
Shit's on fire, yo.

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Shit OP is shit

Holly is without a doubt in the back seat

>"Doc...h-help me..!'

Wait, so this happen while Lyn was exploting?

>holly sneaked into the back of the car

nope, shit going down... bombs are about to fall.

>Panel 3
>Enhance! Enhance! Zoom in! Enhance!

What?, does WWIII already started?

I take it we are at about this point?

Pretty much

Seems like.

No, the back of the house was still smouldering when they arrived.

Probably not a falling bomb since the sky is only painted on. Someone else's buddibombs going off, or another vehicle crash possibly?

Oh fuck

These sequences look amazing in retrospect, but the slow delivery at just 4 panels an update is AGONIZING.

Probably not, since the last we heard the mutation outbreak was still only rumor. So the health screening centers aren't even going yet. The police were surprised to see the DDC at all.

Anyone have any of that OC from last thread saved?

So basically, Apex just barged into the neighborhood and began burning/bombing/shooting the hell out of everything and everyone present?

If the civilization lasted for a bit longer that'd be a pretty big PR disaster for them.

Doesn't explain the explosion tho

and your pic is from the same day as and pic related. It happened in 24 hours.

Looks like if they *did* corral all those who had seen mutants into one community, it might have backfired. I sense a lot of people's buddibombs going off (I doubt this is anything to do with the start of WWII, since we haven't even seen Pep Park yet, and Aaron's last big email kinda suggested we might be about to).

Also yeah, guessing that Holly's going to be in the back seat or the boot (but where the hell are Wally and Co?)

Wally and the others might even be watching from our perspective

>Doesn't explain the explosion tho
We've already had two houses explode out of the blue and a plane crash.

No, it wasn't the same day. Pep cola was running for four days before the war kicked off.

That's gotta be nauseating, our perspective is whizzing around any old how.


Dammit, *WWIII

>Did everything wrong

He deserves to suffer for all eternity.

Good find. I'm guessing APEX and the DDC has moved all the hospital staff to Pep Stadium by now and Doc has no choice but to go there.

Wonder if the parking lot is full of families escorting their shocked mutated loved ones to the screening center..

> the war stopped APEX from saving humanity

Sad desu.

He was also a jew, if the nose is something to go by

That still makes me think, if Apex was trying its hardest to contain Why contain it? the virus they obviously didn't created it (at least not with the intention of letting it run wild), so where does the virus originate from?

I say that it comes from another universe or isn't a virus at all

If the nose would be something to go by that motherfucker would be pinocchio

Leading theory is it's connected to or even part of "I", the thing that possessed Jim and referred to the Reptilians as it's "wayward children".

It's definitely got a supernatural element, I think.

If the epidemic were public, the police wouldn't have questioned the DDC quarantining a house. We're only seeing the start of the outbreak to which the screening will be the response (which will happen soon, but not yet).

The Dark Souls pictures are on Sup Forums booru, but haven't found the raptor grill one there.

Okay so... The supposed timeline for all this shit is basically:

Sparkplug invents ways to utilize Ames... Amesworth, whatever radiation --> weapons are developed by everybody--> the Virus starts breaking out --> events of Holly's flashback/ongoing scene--> viral victims/carriers get rounded up and atomotized--> WWIII starts and he rest of Sparkplugs background occurs?

"We have reports of minor disturbances, but we assure you, the situation was quickly resolved, and we, as a nation, have nothing to worry about." -The Government




Pretty sure there was more I missed.

Put wally flashback somewhere before Holly's

This... as well. Aren't they still saved on desustorage though?

I missed last thread, but whenever there's anthros and the like I always wonder about extinct species and why they never get represented.

So what's the story on this OC?

Missed DK's memory lane though.


Hmmm... what would be more manure-spreadery? Holly escapes by the skin of her teeth by hiding in the car and then tends to an apparently-dying Doc Chase, or Doc's rescue was a total failure and Holly is now taken away by the NDDC guys?

Holly is in Doc's car for sure. He may or may not mutate and crash, knocking himself out and getting them both captured by APEX

I think someone made her up, and that inspired an email, then we got an answer from Aaron that yes, dino-anthros are entirely possible, which made a lot of people very happy.

Aaron himself confirmed in an email dinosaur and other prehistoric-based mutants were definitely valid thanks to classic cartoons about dinosaurs.

This is a very good thing.

And that makes me very happy! Based Dinos and other extinct species existing is great!

Yeah, everyone's inner six-year-old jumped for joy.

Would Amber have been popular in Unity?

Seen as the Mother of all Reptiles, or a misfit?

They seem to only have lizards of a single variety.

I just caught up, it definitely is, hard to imagine this going on for 7 years.

Huh. I got the impression that all lizards end up as a generic thing marked "cartoon lizard". Didn't the ones we saw in Endtown (like the communal clothing storage lady) look pretty similar, apart from the pre-hiatus proportions?

Misfit most likely. All of the lizards there look alike, she sticks out like a sore thumb.

Accepted in the community, but not loved by the majority.

Might be tolerated due to being considered a potential asset in defence situations.

Definitely a misfit, and they wouldn't keep her around because she probably isn't easy to control if she gets pissed off.

Answer: Lots and lots of long-range, high-speed scouting missions. On one of them, she finds Endtown...

I like to imagine them (her and her bf) as nomads who wander from settlement to settlement, unable to settle down in the majority of them due to Amber's unique dietary needs.

It's amanzing how everything goes to shit in one day

Unity is a awful place. Any lizard that didn't look like Kirbee and the rest (turtles, geckos, chameleons) were probably discriminated against and ultimately murdered to achieve the sameness that Unity had when Wally showed up.

Do they hunt eatbeasts to keep her fed, and both feel really weird about it?

What I never understand of Unity is why they choose a monarchical goverment system

... does anyone else get the horrible feeling that they probably ate all the non-reptilians after they were through killing them? I mean, Aaron originally intended them to be eating travelers that they'd waylaid in blood orgies, and he only altered that because he wanted them to be more evilly pragmatic than animalistic (because them giving in to instinct like that didn't jive with his view of anthros)...


Amber probably hates herself but understands she has no choice. Mark might be her rock.

Two words: Bacon and eggs.

Well, they're probably doing the local communities a small favour, one poor eatbeast at a time.

It wouldn't be a surprise. According to Aaron's emails yesterday, the lizards were literally "cold-blooded". Kirbee, Maruce and Chase are spared the lack of empathy due to being strongly convicted people.

yeah pretty much

I'll draw more of her when I get back from Europe.

It's ever explained how he and Wally meet?

I get the impression Kirbee can switch her emotions off briefly in service of "doing what has to be done", like with Clive.

Also, Chase? Isn't Doc Chase a badger?

Does it need to be? Wally probably just joined his blocks baseball team. He had been in Endtown for nearly two years by that point.

my mistake, it's Trace

Hasn't he also said that Unity was a special case where single-species mutant tribalism was reinforcing and feeding their reptilian instincts, though?

Cool, you have fun in Europe though.

Speaking of Europe, what accents do you think the characters have? American accents are definitely a majority too.

Think we should ask Aaron? Maybe also ask if there's a voice actor or specific person that they sound like?

Sweet. You should totally have her being a favourite with the kids and really scared she's going to accidentally hurt any that come near her.

Amber would make a terrible lizard.

Get it?

"Terrible Lizard"?


Haywire emotions!
Schism Syndrome!
More Pixel Shennanigans!
Adorable Buddibombs!
Cats, dogs, mice, birds, rats!
How's the Baby?

The world's about to get back on the fun track!

Fuck off Carlos


>Endtown high council bans animal puns upon overwhelming popular request

They must get really fur-ious


alright endtown thread, characters are now in the Bloodborne universe

Who is what character?

Fuck off.

You know shits hit the fan when things are blowing up and Topsiders being around is besides the point.

Maybe other people are mutating and their buddibombs.

That would move the story along pretty well.

> Topsiders

They are just regular APEX workers. Topsiders as a denomination still doesn't exist.

Also I must add: that doesn't mean that every Topsider in the future is an APEX worker. They could have recruited more uninfected humans.

That makes me wonder: what do they tell mutant kids about humans? "Mommy and daddy used to look like this"?

>They are just regular APEX workers.
That isn't the Apex logo they're sporting. Even Apex's private military in Wally's flashback still used the same company logo. The DDC is something distinct and separate from Apex (though Apex do produce the gear for them), which would fit with Aaron's previous comments about the origins of the topsiders.

Actually, I was thinking since their suits are exactly like the current Topsiders that these guys are in those suits permanently. That they are already sealed in and are not coming out all the way to the current time in the comic.

According to Aaron that there was supposed to be eugenic soldiers in the suits but they didn't get to the suits first.

>best koala is ubermench
Fug that's pretty hot.

Basically what Aaron said is that APEX plan was sticking selected populace in these suits in case of "Bad things happening".

Unfortunately for these ubermensch the apocalypse was "every man and woman for himself or herself..." sooooo... yeah.

The topsiders featured right now as part of killsquads are mostly unprepared conscripts lead by vets. Or not lead at all. Remember that Linda's friend was only 16?


That's what I'm saying, man!

This ain't no outbreak! This is just before the bombs land, man! Apocalypse is nigh! The dudes in the suits in the last few pages are going to be called Topsiders in afew years in the comic.

What kind of music do endtowners listen to? What kind of music do they produce?

Aaron said that the music of that time would be close to Electroswing. There's that Marble Machine he linked too that sounds "very Endtowny"


so like



Oh look, it's Kirbee!

Someone draw Kirbee's hair on that