Let's Do Some Subversion: BLM vs. (((Jews)))

I use (((Jews))) to refer to the liberal establishment Jews that seem to be everywhere on social media.

I say we make memes that expose Jewish tribalism to the BLM and SJW crowd. This should be easy because some already hate Jews, neither group believes in merit, and all of them are tribalistic for their own pet groups: for instance, blacks typically see themselves as the only true disadvantaged minority.

I recommend we just show how many Jews are in desirable companies, industries, and schools. The photo attached is an example, though it needs to be altered for blacks or SJWs specifically. The fact that Jews get Affirmative Action at several Ivy League schools is well known on the Right. It isn't on the left. Partially this is due to the Left not giving a fuck about merit, so our arguments don't translate to things they care about. They do care about things like proportionality though. So just showing that Jews are absurdly overrepresented is enough to convince blacks something is wrong and they (blacks) are of course the ones getting fucked. The same can be done for specific companies and industries where Jews are overrepresented.

The fact that White Men are a little overrepresented already gets a huge amount of attention. The fact that Jewish White Men are tremendously more overrepresented could get traction. Most people just see big numbers and go "OMG SOMETHINGS WRONG". So, the more simple our arguments the better. Jews being only 2.2% of the population should be in everything (Pew Research number).

(((Jews))) do a lot of organizing for SJW and BLM. Basically they are often the brains behind things. If we can create a split or just tension, that would be great.


That is how blacks and many SJWs think.
Keep things simple for them! It is easy to convince someone with a reasonably high math IQ that Jews get Affirmative Action at Harvard and other Ivy's. We don't need to do that to get SJWs and blacks to start attacking Jews. They give a fuck about merit and most of them suck at math.

>Jews get Affirmative Action at Harvard

You can read the entire article that is referenced in the picture. It attacks the issue from many angles. It is undeniable. The OP picture only gives one of the arguments, but it is a strong one.

Cal Tech is the only school that only uses objective measurements (tests, GPA, etc.) in admissions and it ends up with 6% Jews. Stanford, UC Berkeley, Dartmouth all end up with 10% Jews using holistic admissions (all are well rounded schools too). Almost the entire Ivy League has 25% Jews. Why the difference? Affirmative Action. It gets better. The one exception is Princeton who has 13% Jews. It actually dropped to around 10% and then a huge lobbying campaign from Jewish groups managed to raise it. Coincidence.

How many high achieving Jewish students are there? Unz gives a convincing argument that they are 6% of each graduating class, which just magically corresponds to how many Jewish students get admitted to the only school that only uses objective measures in admissions. Jews get Affirmative Action from Harvard just like Blacks do. Jews are 2.2% of the population, they are about 6% of high IQ students today, and maybe 10% of well rounded students (student body president, etc.). They sure as fuck don't comprise 25% of elite students. That is pure Affirmative Action.


>Unknown race

Gaan jy ook vir die EFF stem? ;)

SJWs already hate the jews because they shit all over people darker than them in palestine

poor Benyamin getting easily btfo'd

slink away and come back tomorrow, maybe you will come up with something by then

is jy bevok? i just don't by into garbage. hope you're ready to vote da? spoke to plenty of people who haven't even registered yet. it's months away, but it's too late to even do that - how fucked up is that?

Not enough to take them on directly though.

Is Ron Unz Jewish? I've read that he is, but I can't find anything about it.

ah, yes - the cheerleader on the side that also can't prove any of the claims. (((they))) succeed only because of the (((person))) who does the marking. sure.
you guys don't realize how much you're closer to the BLM mentality than the rest of us.

I hate fucks who don't vote.

We're only what, 9% of the country? Every vote counts. I'll probably go DA, but I'm a Cape Townfag and there's a separatist party here. If they get bigger then they got my vote.

Is a distraction. Ignore him.

Why would it matter if he was or wasn't? His argument is air tight.

More importantly, this isn't about Jews being tribalistic. This thread is about spreading memes in the black and SJW community. Remember, neither community gives a fuck about merit. We don't have to worry about giving the entire argument. We only need to spread that 2.2% of the population is 25% at Harvard and other schools. The fact that this is Jewish Affirmative Action isn't important because blacks don't give a fuck about that, they care they aren't getting shit. We only need to create memes that make them think they should be getting more.

they're the worst - but to be fair plenty didn't even know about the elections, it wasn't made that public. they're also pissed that it's too late to register - rightly so.
which party in particular is that? stick with da - we're getting there slowly.

>there's a separatist party here
misread that - is that the one that wants to secede from the rest of the country?

Yup. But as you said I'll stick with DA for now. Let's first get them into office.

I repeat. When you tell this to normal people you don't need to give them the whole argument. The whole argument is convincing only if someone is smart enough to understand it. Try telling this to a black or a SJW woman and they just get confused. You only need to spread the disproportionality. You need to phrase in a way to make them think their pet group is getting fucked.

In the Ivy League admissions example, asians and non-Jewish, non-Hispanic whites are getting fucked. Why would blacks or most SJWs care about that? Just tell them Jews don't deserve to be 25%, which is true, and they will naturally think they are getting fucked.

user: Jews are only 2.2% of the population and yet they are 25% of Harvard admits? This has been proven to be pro-Jewish bias.
Typical Black: Blacks deserve those spots!
user: .... I would be angry if I were you!

See? You don't even have to lie. Blacks and SJWs will reach their own biased conclusions on their own.

yeah da for now, separatist when it becomes a possibility for sure. i'm also spending a bit of time in coloured communities trying to show them the benefits of voting the da - we've managed to get so many former anc voters to switch already.

again, see

Your meme explains how blacks and SJWs think to a T. This is exactly what I am going for.

>not understanding pic related

We need to start employing these tactics more. They are used against us all the time. For instance, the Lefty trying to bait me into a debate in this thread.

Nobody said jews weren't smart. Just get the fuck back to Israel.

Most people think in simplistic terms like "THEY have more than me". Most people are convinced by logical fallacies. Learn to employ logical fallacies to make your rhetoric more convincing to the average Joe. The average Jerome is way dumber too, so you need to employ even dumber, more fallacious arguments with them.

I once only cared about convincing only smart people my views were correct. I have realized how short sighted that is. This is why high IQ, INTJ males are so ineffective at arguing for their interests.

We need a simpler chart for blacks. This is simply too complicated for them.

i'm not here defending jews. that image suited op's particular text.

i'm not here defending jews. that image suited op's particular text. he's been shilling in every thread i've been on with pic related in

Yes. We need something that screams "JEWS GET WAY TOO MUCH". The typical black always thinks that when another group is getting something that blacks should actually get it.

Everyone should look at our friend here for a textbook example of "acting incredulous" . Do you notice how he only uses mocking straw men images? How he doesn't bother to talk about the numbers at all? Good. This is an effective strategy to use against dumb people, especially dumb young people. Just mocking arguments works a good part of the time.

provide evidence for your claims - affirmative action that is. not for blacks, but for the jews of harvard. don't confuse me for being a jew/jidf - rather provide the evidence that this occurs. not numbers - that doesnt mean anything.

Everyone take note of this shrill and his tactics. He wants evidence. He hasn't even disputed the very convincing evidence in this thread, nor has he read the article that contains the raw data, nor has he looked at all the other corresponding arguments in the article.

This is either classic subversion, or an example of a useful idiot who gets confused when reading tables with percentages. This post gave a snippet of the arguments that Unz makes It has a very convincing breakdown of the widely disparate rates of Jews at different educational institutions that use different admissions criteria. This shrill didn't bother to touch the numbers.

Why? He wanted to derail the thread. Which he did. So good for him, I guess. At least let this thread be a lesson about avoiding shrills and that you should use simplistic arguments with most people.

is pretty good. Can we add a single statistic? Maybe something like 1 OUT OF EVERY 50 PEOPLE IS A JEW, JEWS CONTROL XXX OF THE MONEY. BLACKS ARE 1 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE BUT ONLY GET XXX MONEY. GIBS ME DAT JEWS [not literally gibs me dat, but u get the idea].

Maybe we could throw have a rapper or pharoh or something in the background.

>still not providing evidence
this is your thread - you're meant to convince us.
it should be easy - you sound so confident.

Yes, for the Harvard example the text would be something like
"Jews are only 2.2% of the population yet 25% of Harvard. BLACKS ARE ONLY 13% OF HARVAD. FAIR?"
Notice how we neglect to say that blacks are 13% of the population.


prove that they are benefiting from affirmative action. you just sound like a berniebro complaining.

We need a good background picture of a young black women that deals with the education theme. Ideas?

I don't recommend using an anti-semitic image of a Jew.

Perfect, but I like you original JEWS GET WAY TOO MUCH lead in. Blacks may not bother to read the entire quote if it starts with statistics.

Jews are only 2.2% of the population yet 25% of Harvard. BLACKS ARE ONLY 13% OF HARVAD. FAIR?"

Now we just need a good background picture. Ideally something that inspires envy or loathing or the jews.

Didn't the Jews Ethnically Cleanse all the Blacks in Israel? They were sterilized and deported.


like two school-kids. if you're wanting to succeed with propaganda you're going to need facts that can't be disputed. you're going to need evidence - the only reason im asking op. without that, you're just going to get caught out like op has in this thread. still hasn't provided evidence showing that jews get into harvard because of affirmative action. it should be easy - i mean we can see (with evidence) how much easier it is to get into college when you're black in comparison to being an asian - different score requirements.

Jews have preferences for certain schools- Princeton for example, was long associated with WASP elitism and was not palpable to most of American Jewry.
Are you trying to make the argument that Jews are more benefitted by affirmative action than blacks? Or just convince the BLM types of this? The problem is the Jews who are actively supporting BLM consider themselves "white allies" and think that they have "white privilege", must feel guilty for it, so they are likely to agree with your insinuations, which will in turn only embolden BLM. (This segment of far leftist Jewry are likely to also be wary of overt support for Israel, and in some cases are actively pro Palestine)

>that inspires envy or loathing or the jews.
No. Promoting actual anti-semitism is both ineffective and morally wrong. We want to promote discord. between the two most disproportionately represented groups in Democratic activism. Anti-semitism won't do that.

To those reading this thread, we can assume this poster might be a neo-Nazi, but it is more likely they are a Leftist shrill. Agent Provocateurs are commonly used to make groups ineffective.

Read Unz's article if you are interested in it.

We want to create discord between the establishment liberal Jews--the (((Jews)))--and blacks.

>To those reading this thread, we can assume this poster might be a neo-Nazi, but it is more likely they are a Leftist shrill. Agent Provocateurs are commonly used to make groups ineffective.
you come across more as a shill - you can't provide us with evidence. you're either b8ing or autistic.

Why the hell are you giving them tips in Jewish subversion.

not giving them any tips. im only pointing out how retarded op is. sounds like my little cousin.

>I don't understand fractional reserve banking and nepotism

wew lad