Redpilling friends

I have a friend who is pretty redpilled for the most part, but I want to give him the jew red pill.

I can't go full gas the kikes race war now, but what material that isn't heavy handed that I can show to lead him that way?

I need subtle material, he's smart enough to make his own conclusions.

Other urls found in this thread:–19

Can someone give me the jew redpill please? I literally see the jews as just another ethnicity/religion right now, and believe that while they may be richer than average, they are not trying to control the world.

Exhibit A

The Frankfurt school, all founding members were Jews

Let me go on my desktop, bumping

But what did the Jews want from this? Why were the jews specifically bought together?


Also, how would someone get into a position in order to find out personally about these supposed plots?








Show him a few isreal related hillary emails


It's just how they are.

It comes naturally to them.





I like this girl at school and she's really cool in every way except she's kind of an sjw. I found out we are signed up for the same public speaking class in the fall. I'm scared she won't like me anymore if she gets to know me well. Should i take the class and reveal my power level or sign up for a different class?

Give him the book Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. There's no better source for understanding Jewish behavior.


Greatest Story Never Told


>I'm scared she won't like me anymore if she gets to know me well.
Step 1) Stop being a massive faggot who cares too much about the opinions of idiots

It's called self affirmation dingus

This is a long read but a good one

I suggest starting with A SINGLE one of the following, and casually pointed out:

>owning 40% of global wealth despite being 0.2% of the population

>85% of the Soviet Government and most of the 1918 Bavarian Marxists

>a history of Usury that everyone knew about before 1950

>their control of media

>controlling the federal reserve and supreme court despite being 2% of the US population

There's no better video that I've found that can, singlehandedly, redpill someone, than this.

This. Have more confidence in yourself without sacrificing yourself for the pleasure of others. Don't take the class. Take a class you need instead.


They are all marxists. They were disappointed that WWI did not have world-wide communist revolutions that overthrew capitalism. They realized that the old social conventions (family, Christianity, cultural and national identities, etc) stabilized societies thus began a slow and steady program of subversion. Out of the chaos, a new world order will rise.

Nepotism. You have to be going to the right schools, at the right time, with the right people. Otherwise it is futile. These people literally believe you are lower than them.

You go full red pill or go home brother. It's not supposed to be a therapy schedule. It's a damn red pill. Go full Stormfront on his ass right now.

So overall the subversion is an attempt to get them more power and control by killing societies and picking up the pieces for them to reform?


Install the coincidence detector script on his web browsers
That's really all you need


This one is a bit convoluted

Id rather not take it but i need it for general ed

Fuck you nigger

What I've found to work for me is exaggeration and irony. Women do not want some cuck to agree with her on every issue. If you take her SJW traits and expand on them to the point of satire (and if she picks up on it, this is important) then she'll either find you intriguing or repulsive. Show your power level through humor and logic, if she doesn't appreciate it then she's not worth the chase my friend

no one ever asks the question ' why did Hitler have it out for the jews'

Strangely enough, in a book unexpectedly published by Princeton University Press in 1984, Sarah Gordon (Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question") essentially confirms what Bryant says. According to her, 'Jews were never a large percentage of the total German population; at no time did they exceed 1% of the population during the years 1871-1933.' But she adds 'Jews were overrepresented in business, commerce, and public and private service.. They were especially visible in private banking in Berlin, which in 1923 had 150 private Jewish banks, as opposed to only 11 private non-Jewish banks.. They owned 41% of iron and scrap iron firms and 57% of other metal businesses.. Jews were very active in the stock market, particularly in Berlin, where in 1928 they comprised 80% of the leading members of the stock exchange. By 1933, when the Nazis began eliminating Jews from prominent positions, 85% of the brokers on the Berlin Stock exchange were dismissed because of their "race".. At least a quarter of full professors and instructors (at German universities) had Jewish origins.. In 1905-6 Jewish students comprised 25% of the law and medical students.. In 1931, 50% of the 234 theatre directors in Germany were Jewish, and in Berlin the number was 80%.. In 1929 it was estimated that the per capita income of Jews in Berlin was twice that of other Berlin residents..' etc etc.

that's why historians used to cal WWII a jewish created war
and also where the phrase ' fat jews, skinny germans' came from

Think I'll start with this desu.

Thanks user.

Fuck you

Just send him to Sup Forums. If he spends enough time here with an open mind he should see how many (((pure coincidences))) there are with Jewish journalists publishing subversive anti-western propaganda in the media.

He should also see a fair number of examples of Jews advocating one thing for Gentiles without applying the same set of standards for themselves.

I'm not sure but I think Jews invented the double standard.

Fucking hate/love these posts. Thank god I'm not superstitious

just ask them questions that force them to think and move past the automatic "YOU'RE A RACIST" logical shutdown reaction.

slam globalists
let him find out who the majority of globalists are on his own

have a pretty pic

Here user, the biggest pill, but easiest to swallow.

just read the old testament

30 genocides

joseph was a slave to teh pharoah who ended up selling grain to the popultion during a drought, then taking all their animals for grain, then their land, and finally they had to sell themselves into slavery in order to eat


>Thank god I'm not superstitious
Oh teh ironing.

Its simple. The jews hate physical labor. If they stayed in their own countries some of them would have to do the shit shit jobs and grunt work, and they couldn't have that now, could they? So they come into your country with the end goal of supplanting you and the other indigenous peoples into the lower castes that they can preside over. Everything they do, all the nepotism and preserving values for themselves while diluting and corrupting others is so they will have all the wealth and easy jobs while you will be toiling in the fields, unable to buy a home or educate your children properly. It sounds completely crazy but they have done it time and again over millenia if you do a little digging.

the same thing they wanted in russia, and hungary, to take over the country and institute themselves as a ruling class over the people who would all be peasants, workers or soldiers–19

I wonder why the germans were upset with the jews?

Thanks senpai.

Haven't seen this one

Sounds like what i do anyway. I even like to exaggerate my own views and blur the lines of humor and seriousness. I just don't want to wreck my friendship with a neat gal.

Try simple math.

It's fine guys

show them the "gas chambers of Germany" and compare with a real gas chamber

Ever wonder why jews dont like it when goyim convert? Unlike all other religions that want converts and want you to join, jews don't because it's a private club and someone has to be on the outs and slightly dehumanized so that it's ok that they work like oxen.

because they don't think the goys have souls

goyim are subhuman beasts fit only to be slaves

Think of it as an investment. The risk being your friendship with her. You woo her, you win big. You don't, you can possibly ruin friendship. You need to take the risk or you'll be in that awkward 'friend' phase for too long

I was going to post this.

It reads as if a neutral sociological work with a bit of a 'wink'.

It's for people who aren't easily convinced by stormfag image macros

Oh and a disproportinate amount of Ivy League professorships.

I need citations for your other figures- they seem 'off'.



Added to the list, thanks

>the jew red pill

There is no Jew redpill. It's all based on fake quotes, lies and fallacies. There's only the woman redpill.

History would seem to disagree

I love this jidf stuff, whats next 'jews don't even exist!'

Their ancestors acquired their original wealth centuries ago as Court Jews, basically royal bankers, they used the newly acquired wealth to build dynasties, like the Rothschild family, and eventually became independent bankers.
Once independent, they aided their fellow Jews to reach the top. This explains the wealth of the Ashkenazi Jews, the Rothschilds eventually used their money to fund to creation of Israel.
The issues with the Jew Conspiracy hypothesis are both lack of a motive and lack of evidence of connections, the Jews should have stopped and went home once Israel was created, but they stayed in America and Europe, what could their goal then by?
I personally support the Jews who live in and support Israel.
Everyone can have their culture and their home.

guys, guys, c'mon. It's the jews AND women!

I have a friend who I'm trying to Bluepill. She's pretty conservative, but when I'm finished she'll be full Tumblrina feminist. It's an experiment.

Quotes by famous intellectuals

thanks for correctingtherecord, now I too am #MentallyHill meshuggeneh


>can't handle other pinions
>mu-muh repill maymay

Sorry, you must be at least 21 to post here.


I am now bluepilled

Fact is, they're a nepotistic outward hating group that seeks to control and manipulate host nations via the most important industries, eg finance, media, resources, and politics. That's why they own each industry related to the aforementioned along with in the USA being half the supreme court and if obama had his way, 5/9ths of it.
The issue then arises that their groups wishes are entirely counter to the host nations best interests and since they work to have a stranglehold on top areas it's to be expected that they don't have a stake in the prosperity of the middle class.
So, if Jews are prevalent, you should expect them to cluster to the top end and have them try to manipulate business and politics to the top end as well. This means fucking the middle class in the ass.
So, if you care about your countrymen, then Jews are bad news. This includes if you care about your people's culture and way of life.


no wonder they keep getting kicked out of countries

i'm not sure if i would be ok with that


just in case

This whole "Fuck the jews" meme is so dumb. Hmm, let's think

>Sandniggers hate the jews
>We hate the Sandniggers
>Lefties hate Isreal
>Lefties love the Sandniggers
>We hate the Jews
>Sandniggers hate the jews

We're literally falling into the muslim trap. Take the true redpill, user.

Let me break it down, the Muslims are statistically dumber than the Jews, and the Jews are statistically smarter than us. Now, due to the Russians planting cultural marxism back in the sixties, while we are almost on par with the Jews, the Jews don't have the Culturally Marxist cancer that we do. So our cancer goes "HEY, DON'T CALL HONOR KILLINGS BARBARIC, SHITLORD", and people fall into that trap. Those same people, mind you, are against Isreal, coincidentally so are the muzzies. And prominent shows like TYT and prominent politicians like Hillary are funded by the Saudis and such. And they're trying to get us to do the same by making us turn against the jews.

but this is because the real door are at the holocaust museum so I dont see whats this supposed to prove?

Huh, that's weird, a fucking door from the 40's or 30's is different than a door from the 60's or 50's. FUCKING WEIRD, AIN'T IT?


First off, strawmanning the shit out of this argument. Who says it's either Muslims or Jews? How about the third option; Europe, The West, and the White Race?

Jews are not statistically smarter, they are actually on average, dumber than a white person.

Also, yes, the Jews don't have Cultural marxism in their own religion; but they push it onto the general public to subvert and destroy.

I'm not really big on that I've just spent a lot of time researching the Holohoax.

Go ask on 8ch Sup Forums, I think you will have more luck there.

This Sup Forums mostly turned into conservative normie stuff

A few do, notice how it's the ones who are only ethnically Jewish.

I can however recomend you two books, one if Culture of Critique, the other is The Jewish revolutionary spirit

Here are some very interesting videos if you don't have time for books
