Critical Thinking with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

Can you give me an intelligent argument against Dr. Dyson's position?

Note that fully I anticipate your Pavlovian response of image memes portraying FBI crime statistical distribution and your 13% but 50% of crime meme.

For one: Statistics are not FACTS. If they were, you'd be able to tell every outcome of a roll of dice. I encourage all of you to have a firm understanding of the differences between odds, chances, probability, and certainty before trying to argue on behalf of statistics.

Secondly: Don't be so quick to turn your brain off instead of considering the possibility that the cause of disproportionate black crime is the disproportionate PUNISHMENT of blacks as criminals. That is, if America were to TRULY punish whites with the same vigilance as blacks, would those statistics prove any different than they currently do?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's black.

Who better to understand intrinsically the plights of the American negro? Maybe if you'd actually watched the video instead of trying to lay claim on FPBP you'd see that he agrees with your crime statics, ironically.

Stop wasting your time here, OP. These cowardly faggots aren't smart enough to know how to argue their brainwashed racism with actual intelligence.

there is a C-SPAN 3!? Seriously, a third C-SPAN channel??

>97 out of 100 customers order coke
>3 out of 100 get Pepsi
>therefore coke is more popu-


Post relevant points or gtfo faggot

>1 in 1000 chance to win a raffle
>buy 999 tickets
>lose to the guy who bought just one
>"I encourage all of you to have a firm understanding of the differences between odds, chances, probability, and certainty before trying to argue on behalf of statistics."

>statistics aren't facts

This is the exercise in futility I mean, OP. Even after giving them obvious clues, these assholes will still argue vehemently without having the slightest inkling over what your position is, despite the fact that the subject in your vid is speaking plain English.

This faggot even wants you to explain it to him instead of using his own critical thinking skills
You're too smart for this place OP. Enjoy wasting your time!


White criminals are vastly smarter on average though. Even if this upstanding African-American scholar was correct, whites will never be caught at the same rate because they know how to evade capture.

In black neighborhoods where they gave decreased policing, crime goes up exponentially. Also, niggers are just more violent because they lack empathy. That's not something that can be taught

lost it when he quoted tupac

Argue "on behalf of" statistics?

>muh trayvon

lmao, this is what niggers consider an intelligent speech on race?

How do we call the current times? De-emancipation? Why the fuck can't people take responsibility for their own action anymore.

that's a lot of finely pronounced and sharply enunciated consciously extra-big likely pronounced words for the nigger.

I agree but with the caveat that the "smarter" you attribute to whites is entirely colloquial.

>implying statistics being wholly impartial are able to argue for themselves


>Statistics are not FACTS. If they were, you'd be able to tell every outcome of a roll of dice.

Are you retarded? Serious question.

Here's your answer

OP is obviously very well-versed and based on his video selection competent enough to argue his position. This is painfully obvious.

What's not so obvious is why he or she would waste their time flaunting their advantage over Sup Forums of all places.

Not even the remotest attempt to demonstrate cognitive reasoning. It's like you just gave-up and let OP trounce you by default.

This entire exercise is totally pointless. You already know the outcome, OP.

3.5 is the correct answer for that question.

Statistics are evidence to support facts.?
So, you're right nigger.
Now learn to critical think, truly.
Do niggers not realize that cops are just profiling pieces of shit because it works? If you actively went against the fact they profiled ala don't wear 420 colors, don't carry 420 on you, and give them the same level of respect you would want.

You destroyed your own argument.

> That is, if America were to TRULY punish whites with the same vigilance as blacks, would those statistics prove any different than they currently do?

That is how we know that 36% of the population commits 4,000 murders a year which is white males. While 6% of the population commits 3800 murders a year. You see white males are constantly found guilty of crime.

>Secondly: Don't be so quick to turn your brain off instead of considering the possibility that the cause of disproportionate black crime is the disproportionate PUNISHMENT of blacks as criminals. That is, if America were to TRULY punish whites with the same vigilance as blacks, would those statistics prove any different than they currently do?

Whites and blacks have the same law applied to them.

Apply Dyson's thinking to chimpanzees. Oh, if only we treated chimpanzees better, instead of locking them up in cages, they would be functioning in society just as well as humans. You can see the retardation.

We should expect whites to dislike blacks, anyway, if blacks truly are problematic for white societies. In the same way that whites would dislike chimpanzees if chimpanzees were allowed and expected to function in white societies.
So the question is: Is there a biological cause for black failure? And the answer is of course yes: it is mostly explained by IQ, which is largely biological.
Just as there is a biological cause for why chimpanzees cannot function in human society, there is a biological reason why blacks do not function as well in white society.

I do want to watch this video im at work and have no speakers.

What would you like to argue about? Im at work sitting across from the local projects where every single shooting except for ONE has happened in this town since the 60's. Before that there were only 4 shootings since the 20's when the town was built.

>we need to reduce penalties for drugs and bad behavior
But then talks how cameras are not in Chicago when blacks get killed by blacks.
What needs to be done is money punishment for drug offenses that are so high that their heads start to spin and whenever there are gangs on the street or any kind of people heaving like shit, they should be arrested and sleep in prison. If they don't learn it, then send them to camp where they learn discipline. They ain't going to learn to behave by having no supervision for their crime.

If you think blacks are targeted by the police because of racism and not because they commit more crime, check out victimization reports.

Im waiting for a response you faggot shill.

>statistics aren't facts
0/8 b8 m8

Are you saying people are not responsible for their actions and that really matters in the world are your feelings?

>Don't be so quick to turn your brain off instead of considering the possibility that the cause of disproportionate black crime is the disproportionate PUNISHMENT of blacks as criminals.
Except literally every victim survey reports attackers that match the arrest and incarceration rates. Try again bro.

>For one: Statistics are not FACTS. If they were, you'd be able to tell every outcome of a roll of dice.
is this what liberals tell themselves now? toplel

Why is he talking like a fucking idiot?

Does that fucking black cunt actually have anything to say?

>Statistics are not FACTS.

>I don't think the statistics count as evidence because you can draw conclusions I don't like from them
>they commit crimes at a higher rate because they are unjustly punished when they commit crimes
>If you focused on arresting white criminals the stats would change

Why do retards post shit here and don't even bother to read what they're posting?

You don't get a (you)

The US of A has been waging a "War on Drugs" for 15+ years. It hasn't worked at all, just put billions in cartel's pockets. Every amateur president on Sup Forums calls any solution other than manly crime fighting and authority "cuck tier," likely because it involves treating brown people like humans and they don't subscribe to that thar.

That's the simple answer to OP.

A video for a video:

Witness reporting of crime by race matches arrest rate by race.

See Color of Crime by American Renaissance

You really don't need statistics.
Drugs + prostitution + guns = chaos.
If you ever met a drug addict couple, the final result is always broken apartment, then you add prostitution and guns, there's really no need for statistics or anything. Ghettos are lacking punishment if anything. Drug addicts should be all arrested until they learn to not take drugs.

Also, in regards to statistics, read about Fuzzy Logic.
We've moved on nigger.

>Dr ERICtyle DYSfunctiON

Are you suggesting that if we legalize drugs then brown people will stop committing crime?

I've lived in the United States for 2 years.
In a 10% black city.
I've had 7 unpleasant encounters,
6 of those 7 were black.
And I'm Korean.

But what if we just take the guns away?

What about the 7th?

A homeless white meth-head couple tried stealing my backbag.


yeah stop right there moron

Then they survive, but the apartment you rent to drug addicts will still need to be renewed, since drug addicts shit and piss on flood, throw things around, 99% of all drug couples are like that. Guns only prevent them from killing each other or neighbours, which works here, but in USA you have so many illegal guns that it wouldn't work.

We all know thats not happening.

the moment drugs are legalized and tyrone can't make money dealing drugs he finds some other shit to do.

probably going to be armed robbery, pimpin, arms dealing, who knows what.

"You don't really need statistics."

Yeah but, you do. Assessing trends and diving the driving purposes behind societal ills is how you solve them. Treating the symptoms and not the problem by applying gratuitous force is not.

Point is moot, however, as the war on drugs was started to suppress the votes of black and brown people, as admitted by a top aide under Nixon. After Jim Crowe failed, mass incarceration was a natural progression.

African Americans tended towards lower socio-economic circles, which meant a higher tendency towards crime and drug use. After conviction, make felons unable to vote and let the public stigma against felons protect blatant marginalization.

>Don't turn your brain off
>consider the possibility that the cause of disproportionate black crime is the disproportionate PUNISHMENT of blacks as criminals
Pick one and only one.

>That is, if America were to TRULY punish whites with the same vigilance as blacks, would those statistics prove any different than they currently do?

My whole fucking country contradict this.

you can't just spit out statistics without giving them context. that's not an argument

not true check out poor people of other races crime trends vs black crime trends, black culture is toxic
Yes Alex I'd like to answer the question, what is harsher penalties for repeat offenders

You moron. So people are lying about who shot or raped them?? Why? Are you suggesting white people allow whites to shoot or rape each other without consequence?

Stop making excuses for savagery. The orcs are the same all over the world.

If you don't solve drugs, you can't solve prostitution or illegal gun trade. There might be occasional joins that aren't really anything special, but people who are constantly high are not in reality, they are dangerous, every society's priority should be to clean that first, before doing anything else related to crime. Of course there's a difference between some Mick Jagger taking cocain and having full transfusion than for example miserable ghetto hood rats doing drugs, but you see Brazil what happens when poor people do drugs.

Why do black people talk like they're doing slam poetry?

You're asking people to shut off their brains from threat assessment.

You're retarded, and corrupt. Asking people to bare the burden of risk, when it's not even themselves playing the game.

classical logical fallacy of requiring proof from the audience and not the person making the claim.

If you think black crime is high b/c of racist policing, YOU have to provide some evidence to test that assumption. It is not the job of the public to take your word for it. The burden of proof in on the person making the claim.

If you really think current crime statistics are being misinterpreted, find some evidence and present it.

>you're more likely to suffer a criminal act at the hands of a black guy than anyone else
>avoid black guys to reduce risk exposure
>"wow you guys don't understand anything!!!!"


It's not at all that whites aren't punished enough, it's that blacks are punished disproportionately. Systemic racial bias is not at all debatable. Most on Sup Forums cry >muh liberal bias

when the copious amount of studies supporting this are presented.

What your totemic creation of your concept liberal fails to include is our acknowledgement that cultural clashing is a huge issue, but that solving it is worth it, economically and socially.

>it's that blacks are punished disproportionately

Because they commit more crime.

>For one: Statistics are not FACTS. If they were, you'd be able to tell every outcome of a roll of dice.


are you saying black people should get away with crimes to make the statistics go down? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying. If you are wondering about why black people get harsher sentences on average see repeat offenders. You are blind to the fact this is a racial community that is toxic, period.

>Critical Thinking with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

>critical thinking
>with michael eric dyson


I can tell every outcome of infinite dice rolls

I am unapologetic about my support for Hillary.

My time in DC made me cynical as FUCK. I don't want a perfect candidate. I don't expect a perfect candidate. I EXPECT someone flawed, someone with the baggage and the scraped knees that come with the territory. Gentle, ego-less, altruistic people do not go into politics, especially not at this level. They don't.

I'm voting for POLICIES, and while I may not agree with Clinton's stance on EVERYTHING nor do I agree with EVERY vote she ever made or position she ever took in her long political career, she is 1,000,000 times more aligned with my world view than Donald Trump or any of the other crotchety nutcrackers wheeled out by the GOP.

Does it matter to me that she's a woman? Yes, to a degree. I would absolutely support a male candidate with similar policy positions, but the fact that Clinton has gotten this far despite the RELENTLESS bullshit thrown at her because she's a woman makes me feel GODDAMN DEFENSIVE about her. So, yes it matters to me.

When PAUL FUCKING MANAFORT blames CLINTON for Melania Trump's plagiarism and says that anytime Clinton feels "threatened by a woman" she tries to "take her down" and "demean" her because oh, well, you know how catty those WOMEN are... it makes me feel like I am going to BURST INTO FUCKING FLAMES. When the RNC is selling anti-Hillary buttons that say "2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts, left wing" ... I want to see these OLD RACIST SEXIST WHITE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKS lose. I want to see them lose to a WOMAN who is 10000 times smarter and tougher than they'll ever be.

So goddamn. Yes, I'm voting for Hillary, despite all of her flaws and screw ups.


>It's not at all that whites aren't punished enough, it's that blacks are punished disproportionately.

Do you mean "more blacks get incarcerated"

or "blacks are punished more for an equivalent crime than a white person"

It doesn't matter at all. Lock around the world, blacks and non-whites do more crime anyway everywhere. My cowardice country treat non-whites as pure little babies, yet they fill our prisons.

It would be best for America if cops and your justice system just let the blacks be for themselves. Just to see the numbers skyrocket more.

hush shill, go back to canada proxies, stop making the us look bad

You're comparing observations to predicted outcomes. These are not the same thing.

An observation is that blacks commit roughly 50% of homicides despite being only 12.6% of the population. A predicted outcome is that in a room equally full of whites and blacks with one murderer, the murderer is more likely to be black. Both fall under the umbrella of statistics, but they are not the same thing.

To frame it in the language you've used, we are CERTAIN that blacks have committed roughly 50% of homicides for the past several decades despite being under 13% of the population at all times. Based on this, we can say the ODDS, CHANCES, or PROBABILITY of an individual black person being a murderer is higher than that of an individual white person.

ODDS, CHANCES, and PROBABILITY do not determine CERTAINTY. But we are still CERTAIN about the homicide rates and we can still comment on this without reference to ODDS, CHANCES, or PROBABILITY.

This applies to other crimes and police responses as well. Police receive a disproportionate number of calls from minority dominated neighborhoods, leading to a disproportionate number of encounters with blacks.

No amount of sociology pseudo-science will erase facts. The "suspicions" to which blacks are subjected is not suspicion at all, it is a higher incidence of criminal activity to which we are CERTAIN leading to higher rates of encounter with law enforcement.

The greatest impediment to the improvement of a black life is the other blacks who surround them, not whites or law enforcement.

>implying sage
>post image
Sorry to tell you buddy, posting images cancels out the sage.

Link your studies. I'll wait.

I have no idea of the content of Dyson's speech because his diction makes me cringe so bad.

Nope. Try looking up Portugal's solution to the drug problem. Or the Dallas police chief's statement following the shooting there.

Dialogue between "toxic racial communities" and drug addicts exist all over the place. The ones unwilling to talk are those who believe other races are lesser and don't bother to challenge that perspective.

It pretty much always comes down to values, and everybody on Sup Forums has a boner for Hitler, so what else do we expect from the internet dungeon of amateur policy makers!

So you'd support a corrupt to the bone, ruthless, power hungry and yet unsuccesfull killer who lies as she breathes, compromised your national security like no other candidate before - on a level which would have gotten anyonne but her into prison and who said she greatly admires Angela Merkel who is also influenced by George Soros.

k... keep me posted.

I really wonder what amazing policies it could be that would make up for such a candidate.

But whatever, I guess ,it's just my country that will be dragged into the fallout of a new war or coup the Clinton administration will start and drown in refugees while you guys sit comfy behind the "Atlantic Wall".

It can't be disputed that African Americans are more likely to commit crimes. The dispute is over why and how to solve it. We've gone the authoritarian route of "arrest more" and it's made the drug problem worse and worsened race relations.

Alternative solutions don't stroke the authority boner Sup Forums has for punishing black and brown peeps so it'll never be popular sentiment here.

I hate to tell you but I'm not black, its not my problem if black people commit 50% of the murders because they mostly kill black people senpai, I simply don't care, they'll kill themselves before anyone else, you don't seem to understand that. I value western civilization and the values that gave rise to it, anyone is welcome as long as they adhere to those values, you do know there are black guys on pol right, they hate niggers too.

Commenting further on the video generally, the speaker provides no empirical evidence toward any of his conclusions. He provides the anecdotal evidence of himself, of the purported experiences of public figures who are black, and of people who are long deceased holding negative perceptions of blacks as humans. He further contends that the thought of white supremacy in black minds is the reason for black violence without evidence or logic. His entire speech is sophistry.

>It can't be disputed that African Americans are more likely to commit crimes.

>We've gone the authoritarian route of "arrest more"

I'm not sure you understand what authoritarian is. If they commit crimes more, arresting more is just a logical consequence and in no way disproportionate. Fuck are you talking about

But that wasn't an argument either.

>Systemic racial bias is not at all debatable.
It is debatable because it is not proven. Statistics do not support it. If there is system racial bias, show it to us.

Systemic bias only exists in the minds of the guilty and their supporters who believe other guilty parties are going unpunished without evidence.

its up to the black community to sort out their toxic gang/drug affiliated culture senpai, they aren't going to do it because some white guy told them to. I hate to tell you the "authoritarian route" you speak of is simply prosecuting people for crimes they commit.

Hey man, what is the problem is unsolvable? What if black men are simply more prone to commit crime, not because of some 'systematic bias' but because the way in which they evolved renders them more prone to violence? I think that you, as well as the speaker in the video you posted, are completely ignoring this as a possible contributor to the crime statistics.

If anything, the statistics reported by the FBI on the criminality of blacks is probably a vast understatement of the actual reflection in society. Having grown up in a "culturally enriched" part of town, I can positively tell you that reported crime is much lower than ACTUAL crime, as people are not willing to call the police every time their house is robbed, or they got beat up by Tyrone. They are more likely to retaliate directly, creating another unreported crime.

Nobody wants to call the police. The only time the police get involved is if they actually see something happen or someone dies, is seriously injured, or someone's property experiences massive damage. Those are unavoidable police entanglements.

As an adult, in white neighborhoods, if there is any kind of fight that is physical, robbery, etc, the police are called immediately.

Fuck you and your apologist propaganda for black criminality.

he means the latter

not true it's because black people have a higher percentage of repeat offenders, the laws are written so repeat offenders are more harshly punished


It's called "garbage-in, garbage-out".

What the video suggests is that statistics are not wrong, but the impetus behind those statics are flawed.

If statics are removed, one must consider that blacks may be disproportionally treated poorly as a people and are simply responding to said improper treatment.

OP's point is that of you aren't at least willing to consider this likelihood then it puts into question your cognitive reasoning. Perhaps there are romantic but flawed notions you stubbornly cling to. Therefore, you will never be able to perceive the flaws in your reasoning.

That goes especially knobs like this

see, this entire thread dipshit
are you disputing the validity of crime statistics reported by the fbi?
>you are

Arrests by race? Mass incarceration is an obvious reality. If what I posit is accurate then obviously blacks would be stopped and arrested more. Filter out non violent drug offenses and traffic violations and maybe we'd have a more accurate statistic to discuss.

Just the first couple off the ol' Google.

>including spics with Whites

are you saying that black people that engage in non violent drug offenses and traffic violations should be acquitted because they are black?

Here let me sum up Dyson's argument for Sup Forums

>Dr. Dyson's Position as follows:
>The poor performance in social economical outcomes found in black teens and young black adults is due to self-esteem issues that is created by how society(whites/uncle toms) perceive blacks in the present and thru out history, also the standards that we use in our education system also plays a huge role in the lowering of male black self-esteem.
>Due to having such poor self-esteem, young blacks engage in a sort of self-destructive behavior because sub-consciously they don't have any hope that they can achieve as much as other groups because they feel inferior in some inherent sense, since that is what society has told them.
>Dyson's solution to this problem is for whites and uncle toms to be sensitive in how they talk about issues regarding black men in this country and black culture. He also calls for the end of racial profiling, and schools changing their standards when it comes to education and disciplinary actions.

Okay, now make your rebuttal argument boys.

Try reading it again. Your supposition works only if one assumes blacks commit more crimes because they are black, and one ignores the history of suppression that drove them to lower socio-economic circles and thusly more crime.

Harsher penalties for repeat offenders are not derived from race. They are derived from repeating offenses. If a white, Latino, or Asian is a repeat offender, they are subject to the same harsher penalties.

Harsher penalties for repeat offenders came to exist after the mental institutions were emptied in the 50s and 60s at the behest of civil libertarians. Previously, someone who lived a life of repeated criminality was institutionalized in a mental hospital. Now that institutionalization for mental illness has been broadly deemed unethical unless the person is considered an immediate threat to human life, the same behavior results in longer prison sentences. Civil libertarians are once against upset.

People who are incapable of healthy coexistence with society cannot coexist with society. No alternative punishment and no amount of sophistry will correct that.

are you saying that black people need white people approval for self esteem? Fucking racist
> you are