Using more loanwords is seen as intellectual by anglos

>Using more loanwords is seen as intellectual by anglos
Impossible to be forged

>Using fucking English loanwords to seem more smart

It's really not

>other countries use his country as garbage dump

>implying english has words that are not loaned

Diversity is our strength

>en masse
>a la
>etc, etc
Kill anyone who uses these "words."

>I'm en route to your apartment

It's seen as really pretentious

>using French words to describe English food to sound """"""""""educated"""""""""""'' like Creme Anglais

> Loan words FROM English

>75% of the english language isn't actually english

75% of the English language isn't used

At least it's not Japanese
and fucking

>Rendezvous at my house

what's that?

Sounds funny

top kek

we say onanisme in french

bit passe I agree

from onanism