TV shows with amazing endings

TV shows with amazing endings.

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could you provide an example?

pic related.

I loved it desu, I remember reading that it was disapointing, so i was expecting it to be trash.

The ending was fucking stupid.

If Ozymandias had been the last episode it would have been the best finale ever. But they fucked it up by adding two more episodes.

Great show.

first episode: terminal cancer diagnosis
last episode: dies


The last episode was the best in the entire series

I seriously think it's the perfect ending for the show. What other show's ending do people still talk about 10+ years later? No one talks about Breaking bad's ending and that's what idiots claim is how they wanted Sopranos to end.

I applaud Chase, guy is a master.

But he deosn't die of cancer. In fact he doesn't even die.

>heard about the ending years prior and still didn't see it coming.


Holy fuck, that parking job was atrocious.


Everybody dies


Six Feet Under

Ive never ever been truly satisfied with the ending of a show, breaking bad was good but it always feels like somethings missing

>if she parked better and quicker she would have blocked the hit man from having a good shot at Tony.

I only realized that in my rewatch

I live in ABQ and they put Walter Whites obit in the paper!

I think the show should have ended after they killed Gus.

Then made a movie.

The best

Because it ended before it started to suck!

(It also ended before it got to be particularly good...)

>then made a movie

dear god NO

Honestly I think that last season was shitty and should have been wrapped up in a two hour movie with Walter croaking at the end.

I didn't watch the show until I moved to this shithole town so maybe binge watching it lowers my rating of the last season.

Literally the only show to ever end with its best episode.

The Shield's final episode was one of the best.

>I wish I'd never met him.


I watched all of BB all the way up until the last season and Hank discovered who Heisenberg is.
I was so bored and quit.
How does the show end?


this desu

I have to watch this show.

Also twin peaks last episode was epic.


Star Trek TNG


>you'll never dig coal with your counterpart

At least post the real ending OP

This whole show was fan service done right and I loved the finale more than would ever expect to.


I went through years of faithful viewing without recalling the scene where Boyd saves Raylan's life in a cave in. He owes him a life debt which really adds flavor the the dynamic.

>dude kills stepdaddy
>dude kills fuckin' Wayne "The Shark" Unser
>dude kills whore mommy
>dude finally realizes he did wrong
>dude leaves kids to drug addict whore and a filthy spic
>he kills himself
yeah great ending, he was his own blowback lol

>tfw the only shows i cant think of with good endings are animes

congrats. you completely failed and wasted your many hours with BB. next time try something on the grade 4 level.. its where most amerikuks fall. so kevin can wait is your new show. enjoy it bro!

>Not revealing your secret identity to the women you love moments before blowing up your flying car killing you both in a futile attempt to kill an invisible tyrannosaurus.

It's like you guys aren't even trying.

Lmao worst ending scene ice ever seen. Glad I skipped the last season and a half and just YouTube's the ending

I wouldn't call it amazing, but I feel the show ended quite nicely and didn't run too long. Definitely one of the best sitcoms(?) ever made

seconding this

Why does Batman sound like he has a nasal infection?

I can't actually remember what it was, but wasn't Everybody Hate Chris' ending pretty good?

Are those rare disney hats???

dont kill me pls

Dexter the Woodchopper

Actually good. Not great, though.

L O S T and The Sopranos both have stellar endings. As did Boardwalk Empire. SOA ended up being a crock of shit sadly, though did see it coming after all those fucking soap drama montages... Breaking Bad can suck a dick too

My Name Is Earl's original ending would have been the most satisfying ending to a show

>I had always had an ending to Earl and I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to see it happen. You've got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn't ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with lists and that he's finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.


well now i've gotta see this

>L O S T
Lost it.

I feel like this was the first time in the show you get a taste of how Tony lived, constantly looking over his shoulder expecting his final moment to come everyday


This has always been my holy fuck moment in a TV show.

oh he dies in a shootout with the bandits.
didn't see that one coming

Spartacus is for plebs

He says in this that he was put in charge of the world and he didn't take good care of it.
So how did he cause the ice-age?

I miss that fucking show, it was fantastic


The Sopranos, The Shield, The Wire.

they couldn't have done it any other way

makes me cry on every rewatch

Breaking Bad is one of the most overrated shows in the history of television.

Which ending?!

this show was too pure for our world, what an ending

what u talking about nigga? the show was great during the first seasons, and the last season was somewhat satisfying, but the actual ending was shit. Totally cliche and everyone gets what they deserve, including the use of the fucking risin they prepared 3 seasons ago.. i mean come on. And that music at the end! seriously? its awful. You can tell it was picked by someone else than the guy who picked the music for the entire show

words fall from your mouth like shit from ass roman cunt

5th season was stupid shit


I miss this show a lot. Best dialogue of any show.

Breaking Bad's ending was miles above the LOST ending. What are you, fucking retarded?


yeah would have been much much better

>The Wire
I can praise Wire all day long, but season 5 is visibly rushed and the ending is poor af

It's just a collage of characters and some shitty parallels.

>Walter falls down.
>"Never seen a bluer sky...."

Pure kino

Hannibal ending was pretty much perfect imo

>poor af

hello, reddit

Person of Interest ended perfectly.

I mean you have to put MASH on the list.

That was a great one.