We all now that Sup Forums loves Trump, but how many people here dislike or even hate him...

We all now that Sup Forums loves Trump, but how many people here dislike or even hate him? I want to see how many there are. Trump Haters, report in.

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I don't hate him but I don't like him either.

I don't hate him so much as certain of his sperglord supporters and the whole universe of crazy fringe politics he's suddenly dragged into the spotlight.

He seems like a nice enough guy otherwise though.

I stopped hating him a long time ago. I actually hate Clinton more than him at this point.

I like Donald Trump.

But I think he is more loyal to Russia and Israel than to America.

I feel the same way; it's not so much him as his supporters. He's giving hope to a lot of wing nuts and getting them all riled up.

He tends to be a caricature of himself all campaign. I really don't like the guy, but I hope he wins. Trump is probably trouble, but Hillary is 110% guaranteed trouble + currupt to the very core.

Yeah, he's pretty weird. He's also ugly as fuck, has anyone ever noticed that? This guy is just fucking bad looking. The fucking spray-on tan and shitty hair, jesus. What the hell is he thinking? With all that money you'd think he'd be able to do something about that.

I like most of his policies and overall respect the dude but I can barely stand listening to his interviews. Just don't like his speaking pattern. His speeches are much better though.

> trump
> looks bad

literal faggot here

ur retarded. Please stick to women, your taste in men is beyond awful.

Donald trump is daddy

Are they trying to get me to vote Clinton?

he looks pretty good for being fucking seventy dude.

I hate Trump and Clinton but I'm not sure who I hate more.


hillary is the only reason trump still winning, the irony


Well, this is a right-wing echo chamber. What did you expect?

I came here to check out the losers thread. Awful thread, weak memes. Sad!

is this your dinner?

He was ugly when he young too.

Agreed. If this was somebody like Bernie or Joe Biden, Trump would be toast. Hillary is literally like the one person on earth who's sleazier than Trump. Holy fucking shit, what a goddamn disgrace this election is turning out to be. We've got two scumbags trying to whip everybody into a frenzy, and their only appeal is how awful the other one is.

The Happening can't come soon enough.

Prefer him over the other guys though I think what's important to the elite will happen no matter who's in charge.

>We've got two scumbags trying to whip everybody into a frenzy

Explain how it's possible that an election process leads to two candidates that most people dislike this much on both sides.

Was not talking about his looks. Haha.
People claim he plays n-Dimensional chess and whatnot by being ridiculous in his speeches and campaign direction. These claims are not wrong, but just exaggerated. Trump is a caricature of himself during campaign for a purpose. I dont like the fact he does this, since it diminishes the business man image he had, but it's surprisingly working very well for him.

I think the whole n-Dimensional chess thing is part of some weird cult of personality that's developed around him. His supporters seem so emotionally invested in him. Look at some of the threads here on Sup Forums, and you'll see people singing his praises to the high heavens, like they genuinely believe him to be God's gift to mankind. He's just a guy. Nothing more. But they're fucking bananas over him, projecting their own wants and desires and hopes and fears onto him, making him more than what he actually presents himself to be. This is not a strength, but a ticking time bomb. Eventually, Trump won't be able to live up to the hype and his supporters will be devastated. They may go so far as feel betrayed and blame him, more furious than ever.

I heard Israel needed another trillion dollars of American money to kill Muslims and take their land, fortify their military, and sit around swimming in cash.

Also heard they needed some American military equipment to sell to china and Russia.

Oh did I forget to mention the 3trillion dollars we've already given them? FOR FUCKING NOTHING IN RETURN? OR HOW AMERICAN TROOPS DIED FIGHTING THEIR FUCKING WAR?

Nah trump is right. Israel is our greatest fucking ally.

I don't hate him but I don't think he's going to be all that different than Clinton when it is all said and done and he's a kikelover anyway married his white daughter off to a kike fuck him

I think his attitude is refreshing, but his policy ideas are impractical, unconstitutional, or both.





What did you expect?

I've seen estimates that the wall is gonna cost like $25 billion. Takes into account costs of cement, steel rebars, transporting materials, buying up all the land, paying the labor, etc. But, that number does NOT take into account the electronic surveillance system and/or manpower that will be necessary to man the fucking thing, otherwise people will just bring ladders and nothing will stop them.

As for jailing Hillary, that's an extremely dangerous precedent to set, even if she does deserve it. She's been investigated by the FBI and Congress how many fucking times now? If anything legit was gonna stick, it would have come up by now, which means Trump would have to bend the rules to reach the outcome he wants. Furthermore, the whole point of the American electoral system is to facilitate non-violent, non-confrontational transfers of political power. If political rivals start jailing each other, than we're in Game of Thrones territory, and that's fucking bad, dude.

I hated him from the very beginning. Very foolish and incompetent. However, after recent events I've decided he is more fit to be president than Hillary Clinton. You have to be a fucking fool to believe Hillary is the lesser of the two evils.

Richard Nixon had to resign the presidency for doing something illegal and for trying to hide it. We only know a fraction of the illegal activities that Hillary has done, and she is still considered a reasonable candidate for the presidency. America has lost it's way and are willing to elect a criminal because the MSM told them whatever they had to say about Trump, while also spouting out to themselves never trust the media. America is close to the boiling point. Trump isn't going to fix shit but I rather have him than an actual criminal who I cannot trust with my own life.

Than to cuck europe*

Yea same, mostly indifferent. I don't like either of the candidates but can't see myself voting for him.

More like 10 billion; the Army Corps of Engineers can be brought to bear on The Wall since it's a national security project. Cement is at a market low, as is steel. There's a lot of Federal land along the US-Mexico border, but even more privately owned land.

I agree with (some of) his ideas and sort of act like a supporter to piss off lib cunts, but I know that all politics are a huge act and all politicians are pawns, and no matter who ever has been and ever will be elected, we will continue to fall because that is what the global elite has set us up to do.
Tldr: Trump has some good ideas but is as fake as every other politician and his ideas don't matter

I respect his strategy. The smarter of the progressive fools probably even know what he's up to, but simply cannot help themselves in overreacting emotionally. Hes got them beat down.

People elected what they thought was a surgical knife of hope in 2008. He was to intelligently change the country for the better... but it turned out all he did was a few minor cosmetic surgeries.

Its time to use the chainsaw.

get it through your head - Europe's interests are no longer ours

I kind of dislike him but he does bring good bantz and he's ridiculously superior to Clinton

So you're on the border about him?

At first I absolutely hated him. Then I gradually warmed up to somewhat liking him. Only problem is he is just like Hillary in that he will only do what the higher ups want him to do. He's also very unpredictable which is something you can't have for a president. Still won't vote for him but one has to admire how far he has come. He started out as some billionaire asshole who thought he could buy his way into politics but now is leading the right.

>But won't do anything the higher ups won't want him to do
Nani sore?

I don't like him but I don't hate him. I just don't trust a word he says; the blatant vote-pandering is the main reason I won't vote for him (yes I realize every candidate does this)

I hate him as a person but he provides so many lulz and I love the fact that he is destroying the two-party system or at least removing it's calcified paradigms.

He may be a narcissistic douche but at least he's not a conniving evil sociopath like Hillary.

See: DNC emails

Only Trump can beat Hillary.