Well Scott, you've done it again. Thrown away everything you worked for; your daughter, your freedom, the suit...

>Well Scott, you've done it again. Thrown away everything you worked for; your daughter, your freedom, the suit. And for what?

>I had to help Cap...he was very persuasive...

>What, what did he say that was so damn persuasive.

>W-well...he said a lot of stuff like uh...m...muh...bu...


>Muh Bucky

>Muh Bucky?! What the hell is that supposed to mean!

Other urls found in this thread:



Well that's what I thought, but apparently you're suppose to side with the guy who threw away his life because someone asked him to.


Why do I feel like this will end with Hank saying did you at least get a good shot in on stark?

Hell, Scott probably didn't want to do it but got forced into it by Hank once he heard that they'd be fucking with Tony.


FREEEEEDDOOOOMMM! BUCKKYYY FOR LIIFE. TONY STANK. Muh Bucky shouldn't have to take responsibility for his actions. Only Stank should.

>I dunno Pym, I just woke up to some nigger putting me in a van, okay? I thought I was being sold to sex slavery or something!


That I'd might get to punch a stark in the dick


Because that's exactly what he'd say.

Scott has no reason and no history of hating Stark though, that's Hank's problem.

And he only pulls out the "he said never trust a Stark" line after losing and getting thrown in the raft. What do you expect happens after you fight half the Avengers to allow a mass murder to escape? Has nothing to do with Tony being trustworthy or not.


>that's Hank's problem
Which is what I said.
Scott probably didn't want to do it.
Hank heard that Cap wanted him to work against Tony.
Hank goads him into it as a result.

Scott wasn't even supposed to fight tony. he was supposed to fight 5 winter soldiers.

you an see the crazy in his eyes.

I will never not crack the fuck up from watching this



He was literally called up because for all they knew some guy was about to get his hands on a super dangerous group of drone super soldiers who could ruin everything.


>Scott that makes no sense!
>I get it now.

I don't watch movie for redditors but why does this fag hates Stark so much?

muh copyright

Bad one-night stand

>movie for redditors

"Why didn't you give my suit wings, Hank?"

>Because Cap said he needed my help in stopping five super soldiers frozen in Siberia from waking up and taking over the world.


Why did they do it?

Like, shit, was there money left over they wanted to wast on something?

I imagine that expecting comments like yours would be reason enough to do it.

>They'll be asking the reasons forever

It's like the Tayne/Celery Man sketch. It's just absurdity.

>not watching the best ANTS video

Is Ant-Man still one of the best MCU movies?

I'm disappointed Yellowjacket got buttfucked to death by his own suit, but other than that it was great, especially Scott's friends