He's talking about you, Sup Forums

He's talking about you, Sup Forums

Really makes me think

Don't have to convince anyone, the lowest white man, is better than the highest black... That's common knowledge. Why you think niggers get special consideration in schooling and the job market.

lots of people talking about me these days

I don't think any of them actually know me

makes you think

Proven fake.

Its amazing how this man's massive welfare expansion is enough to make leftists overlook the fact that he got us neck deep into vietnam

cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug

convince an educated wealthy white man that he doesn't deserve his riches, but he can keep it as long as he self-flaggelates, and you will have a dedicated voter base

Damn, that man was satan in flesh. I've never heard a good thing about LBJ.

This post bears repeating! Put this message or something similar on all college campuses. It will make the white professors who preach that crap super squirmy.

Races should be seperated. Put all europeans and white americans to europe and all black people to africa.

Then you will see what happens. And it will really make you think.

Except we're seeing pretty much the opposite of this right now.
>All races are equal - leftist axiom.
>Therefore, any differences in crime rates, income gaps, etc, between these two groups are based entirely on racism.
>Racism by whites, that is.
The only reason we're voting Trump into power is because we are sick of this. We want a meritocracy, where everyone is lined up from worst performing to best performing, and it shouldn't matter if there are proportionally more blacks near the bottom than whites.
All democrats care about is their fucking percentages adding up (10% black population must result in 10% of CEOs being black, etc). They don't give a shit about poor people.

>We want a meritocracy, where everyone is lined up from worst performing to best performing,
Only cucks want this
We want a white ethno-state that ensures the survival of the white race

The liberal shit you blather will have us back in this situation within a generation

Of course, identity politics was originally created by the elites to distract us from their screwing us over. However, the fact is, right now, the elites are using minorities like BLM blacks, illegal Hispanics, and terrorist Muslims to destroy our countries as part of their plan. So yes, the elites are our ultimate enemies, but their minority puppets are also our enemies right now until we get them under control and can then focus all our efforts on the elites.

No it really wasnt

What does this mean?

We will have to start building a wall fast

lol. Get fucked, faggot. Only low-tier whites want a system where high-performing blacks are below low performing whites.
It's the only way cunts like you can convince yourselves you are above anyone else on the planet.

Canadians really are beta as fuck.

>high-performing blacks
red australia flag means communism

I would take Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell over you any day.

>Lining people up from worst to best and then paying them accordingly is somehow communism.
You really do have a warped view of reality, don't you?
>inb4 hurr durr i waz just pretending 2 b retarded

I'm sure the most densely populated region of the world would appreciate another 200+ million immigrants all coming at once

>Ben Carson

tried to stab his own mother

How many blacks have you actually interacted with?
That's literally the exact opposite of what's going on. There's an unholy alliance between cultural marxists and big business to import mass amounts of nonwhites peasants. The marxists understand the class struggle then becomes fused to ethnic identity, which is why you hear the whole jargon of white privilege taking over the jargon of bourgeoisie. Corporations just want depressed wages for unskilled labor because they export the costs of these wages with government support programs.

>Implying this makes him a worse choice than the Canadian faggot I was responding to.
Maybe he's not the greatest example, but my point still stands.

>it's a "country with no blacks tries to tell other countries why they're wrong about blacks" post
Are you trying to steal the leafs' shot posting crown by beating one of them?

>The liberal shit you blather will have us back in this situation within a generation
meritocracy is an inherently fascist virtue, both in the sense that those with merit should be treated accordingly and in the sense that those with merit should rule.

Very few. However based on everything I know about them from the internet, (all statistics and almost all anecdotes from those who actually are unfortunate enough to interact with them) I don't like them in general. If, as I wrote, we lined everyone up from best to worst, (in any category besides sprinting speed), I would imagine most of the people at the bottom are blacks.

However, this doesn't mean I hold it against the percentage of blacks (however small it may be) who actually contribute to society. I don't hate people based on their skin colour, I hate them based on the things they do. If this means I hate more black people than white people (proportionally), so be it, but it doesn't mean I hate all of them.

You fucking lying piece of shit

I'm here, giving my opinion, just like you. Tell me why I'm wrong, or you are the shitposter.

While that's true, I don't really see the relevance. They're not the same group as me. If canadians and americans can be separate people, why do blacks and whites need to be under the same flag? It's even more imperative that we separate because, as you said, they're shitty, and they view us as oppressors.

Africa is not densely populated, it is less populated then the USA.

Again you're falling for the kikes rationality non sense, the best black man is not a white man, end of story.

To maximize productivity. Ideally, the world would just be one big country - which is what the globalists are going for. However, the way they are doing it is fucking horrendous. Rather than looking at all the (white and Asian) societies that work, and letting everyone know that the reason these societies work is because of the actions and successful DNA of the people who live in them - they turn around and say that white people just fucked up all the other countries, and that's why they aren't perfect.

I think they've chosen to unite the planet by blaming everything on whites - who are apparently happy to be blamed, which is despicable.

But if you could have a global meritocracy, where people accept that not all races are the same (and hence that's why there are more brown people at the bottom), things would move more efficiently.

doesnt even mean shit.

And dipshits like you are the only thing standing in the way of a Trump presidency at the moment.
>The best black man is not a white man.
Correct, but he is much better than you, regardless. You're probably better than the worst black man, if that makes you feel better?

I don't have to accept anything, 100% European state is what I want.

Good thing individuals don't matter, only my DNA.

Individualism is a recent invention which has no truths.

You're projecting your culture onto the rest of the world. There's no arab equivalent of the magna carta. There's no history of common law before the british demonstrated its' value.

Other peoples do not see the value in meritocracy or markets.

>Individualism is a recent invention which has no truths.

No document prior to recent history even acknowledges individualism, it is not real holds no effects and has no meaning.

Only racial collectives have effects and meaning.

The world works via racial collectives not through merit.

The very fact that high merits of an individual of a different racial collective requires the works of a superior racial collective shows that individuals are useless.

The US was the first liberal republic on earth, literally an individualist doctrine, and it's been pretty damn successful.

>You're projecting your culture onto the rest of the world.
Correct, because our culture is the one that works. We knew it hundreds of years ago, when we colonized the world. With the attitude you just took, we would have stayed put in England - and perhaps progressed very little technologically.

Ultimately, humanity has to go into space to survive, I think. Imagine if we could each have our own planet, haha. We're never gonna get there though, if we're spending all of time and energy on military equipment and war games (and perhaps blowing ourselves up in WW3).

>We the people, for our posterity
>No individuals of other racial collectives other than Europeans may be apart of this nation

America and Canada are proof it works through merit

wtf I hate lebron blowjobs now

America and Canada are not through individual merit but through a true European racial collective.

Individual Merit would be Brazil.

Post how its fake.

In fact the only thing that distinguises these two states from their neighbors is the fact their ancestors were intelligent enough to understand their unique position as Europeans and to preserve it as socialists to their posterity.

Nciiiiiiiiiiiiiiie memeeee nice meme dude

Image result for area of africa
11.67 million mi2

Image result for population of africa
1.111 billion

United States of America/Area
Image result for area of usa
3.806 million mi2

United States of America/Population
318.9 million (2014)

Africa is 4x the size of the USA and only has around 3x the population.

Am I this high or this post just a word maze. I'm not fuck maze runner lad

When we left England, we didn't do so with the expectation of equality. We subdued the natives and made extensions of our home in the new world. The only exceptions were in cases of exceptional talent like ramachandran or bose.

We didn't undue the caste system or the tribal loyalties of the bantus. As long as they respected our ability to conduct commerce, we largely left them be.

That's why his initial had BJ in it.

There's only around 100 million African diaspora is the Americas.

it would only be a 1/11th population increase in Africa.

it would be the same as the USA accepting 30 million people, we would barely notice them.

You've lived many lives, friend.

His direct parents have his genes therefore he did.

The anglos are eternal my friend.

They're so stupid they don't realize welfare was a racist plot. Leftists are dumber than niggers

True. Those policies have ruined poor communities and created a perpetual underclass, dependent upon the ever-increasing promised scraps of politicians.

I was talking about Europe obviously


“After tomorrow, those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That’s no threat. That’s a promise.”