone to any sort of convention Q&A, someone always starts out with their own version of this quote and then quickly backs off as a joke.

But that's my point; it seems he doesn't have an online presence and so wouldn't have encountered that quote on sites like Sup Forums or reddit. Simpsons is just his job, and his main concerns involve the look of the show and not trivia.

People dogpiling this guy for not getting their so funny 1000th copy-paste of someone else's joke literally are the nerds from the episode.

Also several of the Simpsons voice actors don't know the show too well either. Let's kill them all

Jesus, that reference isn't even from classic Simpsons!

What does 2F09 refer to? Season 2?

this has fuck all to do with an online community friendo, it has to do with pop culture and the Simpsons has permeated to public consciousness pretty thoroughly.

This highly referenced quote is something that most people, including yourself have at least a vague familiarity with.

It not even sort of clicking with him is distressing, there doesn't need to be fan community interaction just regular familiarity with the general audience of the animated medium.

I just don't know if some rando on the street who's seen the episode in the past would be immediately familiar with that quote. It's more online that it's quoted incessantly, particularly more in the past decade or so than when it actually aired.

Maybe it'd be interesting if he knew about the writing of the show as well as some fans, but I don't think that should be a requirement. Disappointing that most of the users would rather quote Simpsons at him than ask about what it was like behind the scenes directing the show for 26 years, and then bitch when he doesn't fit their TRUE FAN criteria (when it's a day job for him and not a fun hobby like it is for them). But that's the Simpsons fan way I guess, whatever.

This is going in circles; obviously we just have different points of view on whether this should mean anything at all.

true, but it is something within the animation industry that is quoted often as going to conventions can be errrr interesting to say the least.