Does it bother anyone else people will shit on the Star Wars prequel trilogy for over reliance on CGI and green screen...

Does it bother anyone else people will shit on the Star Wars prequel trilogy for over reliance on CGI and green screen, but will praise modern movies, which rely on CGI and green screen. Feel like it's only because modern movies look pretty and the prequels had early 2000's effects.

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>but will praise modern movies, which rely on CGI and green screen.

There are reasons why Nolan films are amazing.

Also Mad Max is amazing, exactly BECAUSE of that.

Why the fuck would I care if theyre really in an airport or not if I cant tell?

Star wars was/is held up to a higher standard for some reason even though it's also product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control

It's not if it's convincing or not, it's that people are picky hypocrites. They'll get mad at the prequels for going from practical effects to computer, but modern movies construct entire scenes out of computer effects. And the prequels still get shit on for it despite it becoming commonplace

Stars Wars was held to a higher standard because a lot of the scenes in the original had practical effects and marvel never set their standard of being majority practical.

Does it bother anyone else adults will watch children's movies?

Thats just what I think, I'm not stating it as fact.

>modern movies aren't criticized as heavlily because the CGI is better
you cracked the code there you fucking retard

>Feel like it's only because modern movies look pretty and the prequels had early 2000's effects.
Because it is you fucking moron. It was an OVER-reliance because it didn't work. If you don't know it's there, which most of the people watching Civil War would not, then how could that possibly be an issue?

There's nothing inherently wrong with using CGI, provided you're doing it for a valid reason. That reason should not be because you didn't feel like driving to the airport.

Unless it's Blue's Clue kind of shit, nobody cares

Effects should serve the purposes of the story. In the prequels it's the other way around.

If you couldn't tell you need better glasses

The entire city in the Avengers was cgi too, who the fuck cares?

Also the prequels just fucking suck and the avengers movies are at worst passable as films so people are more likely to shittalk the prequels

Probably people who don't say "movie looks bad? who fucking cares maaaaaan!"

George, you were so devoted to teaching the world this lesson that you spent a trilogy hammering it in.

He used to know at one point... maybe he truly was just trying to help us, to show us the error of our ways. I doubt it.

I am just gonna be honest with you. For starters the original star wars movies had CGI but only where it was needed or where it would have not worked without it, the prequels used it fucking everywhere. You couldn't tell at first at the time because that used to look good but after watching the movies more than 1 time you realize that pretty much every scene has a CGI element or character and it just looks like complete dogshit. New movies use CGI but they don't use it for fucking everything, and these days it is acceptable because it actually looks good. George Lucas was just being some kind of old dipshit when he made the prequels because he fucked up big with the CGI it looks fucking grotesque.

I never noticed but maybe thats my fault because I was watching the fighting and shooting and not the fucking boring airport in the background

That's because of the Lucas "emperor has no clothes effect". When the prequels came out, people realized Lucas was not a good storyteller. He was a genius at world building and sfx but a piss poor director. It's like having your gf rub your balls the whole day, only to say she got a headache when you get home.

>He was a genius at world building

Have you ever read all of Lucas' original ideas for Star Wars?

The only reason this iconic universe exists is a few other artists around Lucas who basically gave all his shitty retarded ideas some editing or chopping.

If you're going to go out of your way to post on a movie board maybe you should really consider wearing corrective eyewear. You won't like shitty movies as much but when there is something good you'll be able to appreciate it more sincerely. Reckon you'll see it's a good trade off for not being half blind anymore.


CGI wasn't really an issue in the prequels, it was the inferior narrative, rigid characters and "where they came from" moments.

With all that as a problem, CGI everything doesn't help people accept star wars prequels.


Reddit comment but also correct. Limited CGI, VFX for composition but elements captured practically. The best kind of digital special effects.



That's not fucking fair, Star Wars came out in 1977 ofc there was no CGI. Star Wars was always about state of the art special effects, avoiding the newest most innovative technology would actually go against what the franchise was built for.

Meanwhile Iron Man had the best CGI people had ever seen in 2008. Nowadays, Marvel movies simply exist. Their CGI is average, nothing wows audiences the way movies like Avatar or Inception do, besides Dr. Strange.

how many posters like The Last Star Fighter. I do!

>Star Wars was always about state of the art special effects


Composited shots of real places are believable. CGI rendered backgrounds of alien worlds are not.

The prequel hate meme was carefully designed to delegitimize George Lucas and compel him to sell Star Wars to Disney.

Disney had always had its sights set on Industrial Light and Magic, since literally every film that comes out goes through their CGI factory. ILM comes part and parcel with Lucasfilm which gets you Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Willow, etc.

No, they're just bad movies.

Practical effects wouldn't have saved a movie with bad acting and writing.

It's BECAUSE they were bad movies that it worked.
Luckily Fox still has rights to the OT.