Wexler dead

Since she is not in Breaking Bad... and she loves Saul so much... will she die? Will they kill her off?

No. Jimmy will just break her heart by falling too much into criminality. I'm hoping they run into eachother in the 'present' and she picks him back up

i have a feeling she leaves prior to BB era, but may show up during the Cinnabon timeline

dead or prison

For some reason I just don't see them killing her off. Possibly she and Jimmy have a huge falling out and she moves back home or something. Maybe some crazy shit happens later in the series that causes her to not ever want to talk to Jimmy again.

This is what will happen.

Jimmy will get disbarred.

His trick with the battery DID prove that chuck was mentally ill rather than having a genuine sensitivity to electromagnitism BUT it also proved that Jimmy is not above doing questionably (or blatantly) illegal things to get his way; making the claim of him doctoring legal documents seem quite plausible.

This will cause blowback with Mesa Verde when they hear Kim was involved in legal shenanigans like this and Jimmy sabotaged Chuck handling their legal affairs. They will drop Kim like a stone and all the sudden, her legal venture with Jimmy and reputation is too tarnished to stay in business. She will try to plead with HHM to take her back which will fail and she will cease contact with Jimmy realizing that his illegal and immoral ways of doing things are only hurting her.

Jimmy will go back to conning and scamming but on a bigger scale.

Nacho will collaborate with Mike to try to bring down Tuco, Jimmy will get involved in this somehow. It will fail and Nacho will get killed.

Then Jimmy will get another degree from University of Samoa under a fake name. He will get legal documents, social security number, birth certificate ID for his fake identity from that veterinarian guy or his contacts. He will practice law under a fake name.

Of course anyone to practice law under a fake name after getting disbarred would be quickly found out IRL, but this is tv, so you'll have to suspend disbelief.

It's not too hard to figure out what happens if you read the sentence long summary of each episode on IMDB and fill in the blanks.

Also, Jimmy in BB seems like a happy-go lucky kind of guy. I doubt Kim will be killed off.

>the Cinnabon timeline
...the what now?

yea i think at least some of that will prove true. creds for good post. still think they might have to kill kim, but your version sounds less horribly depressing

>For some reason I just don't see them killing her off

same, I feel like even if Jimmy gets into some deep shit later on Kim is too smart and level-headed to get herself killed. similarly I can't see Jimmy putting her in that kind of danger

Cinnabon timeline...the flash forwards/post-BB in black and white with "Gene".

Kim makes jimmy a better man. Jimmy loves kim. Kim must die in order for jimmy to become saul or else he would be stalking her. Jimmy x Kim is the best relationship on tv in a decade.

Planting batteries is not illegal. We the viewer know jimmy changed the adress, but no one else knows that. So who to beleive? If i was the bar, who were all tied to chuck, i would cut my losses and run before he comes up with the crazy idea that i did something to him.

But in order for jimmy to fall, kim must die.

>mentions she came from Nebraska
>Gene is now in Nebraska
I'm sure that's just a writers coincidence and they have no intention of Gene and Kim reuniting.
I'd love it if Gene saw her scamming someone at the mall.

All I care is that she keeps showing them feet

nope. uratard. no grounds for disbarment exist. ignored the rest...

See, here's the thing. Touching someone in a way that does harm is battery (no pun intended). It's like planting peanuts on a guy who has an allergy to them. It's debatable whether this is battery because it's debatable whether Chuck's ailment is real.... so it's a bit legally gray.

But still the fact that he was even willing to do such a sneaky and underhanded thing IS conduct unbecoming of a lawyer. I'm aware his trail is to determine whether he doctored documents.

Jimmy proved several things with that stunt:
A. That Chuck's ailment is likely mental.
B. That Chuck constantly tried to sabotage Jimmy's career as a lawyer (but by legal means).

Those two points will help his case but then there's
C. That Jimmy WILL use legally questionable if not illegal means to get his way

and C will be his undoing. While he proved Chuck is malicious and insane, he also proved that he's a very shady lawyer which makes doctoring the documents seem *very* plausible.

I want to think Gene collapsing in the premiere was him seeing someone from his past

She really looks like that one pornstar

Which one?

>inb4 gene has lung cancer and starts making crystal meth edible cinnamon buns


How satisfying was it watching Chuck destroy his credibility this week?

I thought I remembered him mentioning his wife in BB.

Eh, not seeing it.

But you have to look at it from the point of view of the bar. Highly sucessful lawyers that we learned an episode ago all were mentored by chuck. Now they see that probably he has railroaded his own brother? They might decide to sick the state on him just to protect themselves.

Also, all lawyers do shady shit. Jimmy just does it in the open. They don't care that hes shady. Forging the address would be a near impossible task, the far more likely scenario is that crazy cuck chuck dreamed it up.

Horrible picture for your argument, but I've thought the same. That's the thing about women and makeup though they have like 8 different disguises.

>it's a kim tries on sjoes for 15 minutes montage


> It will fail and Nacho will get killed.

Nacho is still alive in BrBa. Saul mentions him when Walt and Jesse have him out in the desert.

I think him being in Nebraska is just a coincidence. Like, him being there and stuck in the same way Walt was is his personal hell, reminded of the shit that went down prior.

I'm for Kim being dead, but I really, really doubt Vince is killing a female main character.

>it was Ignacio it wasn't me!
Doesn't mean he's alive. Could be the only reason he throws his name under the bus since in season 1 Jimmy was afraid of him after their last interaction. I do hope we see more of him either way

She's gonna end up in jail over him

>this one autist keeps posting his dumb theory everywhere

"plausible" isn't enough for a court you dumb dumb dummkopf and you're a fucking idiot for trying to use real lawyer logic anyway because it's a tv show.


He's still speaking in present tense.

I think he's still around in S2, but not involved in the drugs.

Saul says in his first BrBa appearance, "it wasn't me, it was Ignacio". Nacho never shows up and is only mentioned that once. He is never seen around Tuco or Hector or any of the cartel members. He is dead.

You know they had to introduce some new characters for this show just so they have people to kill off, because none of the leads can die (except for maybe Chuck, Kim, or Hamlin; which I don't believe will happen).

The episode synopsises for the remainder of the season allude to a power struggle between Tuco and Nacho and obviously Tuco wins because Nacho is not around in the events of breaking bad. What do you think fellas like Tuco and Hector do to someone that challenges them? Tickle them with a feather duster?

Jimmy and Saul Goodman are two different persons

what do you think about my theory?


>"plausible" isn't enough for a court you dumb dumb dummkopf
>you're a fucking idiot for trying to use real lawyer logic anyway because it's a tv show.

Your two statements are contradictory.

And they've stated earlier that the standards for a disbarment are way more stringent than regular court, meaning all they really need is a hint of criminal behavior and it's over. Jimmy gave them proof, not of doctoring legal documents but by hiring someone to commit what may be considered battery to make a point.


You're right, I have the day off and I have posted this earlier because I'm fairly certain all of this will take place. It fits with all the synopsis of future episodes

Not contradictory at all. If we were using real lawyer logic, you'd be wrong, but since it's a tv show and none of it matters, you're wrong anyway.

holy kek

she probably gets successful and becomes an inhouse lawyer for mesa verde or something similar in another city

I always wonder why no one recognizes Jimmy as Saul Goodman

I mean he has commercials and shit

Same here. Maybe she even represents Jimmy in a criminal case

is BCS set in Albuquerque?

>The episode synopsises for the remainder of the season allude to a power struggle between Tuco and Nacho and obviously Tuco wins because Nacho is not around in the events of breaking bad. What do you think fellas like Tuco and Hector do to someone that challenges them? Tickle them with a feather duster?

And yet Crazy-8 wins? Tuco replaces him after the premiere.

No reason to assume Nacho is dead any more than to assume Chuck, Howard, Ernesto or Kim are dead. Saul has a whole life offscreen in BrBa and we know some eps with be side pieces to the Walt/Jesse interactions.

The legal definition of battery is almost never prosecuted. You commit battery 20 times on a bus ride, legally. I took law classes in business school. You are dead fucking wrong.

They dont give a shit about battery. They give a shit that their mentor is obviously insane.

In Breaking Bad he says something like
>I am Goodman but my real name is McGill.
And he tries to prove that he took the name "Goodman" as a jewish name because he wanted to feel a part of community.

don't understand that
sorry for my language, t. retard from Poland

The strip mall, the nail salon and LPH are all in BCS, too.