Sup Forums BTFO by Steven Wilkos


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Yes, American Goyim cattle exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.

America belongs to anyone who wants freedom and liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I used to watch Steve Wilkos when I was bored. Remember when a 5 year old was locked in a room for like years. He flipped a table or something


Once you control the money creation business (Federal Reserve) you basically have access to an unlimited supply of credit, which you can use to purchase everything else of any value in society. The US is a Goyim state ruled by Satanic Jew oligarchy. The biggest symbol of slavery is the federal reserve note.

The guy's name is Jonathan Leibowitz, you dweeb.

Come on Anders, stop watching bull shit conspiracy videos on youtube.

You guys complain like "teh jews oh vey!" are taking over, when really, our standard of living has never been higher.

>some faggot says something that is trending in our current times and is on board with the trend of self hate
>just to get more publicity for himself

Fuck that guy.

Fuck that gay ass poem. It was written by a Jewish Marxist. Literally.

What's this from?

The Steven Wilkos show

Look at his eyes - you can literally see the hate for proud patriotism, as it would be a threat to Jewish parasitism.

I found the video, never have I want to punch johnny leeb in the fucking throat that much before. What a piece of shit.

I can practically hear the hissing, see his forked tongue, and scaly skin. He and his kind are our enemy.

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz had daddy issues so changed his name to Jon Stewart.
His father's name was Donald.
Jon Stewart hates Donald Trump.
Projection much?

*Steve Wilkos

Well meme'd friend

Also if Trump is a zionist like everyone likes to claim why do media jews absolutely fucking *hate* him? Leeb looks like he's legit about to have a heart attack the whole vid.

The man in OP's picture and responsible for the discussed quote is Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart. The comments were made on Steve Wilkos show.
But jew already knew that.

because the jews got their money on hilary

Lost his mask there for a second.

Hope Trump wins. But in if he wins there is a high chance of assassination.

But if he wins*

Yes this country doesn't belong to actual American citizens it actually belongs to a bunch of foreigners who don't even live here nor give a shit about American culture or society, thank you Jewish overlords

I don't remember that ever being ratified at the constitutional convention

I do remember the proviso that only white landowning males could vote, being agreed upon

Said the Palestinian to Jonathan Leibowitz.

i was with you guys. Then I saw the clip. Jon Stewart was on point faggots.