Do South Park really hate gingers

Do South Park really hate gingers

(a depressed one here)

Are you retarded?
Matt Stone's a daywalker.

not just south park everyone hates you

I'll take broken english for 800

South Park hates everyone

The fucking worst, and I can't figure out why every ginger acts like the biggest fucking cunts on Earth. I have never seen a ginger act nice.

>one shot at life
>born ginger

Just fucking kill me.

aww thanks

but didn't trey parker admit that he broke up with his girlfriend because her mother was ginger and he didn't want to risk his kid been ginger

How can gingers have depression if they don't have souls?


just dye your hair and stop whining


yeah but he doesn't have white skin and freckels like i do

>not the superior ep. RICHERS

its the internet

Matt used to be ginger but Trey admits that they freak him out and joked that the best part about dating Asians is that they're less likely to have ginger kids.

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment: would you capture it, or just let it slip?

"Hate" is maybe a strong word for it, but Matt and Trey do think that freckles are physically repulsive. Mostly they made that one episode targeting gingers because they knew they wouldn't get any shit for doing it. Gingers are white people who are basically doing all right and not really in danger of getting genocided, which make them acceptable targets. Sort of how I can talk shit about the Danes or Austrians in public without fear. Man, fuck Austrians.

they removed my post, stupid PC janitors.

but this is actually true, this episode is a satire of black supremacy, just reverse the tree first letters of GINGERS and rewatch the episode, this is obvious.

Can you provide a solid sause? Because this definitely looks like shitposting.

Is not you idiot

dvd commentry