Being religious in the 21st century with all of the scientific information available

>being religious in the 21st century with all of the scientific information available
i kek every time, youre not living in the middle ages where people had nothing to look forward to than just work on the field all day

Other urls found in this thread: TOC.htm

go to bed bulgaria, you're drunk

ringing all those bible citations that shown scientific discovers before any scientist discovered them.

i hope that was irony

You're speaking truth. I only praise the sun for spiritual purposes and to uncuck myself from judeo-christian morality, but I'm all about science.

Yeah this science is so great that's why they have to keep changing everything every few years. Everything you learnt in school is now considered outdated


It's because God knows how he made things, humans think they're smarter than God but they aren't.

That's why it's better than blind faith. Science doubts and corrects itself if it's wrong.

Religion is a load of nonsense.

Except Kek of course.


Amen /leafbrotherinChrist/

Science says this lizard was your ancestor

Only that much? Lmao, the bible has more than 1k pages, of course there would be some coincidence, how is it scientific that men and women are made of clay, or that there were only two people and then they ate from a magic apple tricked by a talking snake, how are people with wings scientific, how is the afterlife scientific, and so on, and so on

>he thinks science can ever be right
>doesn't know verificationism has been superseded and discredited by falsificationism


So you believe this lizard eventually turned into a mammal and eventually that mammal turned into an ape that can walk around upright and eventually turned Into you?
It's iust absolutely ridiculous here is zero logic behind it absolutely none at all.

lol keep worshipping science bitch

Good luck finding any """"truth"""" when it's designed to always disprove itself

I do. Stop being dumb.


That lizard turned into this thing

Science and religion are not mutually exclusive, especially considering that you didn't even bother narrowing down "religious" to the ideologies that are legitimately anti-science.

I'm work in the biology department at a major university and with the exception of one pissed off anti-theist and a legitimate autistic fellow everyone in my department is either religious or spiritual to some degree.

It's not even that difficult to be a person of science and a person of faith.

And then it turned into this rat for some reason

That's true.

And this fish too is your ancestor and you know what even the coelacanth is! But for some reason the coelacanth decided 400 million years ago it didn't need to evolve. Do you seriously believe all this crap?

Most of the things you quote werent meant to be taken literally.

In fact, the idea that the earth being created in just 7 literal days wasnt a thing until the late 18th and early 19th century revivalist movements started up. Prior to that it was seen mostly as a methaphor for a really big complex event.

>let there be light

Big bang

>earth was formless and void

Dust cloud coalescing, stars form, so does the planet earth around the sun so now you got earth and the heavens.

>covered in water

It was

>land emerges
>then aquatic life
>then land plants
>then land critters

Just like science shows it did.

Your body is primarily carbon and minerals, aka ashes and dirt if you want to bluntly simplify it.

Remarkably astute legend for people who didnt have science yet.

Stop with this dumb meme, I can't stand this dumb "the bible isn't real it's metaphorical" meme. It's not, it's a history book. Also God didn't crate the world in 7 days, nobody believe that it was 6 days.

how is evolution conflicting with christianity for you. you do know god could just make this reaction chain possible ?

I don't know about this lineage you are drawing here, but yeah I think the theory of evolution is sound.

Do you believe in the credo of a minor warrior god from the Canaanite pantheon followed by a semitic tribe in the Late Bronze Age?

>science: suspension of belief in the absense of proof
>religion: dogmatic belief regardless of what the evidence or lack thereof suggests

literally mutually exclusive, you can't call yourself a scientist if you are religious

I like the doublethink you guys try to pull off to seem "smart" and "current" but at the end of the day you are all still just intellectual cowards and hypocrites

Lol nice troll

Because God made us this way
I believe in the bible because I have common sense and don't believe in atheist, degenerate scientists who spout out mumbo jumbo so they can keep getting funding from the government.

Quran: Earth is an egg
Science then: Earth is a sphere
Science now: Earth is an imperfect sphere; egg shaped.

I'm not a troll, the bible isn't something to joke about.

You do know where Yahweh came from, right?

but theres no literal explenation of how god made us this way in the bible. stop fucking trolling.

So by your world view there are only two systems of belief?

Either 100% literal interpretation or athiesm?

Yeah, I remember being 16 too. Come back to Sup Forums when you hit your mid 20's after some life expierience and nueral development finishes up and you become capable of seeing things from a non-self centric viewpoint.

>strawmen then

Why do creationists exist? Wheres the beauty in God creating everything in an instant?


You're supposed to take the good parts literally and the crazy part figuratively

God made us in his image, does that mean he was a cell, then a fish, then a monkey? Stupid
I'm 23, and yes how can you call yourself a Christian and deny the bible?

There's nothing crazy about the bible

Well that's wrong for a lot of reasons.

Science deals with the physical and observable universe, so religion isn't within its realm of jurisdiction. Religion deals largely with value arguments about morality. When discussing value arguments you're having a philosophical discussion and no single objectively correct answer needs to be reached.

Which means that in regards to the physical and observable universe one can be a man of science, and in regards to the larger subjective questions one can be a man of faith. Science doesn't answer questions like "What is the purpose of my life?" and "How should a person treat others?" and anyone who tells you it does is ignorant. If you really believe that the purpose of your life as a human being can still be broken down into "produce offspring" then you're a massive underachiever.

It's not even doublethink. The more you observe the universe around you the more you realize how intricate and beautiful it is.

Are you that same cuck who got mad when I called Jesus a nigger? :D Bible is a joke dude
>Nothing crazy
Talking snakes not crazy?

read mere Christianity. you are taking it too literaly.

Stop dodging the question, son. Where did your god, Yahweh, came from?

I don't remember that but I would expect this type of behaviour from a drunkard degenerate Finn.

>not worshipping kek

Kekromancers will retake Isreal, the birth place of abarhamic memes, in the first krusade

I don't know, where did everything come from before the Big Bang happened? Did nothing just explode into something?

Again, you are demonstrating a lack of ability to view the world outside of your personal scope.

To you everything is either the exact way you are doing it, or it is incorrect.

At what point did I deny the bible, I mereley suggested that once a person quits trying to force it to fit thier opinions and politics that there is a remarkable truth underlaying there that is astounding for people who were only just starting to figure out what metal tools were.

But because it wasnt expressed in the way you would have expressed it matching your personal viewpoints you are now angry.

I stated that if broken down the creation story actually makes sense and matches up with what science can prove once the metaphoric aspect is removed.

>(((das juden)))

Alright but you still gotta answer me
>Talking snakes
>Talking donkeys
>Not crazy
Are you high?

I'm not the only creationist

He's eternal. He has always existed and always will exist. He didn't "come from" anywhere or anything because that implies (1) there was something before God and (2) God was created from something else.

Those 6s

So its crazy to believe in a god, but not to think youre the opposite gender of which you obviously arent?

This is why people dont give a fuck what you say.

Your the reason we die from aids put down your goddamn wikkan hippy bs spirituality and give us a goddamn cure

Maybe you're the crazy one for ignoring God and letting yourself into hell.


Atheists will call Christians idiots for literally interpreting he bible,
Then proceed to shit talk the bible because the literal interpretations don't make sense to them.

Literally idiots.

religion (in general) gives a basic moral standarts for people, some people need to "believe" to be a better person and get through tuff life time

That is heresy. False believers. But don't fret, the bible is a jewish lie to remove real spiritual knowledge and power from Gentiles.

Lol, it's not my fault the Jews created AIDS bro


Amen brother.

Why are you dodging the question???
You said that there's nothing crazy in the Bible. Are talking snakes and donkeys not crazy?

>there is nothing crazy about a book of jewish lies


Religious people are less evolved than Atheists. Atheists are pretty much a whole new species.

science promotes the suspension of belief and admission that IN THE ABSENCE OF OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE, the conclusion is unknown. So when there is are questions like "Does the norse god Loki really exist in the spiritual plane of Asgard" or "Does a character named Yahweh with such and such properties defined to be unobservable to us exist" or "what is the purpose of the universe, where did it come from?" then the answer is "I don't know"

If the answer is something subjective in the sense of dependent on someone's desires but still based in observable reality, like "how should a person treat others?" Then science CAN be useful in answering this because one needs to first determine what one wants, and then use science to ascertain as best as he can what the consequences of his actions are (for instance, does treating others in X way result in Y which is desirable to him? If so do it, if not, don't".

On the other hand, the religious approach to morality is often "do whatever these barbarians wrote thousands of years ago or you'll be tortured for eternity" and they do not look at the effects that following those behaviors has on their life, or if that is really what they want.

I never said anything about what I believe or if I believe there is a purpose to life.

>czechs flag

Not surprised. You heathens will burn just like the Germans you desperately try to emulate


You dumb motherfuckers. I'm talking about it in the historical and cultural sense. Do you know that Yahweh was part of a greater pantheon of Canaanite gods? And that that Canaanite pantheon was influenced by the Egyptian and Mesopotamian Gods? And that he was just a tribal god of shitty semitic shepherds?

I don't understand why you faggots think that science and Jesus have to be opposing forces. Maybe if you niggers would just accept that humans will never be understand everything, you could reach salvation.

being Cultured in the 21st century.
Christianity and science grew up together.

>they are not opposed, church even accepts big-bang/evolution.
mudslimes on the flip side....

Preaching the bible isn't shitposting
I didn't dodge it
Okay, ignore it we don't need morals it's all Jewish. Go cut your dick off, become a woman, marry your dog, do drugs, be a drunkard, masturbate constantly and get aids and drop dead. Wow so much fun I can see why so many people are atheists :D


Eat shit you commie faggot


So you admit it good NOW FIX IT

>The Christian British Empire
>Degenerate multi-kulti Scottish-Independence Britain


>blood is the source of life and health
british science at its best

If you need morals from a 2000 year old book just kill yourself bruh

>I didn't dodge it
You didn't answer it either. Here are your options:
A) talking snakes and talking donkeys is not crazy
B) talking snakes and talking donkeys is crazy

Please answer simply with either 'A' or 'B'

>youre not living in the middle ages
you are though, gypsyboy

im a christian who says you are an idiot for reading bible literally.

>German Science


>Did nothing just explode into something?
Matter is resting state of energy. This question is why we have particle accelerators that cross European borders. If god exists, he's the dankest sub-nuclear physicist ever, but to assume he exists is presumtuous.

Religion is useful for moral allegory and ethics, not for providing unfounded answers to geological and subatomic phenomena.

>But for some reason the coelacanth decided 400 million years ago it didn't need to evolve

It didn't decide. It just didn't get killed by something.

same tbqhwy

It's a myth that people believed the Earth was flat

THIS... scientists in Europe have known the Earth was a sphere AT LEAST since ancient Greece - long before Christianity.

Agnosticism is the only sensible choice desu.

There's enough of a case to disregard most established religious systems (the rest are neither provable nor deniable), but the jury is still out as to whether or not the universe was or was not created by what you could call God, so why commit one way or another without solid grounds to do so? How would it be possible for humans to scrutinize an omniscient being that would no doubt be impossible for us to understand in the first place?

Provided you choose to believe the universe exists beyond yourself, you can only really depend on what you can prove works within a reasonable level of doubt. Everything beyond that is just baseless speculation.

This is about the scientific consensus not about individual scientists

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of science.

Science only promotes the suspension of belief with regards to questions it is capable of answering. You are trying to force a scientific paradigm onto questions and philosophies that science does not deal with.

Science cannot answer or even begin to address the question "Does the Norse god Loki really exist on the spiritual plane of Asgard?" because there is no way to test it. As such, until a reasonable test or experiment could be performed, a reasonable scientist would simply say "I don't know, but I'm inclined to believe [x]".

So, religion comes down to someone's subjective experience. When I hear people talk about their small personal miracles, the fulfillment they find in prayer, and the joy they get from their religious community that's really all I need to justify my personal religious inclinations. And, by the way, all of those benefits are objectively observable in terms of relationships, quality of life, and character. Would that evidence hold up in a scientific test? No. But it doesn't have to because this isn't an issue addressed by a scientific paradigm.

Also, your attempt at breaking down all interpersonal interactions into a simple X/Y scenario is hilarious.


>egg shaped.

And...? I feel like you're trying to go somewhere with this but your just hitting a brick wall.

>youre not living in the middle ages

I'm also not living in a place where I have been deprived of seeing all the evidence I have seen.

>scientific consensus

It was never scientific consensus that the Earth was flat... IT'S A STUPID MYTH


religious? no?

spiritual? yes.

corporate mainstream science has its priest class and scripture, as well. TOC.htm