If Bruce Banner would have been in Captain America: Civil War...

If Bruce Banner would have been in Captain America: Civil War, which side would he be on and how would Hulk have affected the airport fight?

Bonus question:
MCU Hulk vs MCU Vision
How would this go down?

Well, given the government constantly trying to track him down and use him, Banner would probably tell Tony to fuck off, and if Steve tried to recruit him, he would also tell him to fuck off because he's not going to hulk out and cause a bunch of collateral damage because those two want to fight over who gets to decide who can use their power when.

Which would have been pretty awesome as far as the hulk being in a movie and being the one saying he's not getting involved in some stupid shit specifically because every time they throw down shit gets wrecked.

Cap's. Obviously. Why would Banner EVER want to relinquish himself to Thunderbolt Fucking Ross.

>given the government constantly trying to track him down and use him
Not just the Government, but SPECIFICALLY Secretary of State Thunderbolt Ross.

Rufallo has actually answered this question himself. He would be team iron man.

The guy who wants nothing more but to keep himself in check would probably go for the option that would keep him and others like him in check.
He wouldn't be team Iron Man though. He'd remove himself from the equation entirely. Which is what happened in the MCU.

Depends if Tony gets the chance to talk to him.
Bruce seems to be easilly manipulated by him.

>MCU Hulk vs MCU Vision

Vision would rip Hulk a new one. Fight would be over in a few seconds.

Isn't Hulk's strength unlimited as long as he can get angrier? Or MCU has different rules?

Hulk got beat by a bunch of space laser rifles and then again by giant Iron Man. Vision's beam is probably a hundred times stronger than those shitty Chitauri rifles and he's also likely stronger than Hulkbuster.

Vision is my only big complaint with Civil War. The cooking scene was cute but he felt like a non-entity in the film up until he accidentally shot Rhodey.

You can beat him before he reaches that point. Know how in the fighting game if you gain meter you can do some stuff, but If I beat you down before you gain enough meter it will not matter.


He was aiming at Falcon

Team Iron Man nominally, but he'd probably fuck off into space or something rather than work with Ross

Hulk smash, pretty much covers everything.

He'd support the idea of the Accords (i.e. superhumans having accountability) but he'd hate the idea of people like Thunderbolt Ross holding the reins of the process.

It's the same thing they do with all their heavy hitters. Only difference is this time it was complete inability to bother to do anything rather than him literally fucking off into magic land to go on a vision quest.

Hulk gets to stay because even if he's tiers above everyone else he's just a big punch green man rather than pure magic.

So mvc3 Phoenix

You understand.

Sure he was. He certainly didn't get confused because he can't tell black people apart.