Just stumped this Hillary / DWS apologist on Facebook. Why do Dems put up with these 'leaders?'

Just stumped this Hillary / DWS apologist on Facebook. Why do Dems put up with these 'leaders?'

Good read.
It blows my mind that anyone can still support Killary.

I think I broke them at the end. If this person can't even think of a new insult, then how can they possibly outthink what the media shoves down their throat?

Tisk tisk. Typical ad homs. Good job Op.

Why are they calling you "Hindenburg"?

Because they blew her the fuck up

Because Hindenburg was often thought to be the only person who could defeat Hitler. They're saying that by not letting the Dems pull their shit, we're letting Trump (Hitler) win. At least that's what I assumed. Based on their other arguments it could be something that makes even less sense

the salt is palpable

Good job on the redpill

Paul Hindenberg, President of Germany who let Hitler become Chancellor

remember, Trump is literally hitler

I was referring to the airship, but that works too

yes, this is what they were going for

Didn't he apoint Hitler?

He appointed Hitler and then died and then Hitler took power as head of state

I figured as much, but it seems a bit of a stretch.
Actually, if I pretend to be a progressive, that logic makes complete sense.

Nigger what?

Hindenburg gave Hitler Chancellorship and then allowed him to exercise emergency powers because the Reichstag was burnt to the ground

That is like that bit in mein kampf. The way the jew lies.

Ask him about it tomorrow and he will have forgotten everything.

I don't know. I ain't a history boy, this is just what I found on wikipedia.

"In February, he signed off on the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended various civil liberties, and in March he signed the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler's regime arbitrary powers. Hindenburg died the following year, after which Hitler declared the office of President vacant and made himself head of state."

Stop revealing your power level to the enemy, dumbass. You will be of no help to the cause if you are dead.

Lol, it's like she's a machine that broke down. I saw this post about all these soulless people basically being people who reincarnated without a soul, making them into something of an NPC.

Are you referring to philosophical zombies?

No, he did good. It's the race realism pill that gets people in trouble. Using Democrats' own rules against them is a safe play.

Great work OP. Quality posting 10/10. Calling out the ad hom was icing on the cake

You spend way too much effort of them. They're base creatures, hardly even worth the attention.

This. Citing statistics about blacks being more prone to crime will get you in trouble. But you can say something like, "Look how racist the fbi.gov statistics are on race and violent crime!" And pretend to be shocked.

Probably, but I was bored and I like getting into arguments with people online. Especially arguments like this. I'm sad and getting some sort of interaction was my entertainment for the night.

If anything Hillary is Hindenburg.

Hindenburg was a compromise the SPD(socialists) made with the Zentrumspartei(conservatives)

People voted for Hindenburg because they thought Hindenburg would stop Hitler from taking power, the irony is that Hindenburg made Hitler chancellor.

Why do lefties act like this?

You're not getting enough credit for this post.

> implying Clinton didn't win the nomination fair and square

I hate her, but lets not pretend that the majority of the Democratic party actually wants Sanders. Him losing the popular vote by such a large margin should really be a wake up call. He doesn't speak for the majority like he claims. He energized his voters thus causing higher turnout for his supporters (Clinton did not, very very few people were excited/energized for Clinton, plus higher voter turnout was positively correlated with Clinton victories) and he still couldn't win. He's just not popular because plenty of people see through his populist bullshit.