Suppose you're a 3rd worlder who's just won european citizenship, but you don't know anyone in Europe

Suppose you're a 3rd worlder who's just won european citizenship, but you don't know anyone in Europe

What would you do?

Find a nearby community of people from my home country to give me tips on integrating.

>pretend i’m muslim
>go to Sweden
>do whatever the fuck i want

Fuck a white girl and do 10 children with her

>be stuck in a segregated shithole outside Malmö

>pretend you are muslim
>collect welfare
>rape bitches
Live the dream.

Gtfo of my shithole and move to the UK, Sweden or Germany

Also, if somoene dares to use commom sense, call him a racist and sue him for all his money.

Meme aside but malmö is really that bad?

but at least i get to rape your woman freely because muhh diversity

Just move here with no money and claim you need help, duh
It's every other brown person's past time after all

>Find a nearby community of people from my home country to give me tips on integrating.
*Find a nearby community of refugees-welcome-NGOs to give me tips on integrating

What kind of third worlder? If I'm still Chinese I'd offer my boipucci to a hot Brit or German!

He most likely means someone from Africa or the Middle East

Finish my degree and apply to work for the European branch of a Brazilian(-owned) company then go from there.


That only works in the US

Depends on what standards you have but it's MUCH worse than other big Swedish cities like Stockholm or Gothenborg. Mainly because a big chunk of the immigrants go there. It's extremely segregated in Sweden like Stockholm having its segregated shitholes far outside the city where 99% of the immigrants live while only Sweden live in Stockholm and the suburbs surrounding it but Malmö is just overrun with them wherever you go. If you remove Malmö our GDP would go up you can say.

>just won
This isn't America.


I'm not OP.

It is possible to get an european citizenship on tribunal if you're at least 1/4 italian or portuguese. You just need a good lawyer, documents from your parent who came in some european diaspora and patience.

I know 3 guys who got the european citizenship.

>Learn the language (Italian on this case)
>Save money
>Move to italy

but you don't need to go to italy

Go get white women

>see if theres welfare
>if you cant get Jewish ngo housing and welfare stay home
If there were no welfare there would be no.immigration.

i have italian ancestors from colonial times
can i get a passport? :(

Nope, only if your ancestors were alive by 1861 when Italy became a country

I hate Europe their men aren't men, their women aren't women, nu males and feminists, but not everywhere Greece and Bulgaria are normal countries, but Paris and s 0/10, it's fag lands

So I'll sell this haha

Probably just stay at home

Set up a cell of accomplices. Recruit new members through online image boards. Execute the plan.


We give nationality to Goa Indians (born until 1961 and descendants) and East Timorense (born until 2002 and descendants) freely.

We probably give one to Macaense people plus they having a Macao Passport and a PRC one.
Plus to the Sephardic Jews with ancestry until 16th here in Iberia.

If I was you, I would fly to London and find a job. It's much easier to get set up as an English speaker and everyone's a foreigner so you will feel at home.

Why do they have a gommie star on their passport

>Plus to the Sephardic Jews with ancestry until 16th here in Iberia.


Because Italy is a republic founded on labor.

No wonder there are so many Indians in Lisbon

Reported for evading ban. Stop using my flag, chinko

That's the star of Italy, nothing to do with communism

Turn 360 degrees and walk back home.

That's different. They are Paki and Bengalis by other mean,

Those traitors that gave pt nationality to non portuguese/white will be first to get expelled sooner or later, then the invaders. It's written in the stars