I'm still not entirely convinced that the holocaust was fake

I'm still not entirely convinced that the holocaust was fake
Convince me Sup Forums

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Try incinerating 6 million bodies and see how long it takes you, even with modern technology.

Death metal was a mistake.

All you need to know is that it's illegal to deny it.
I can't think of another alleged historical fact that needs to be dictated by law.

Can you?

I am in my phone so all I have Is an screenshot that puts the numbers into perspective. Basically the holocaust as it was described isn't possible.

>It takes hours to cremate a single body. Adding more makes it take longer
>do you really believe that jews that survived the lolocaust actually saw these furnaces and then were just let out?
>gas chambers with wooden doors and windows viewing the outside

ok im gonna go try it right now. wish me luck lads

Aaaand it didn't work. Here you go.

Don't drag chuck into this, he was a really good guy. Taken too soon. Sad!

Go gas yourself faggot


>he actually listens to the jew in op's pic

that b8 is just lame. why not just make the mistakes a little less noticable.


Let me preface this by saying that the Holocaust industry is worth billions of dollars, mostly through literature, movies, and lawsuits. History as it is told is not unbiased, and it is through the rose-tinted spectacles of the victors that we are all forced to view it. Revisionist historians are often criticized for having no alternate theory as to what was going on in Nazi camps, but the goal of revisionism is not to alter history; rather, it is to attempt to portray it in the most objective light possible. I'm not an anti-semite, nor am I a Nazi, a racist, or a eugenicist. I just feel history has become more and more skewed in the last century to suit the political agendas of some really disgusting people, and the Holocaust is a good place to start.

The gas chambers of Auschwitz were impossible. Citations for this are included in the article, I have perused a large portion of them. Source: rense.com/general69/gasccm.htm

The only mass graves found are of the Soviet Massacre at Katyn and those of ethnic Germans murdered after the War and those localized in Belarus and Ukraine of thousands of NKVD victims. Where are the hundreds of mass graves with thousands Jewish corpses, the thousands mass graves with hundreds of Jewish corpses or the ten thousand mass graves with hundreds Jewish corpses? Virtually nothing thereof in concreto is found, while it is intensively searched for. Numerous studies were conducted with advanced radar systems, in places like Treblinka, where, supposedly, 850,000 Jews were ‘gassed’, buried, dug up again and burned to ashes. Nothing, no trace, can forensically be proved.


It is for Holocaust-proponents to indicate where the remains of six millions murdered Jews are to be found. So far they have given no sensible explanation for the phenomenon. Although they bring us all the crime-scenes, dates, murder methods and the most gruesome personal details, they ask us to believe that tens of thousands of tons of human ashes and remains, millions of teeth were blown in the wind to miraculous Nowhere. Even on the few acres where they stated millions of people were killed (Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Chelmno, etc.) nobody has succeeded in the past 65 years to show any forensic truth of it, let alone substantial mass graves or ashes.
Before the War till 1942 there was huge emigration of Jews from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States and - especially - Poland. Sanning calculated that the number of Jews in those areas decreased for that reason by 969,000 (Sanning, Table 14, p. 231). Furthermore, after the war (1948-1970) another 1,548,000 Jews emigrated from Europe to destinations such as the United States, Israel, South America, but also Canada, Australia, etc. Even during the war, emigration of Jews with visas for Palestine, U.S., South American countries, etc., continued as much as possible. Those who couldn’t leave were housed in camps at Bergen-Belsen and in southern France like Vittel. Hundreds of thousands of Jews never came into the concentration camps.


Evidence for mass emigration include: (a) the testimony of U.S. Under Secretary of State Breckinridge Long before a Congressional Commission in 1943, stating that approximately 580,000 illegal Jewish refugees were allowed in the U.S., (b) mass emigration of Jews selected by Zionists to Palestine (almost 300,000), (c) increase in the number of Jews in Latin America (almost 200,000) and non-occupied Western Europe (over 100,000). Sanning based this figures on Allied, Zionist, pro-Zionist and Western sources. Pre- and post-war Jewish emigration reduced the number of Jews possibly killed in the War with more than 2.5 million (2.517 million). After the partition of Poland in 1939, according to Sanning 1.550.000 Jews fled to Soviet-annexed Eastern Poland (Feiling Foster wrote: '2, 2 million’). Sanning's number seems however more likely. After the German attack on the Soviet Union in '41, approximately 1 million Polish Jews were deported Eastward by the Soviets.
The Nazis also transported 1,449,692 Jews from the General Government in Poland to Russian "Ostgebiet" (Graf, J., Hoax or Holocaust. Aaargh, p. 84.).
Historian Dr. Aschenauer wrote in Krieg ohne Grenzen: [. . .] "Solzjenitzyn confirms multiple proofs, "a number of Jewish sources stated that, the Soviet leadership immediately after the start of the war gave priority orders to evacuate the Jews in the western border provinces with thousands of wagons and carts. . . 1 to 1,1 million Jews were thus saved for productive labour in the hinterland."

Stuart Kahan, nephew of the notorious Soviet Jewish mass murderer Lazar Kaganovitch, confirms this preferential treatment of Jews in his book The Wolf of the Kremlin (1987), blz. 206): "At the insistence of Lazar Kaganovitch, Stalin ordered the evacuation of all persons from the border areas, especially the Jews, the largest group in the area. Stalin did not like the Jews, but the order they received was to burn down their homes, killing their cattle and retreat into the hinterland of Russia. . . It was better the Jews moved to the hinterland and left nothing to Hitler, as to work for him as slaves, letting livestock, food supplies and other goods to Hitler."

Rabbi Benjamin Schultz, chairman of the Jewish League (Die Welt, September 25, 1954, reported), declared before the US Congress that during the Second World War, 3,390,000 Jews on Soviet territory disappeared without a trace. He maintained that this massacre has been purposely kept secret so not to embarrass the Soviet Union.
German historian Erich Kern, researching Rabbi Schultz's startling statement, concludes that this figure is too high: "In any case, it is certain that about twice as many Jews were done to death in territory controlled by Soviet Russia than in that controlled by the Germans." (See: Deutsche Wochenzeitung, January 13, 1967).

The number of European Jews in 1933 (9,000,000), the emigrated Jews before and during the war (1.1 million), the Soviet deported Jews (2.5 million) and non-Jews in occupied Europe (almost 1 million) brings the actual number of Jews under German rule at 4.4 million. This is consistent with the revisionist number of Jews killed (1-1.5 million) and a number of 3 to 4.5 million survivors.


Total Jewish populations as reported by Jewish sources seems to contradict the reported number of killed Jews. An analysis based on the total number of Jews in the world doesn't comes close to oft quoted 'six million murdered Jews.'

We will assess the numbers of Jews in the world on the basis of unsuspected Jewish sources: the World Almanac, featuring information from the American Jewish Committee and the Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogue Council of America.

Before the war:
World Almanac 1929 (p. 727): 15,630,000

National Council of Churches USA 1930: 15,600,000

World Almanac 1936 (p. 748): 15,753,633

World Almanac 1938 (p. 510): 15,748,091

During the war:
American Jewish Congress Council of Synagogues 1939 15,600,000

World Almanac 1940 (p. 129): 15,319,359

World Almanac 1942 (p. 849): 15,192,089

After the war:
World Almanac 1947: (p. 748): 15,688,259

World Almanac 1948: (p. 849): 15,763,630

As shown, the numbers of Jews before and during the war are mostly congruent and stable. Therefore, one may take as a fact that there were 15.7 million Jews around the world shortly before the War, with a slight decline during the War.


someone screenshot this all into one picture so I can save it into my pol redpill folder

Immediately after the War, in 1947, the same sources reported 444,271 Jews more as in 1940! The number of the Council of Synagogues is 163,630 higher than that of 1939!

According to the World Almanac of 1947, the number of Jews in 1939 was 15,688,259. On February 22, 1948 the Jewish-owned New York Times gave the Jewish population of Palestine as 600-700,000; following the lowest number, it results in 16,288,259 Jews Worldwide. Nearly 600,000 more than before the war! So, Jewish statements from 1948 show nothing of 6 million murdered Jews.

Not surprisingly, the New York Jewish paper Aufbau, on December 24, 1948, dubbed the Six Million Story "a pure fabrication." Authoritative experts after the War clearly did not believe that 6 million Jews disappeared. If, between 1939/1940 and 1947, six million Jews were murdered, it is of course impossible that there were more Jews in 1948 than in 1940. With 6 million Jews murdered after the war, no more than 10,288,259 Jews could have been counted then. This was understood by the proponents of the Talmudic number as well, which is why, after 1947, drastically reduced numbers of Jews appeared on paper. Not only were the numbers of post-war Jews presented much lower, at the same time, higher numbers of pre-war Jews were presented with no substantiation or reference other than circulating astronomic death numbers for the camps. The manipulation of numbers of Jews in the world and Europe is clearly a post-war phenomenon.

Even if one argues that the numbers of Jews shortly after the war were impure or wrong, one has to explain what the causes were and why this was not indicated. Even if the numbers of Jews shortly after the war were wrong, the subsequent millions lower in 1947 must be supported by evidence. That never happened. Only 46 years later, in 1991, the fraudulent, demonstrably worthless work of Benz appeared, an example of Jewish Mathematics resulting in '6 million'.


The first differing post-war assignment came in the Almanac of 1949. Then the Jewish World population was set forth for 1947 as 11,266,600. This was 4,421,659 lower than the previous statement:

1939: 15,688,259

1947: 11,266,600

Difference: 4,421,659

But, even 4,421,659 less doesn’t make Six Million. What next?

Simple, the Almanac promptly gave higher numbers of pre-war Jews too:

in 1946 for 1939 still 15,688,259 Jews,

in 1949 for 1939 16,643,210 Jews!

Almost 1 million (954,951) more before the war. 5,376,610 Jews 'disappeared'!

This is the origin of the "5.4 or 5.7 million Holocaust murdered” nowadays parroted by official historians, not accompanied by a shred of proof. The postwar manipulation shows that not WW II led to "Six Million Jews murdered”, but the Talmudic numerus fixus, slavishly accepted by the kin of Holocaust Court historians.

The chaos and arbitrariness of post-war numbers of Jews in the world is shown by the following:

Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951: 15,300,000.

Encyclopedia Britannica's 1955 Book of the Year 11,627,450 (All, synagogue member or not).

U.S. News & World Report, 1983: 16,820,850.

World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: 18,080,000.

World Almanac, 1996, p. 646: 14,117,000.

World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: 13,200,000.


Anyways, this is portion of what I've accumulated over the past couple years. I'm not denying that there was genocide during the war, but the entire situation has been blown out of proportions and is being used to take advantage of millions of innocent people worldwide. There are too many discrepancies in testimony, evidence, and reports on the Holocaust to take it seriously, and the fact that it's still such an enormous topic of discussion, decades and generations after the fact, should be an indicator of the problem in and of itself.

Why don't you do it faggot?


They didn't incinerate 6 million, there were mass graves all over the place, stacks of bodies in the camps. We have photos.

After you die of AIDS like you idol, faggot


Everyday, it's the same fucking thing.

>Why are there so many white girls with black men, pol?
>See this niggertweet/facebook bullshit? Sup Forums BTFO
>Convince ME (not the 40 other shitposters that make this shit thread every fucking day) that the holocaust isn't real.



Point out one photo with healthy bodies

The general feeling I get from Sup Forums is that the lollercaust didn't happen, but it should have.

There are maybe hundreds of books written on holocaust revionism.

Look up works of Carlo Matogno and Yurgen Graff.

Some youtube guys made a nice video compilation of why holocaust is bullshit check em out



Not only that but all of those bodies were the result of starvation and typhus. I believe that the holocaust happened and that Jews were targeted for their ethnicity but I don't believe that they were being gassed and exterminated.

It happened OP. Just wasn't the way it happened according to the jews and other sources that claim muh lampshade.

They bullshited the stats and we will never know the reality of how many actually died. I'm not saying that they gassed them either, plenty of other things that would of killed them


It happened but the gas chambers are overblown
most jews died in the ghettos and people always focus on jews and forget gypses, homosexuals, mentally ill etc.

The hoLocaust is the attempted genocide of the Jews. That did not happen, but they did put them in camps for good reason, same as we did with the Japanese. Even though the Jews were treated better (before Germany started losing) than the Japanese