
Is this movie really worth it? All of Sup Forums won't shut up about it.

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preddy good

You can pirate it for free, you idiot.

Do not EVER ask a Sup Forums board if "something is worth it". Find it out for yourself.

I just don't want to potentially waste a few hours of my life
> I'm looking at you BvS

"Zootopia is good" is a very popular meme in Japan

You're on the Internet so... too late.

>I just don't want to potentially waste a few hours of my life
>So let me go on Sup Forums and waste a few hours

Just go see the movie. Stop asking faggots on the internet what they think.

I'm obsessed with it until the next star wars movie

You already wasted enough

>Downloading a camrip

The film is like 1 hour 40 minutes long, and it has like a 98 or 99% rating on RT, what do you have to lose?

The chinese camrip is actually surprisingly awesome quality. Like, better than most DVDscrs I've seen.

If you didn't tell me it was a cam I wouldn't even know. No distortion (from recording at an angle from some random seat), excellent clarity, pretty decent sound

Leave it to the Chinese to be the kings of bootleg

Why don't you find out for yourself?

Do you need to have somebody to hold your hand every time you take a shit too?

>All Foxed Up

>I just don't want to potentially waste a few hours of my life
>uses Sup Forums
Obviously that's not actually a concern.

In what Bizarro retarded universe are Zootopia and BvS even comparable?

Yeah, it's very good. I enjoyed it.

But, hey, it's the latest disney furry movie so who knows

I hated every single moment of it.

This was the worst movie I have ever seen. I enjoyed Foodfight more than this.

>said no one

Bizzaro Sup Forums?

Post rare judys

Watch it and find out for yourself


what would you do to her hands?

screencapped it muhself


Hold them.

....if she wanted to

One thread at a time guys, one thread.

is this the thread?

They came out in the same month?


Hate these slow hours. Need the yanks to hurry up and get up

>Sup Forums won't shut up about it
>highest grossing film of 2016
>mass hysteria and people rewatching it 5-6 times
>nearly 1bn box office without marketing campaign
>art books sold off within days
Gee, OP, I dunno

True, even though I see most of these threads I'm still not sure what the hell they talk about, it all just seems to roll past
I pretty much lurk cos all I have to contribute is "the film was really good"

Just get involved with some of the smugposting, be a renderfag (like me) or a drawfag and ask questions that you know the answer to but will generate decentish discussion

I'm still butt bothered that this movie wasn't expected to be a success. The degree of imagination which went into the setting in addition to the characters is clearly superior to some of the other stuff they put out in the last three years.

The scene where Nick tells Judy no one cares about her dreams and ambitions and zootopia isn't a paradise pleased me immensely
Perhaps its just my inner cinic but I reckon its a good thing to teach kids

Oh, definitely. Way too many kids in primary school (and even secondary tbqh) being told that they're infallible and how everybody cares so much about them.

Plus they rewrote the story upside down.
Its a miracle it ALL worked

I don't get it. They think it's bad so they make a meme?

Or the fans of Case Close spontaneously make posts saying it's good ?

Or it's Disney's Japanese shilling?

My one worry going into the film was it was gonna be a painful left-loving movie, but it turns out just because something is lauded by progressives, and just because said progressives may be obnoxious individuals, does not mean the thing they're lauding is progressive (and bad)
Zootopia's ultimate conclusions are that, despite the truth often found in stereotypes, prejudice and segregation is the wrong way to go about helping anyone

And of course the fact that its basically a kids version of Hot-Fuzz gives it plus points too
What I'm basically saying is its an instant classic which will be shown to people's kids like Lion King is

Thank you for reminding me she is not a human after all.

I like my woman having long monkey fingers.


Yeah, that's about what I got from it to. Bit weird, since one of the main writers was openly racist towards white people in one of the BtS videos and the concept of "white privilege" is clearly known to the writers. Just glad that it's actually a very balanced and fair narrative in the end.

I hope that she's not undoing that belt.

Japanese fanart.

All memes and shit aside, yeah, I went to see it three times, pretty fucking quality

That's a pretty awesome piece of art.

>I just don't want to potentially waste a few hours of my life
>browses Sup Forums
>wants other peoples opinions instead of just watching the critically acclaimed Disney movie

Kids aren't being told they're infallible and everyone cares about them. Where are you getting this from?

bonus of speaking jap-speak.

We're up, we're just *at work* you eurofags.
No, seriously, love you guys across the pond. You make all the best culture.

Uh, how big is their toilet bowl? How can they flush a rabbit and a fox down the pipe without harming them?

And it seems they just flush the shit into river without any processing.

I am disappointed Disney honestly

Was like that when I was at school.

I dunno, those toilets had to accomodate big ass mammal shits, bears take pretty meaty shits

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this film as a kid friendly Hot Fuzz.

"White privilege" is a concept known to Bill O'Riley. You can be homeless and still know white privilege when people are more likely to see you as someone more trustworthy if not less lazy and less likely to spend the money on drugs.

Who was openly racist and how?

they even share a similar final scene


So how friendly are Judy and Nick? Friends with benefits?

Already been memed but "Gotta try everything, huh Nick?"

Though not true both are too pure for such matters

Well, no, that'd be men vs women.

youtu.be/Hiu3qJi0aPY?t=41m38s Change a few words. Hate it when sheltered, middle class people like that talk out of their arse.

Where and when did you go to school?

What's funny (and more Sup Forums related) is that the closest thing I can think of to kids being told they're infallible is Wreck it Ralph, where the moral seems to be that being you is enough. No need to work or improve, you're stuck being you and that's okay. It's true to an extent; there's only so much you can do to improve yourself, and even then some people naturally have a harder time than others. Making peace with yourself and the things you can't change is healthy, but the story of a guy who doesn't want to be what he was born to be only to find out that he can't be anything other than that runs counter to the entire message of Zootopia.

I can't believe Zootopia's only $44 million away from $1 billion. It's getting so close!

I think that over the next three weeks it'll cross the $1 billion threshold - I think it has another $6 to $8 million to get in America and hopefully the remaining foreign markets (namely Japan) can help with the final push. It shot up $30 million between last week and this week so it's definitely doable.

Do it for Bryon!

While the movie does a good job at teaching that the real world is a harsh place, I'm still glad it goes into how important it is to no let anything get between you and your goals, even when your own parents don't support you.

You can't see both privileges at the same time and maybe the factors that go into people "balancing the scales"? I mean I don't cry "handicap privilege" when I have to stand while someone in a wheelchair gets to sit.

Which words am I supposed to change?

Indeed, which is why that coupled with the well known chemistry between Nick and Judy aswell as other Disney jokes and references it makes the film an instant classic

When I went to the cinema adults laughed more than kids cos there were more proper jokes and not farting (perhaps excluding skunk butt rug) it really is a film anyone can enjoy rather than a kids film parents can tolerate

Just defeat these minions, America.

Rest of the world will crown Zootopia as the next Lion King

Pretty awful state school and I'm at university now. Having to watch teachers pretend to be supportive of students who, really, had no hope in hell of doing anything productive in life always got on my nerves- mainly because they ruined my experience there.

Just change any instance of the word 'white' to your favourite colour. The Asian women is the best choice for it.

They are purely good friend without sex. Period.


Based on how you let your assumptions ruin your whole experience, this is looking more like a you problem and not anything too real.

Teaser and nudist scene shows they have no genitalia, so the most intimate thing they can do is cuddle nekkid.

No, they have them, but the perception filter in place on the cameras makes it appear to the audience that they don't.

and that's pure! Zootopia 2 better feature some cute cuddling.

>hahah you've got mental problems I win xD
Let's hope we don't realise we're talking to each other in the future.

I never liked that picture, Nick looks too wolflike and a jock or something

Agree with . Nick looks really weird... Maybe smooth his nose a bit

It's the jaw - it's too square. He also should have less built shoulders.

You can tell when a furry draws fanart.

Guys, what do you say we cooperate and buy tickets to a cinema of our choice? It's by a meet up because, well, Sup Forums and everybody would be staring down their phones anyway, but we'll get to share viewing room among anons blending in the normies without any pressure to actually socialise.

Heh, I thought that looked like furry stuff.

Manchester this weekend

>thousands of women see this scene and they question their sanity because they just realized they have a crush on a cartoon fox from a Disney animated movie.

Londonistan anyone?

>for the second time in Disney's history

Meet you in the middle: Birmingham.

That's not what I said. Would you rather me tell you you're perfect the way you are and shouldn't change your attitude?

Zootopia is going to have the same effect on the young impressionable generation of the 2010's that Robin Hood had in the 70's.

A whole new generation of furries in the making.


>robin hood made byron gay and now he's doing it to us with nick


Robin Hood made Furries? Since when? It was one of my favourite Disney films at the time


Confused you with the other user tb͏h. I know that I'm a miserable, cynical git and I don't really care too much right now. No reason to really interact with anybody at university so I generally don't.

It was a huge catalyst for the broad wave of furries we're seeing now.


Who is more insane Byron Howard or Rich Moore?

Mang that sours my nostalgia a smidgen

Engineering for multiple possible species' use would be gauged at the back end for the largest possible, uh, product. So, elephant effluent. You just make a variety of different sized toilet seats (imagine nesting measuring cups: the smallest sized for mice, largest for elephants). That's why Judy fell in during training, someone left the seat up!

Eh, it shouldn't. That was just a really popular movie that happened to feature anthropomorphic animals - the furry scene didn't really take off until the 90's. There were plenty of other sources then.

You can enjoy a movie that made tons of kids into furries. I wouldn't say it turned me into a furry (I am one but I feel it's from other means) and I really still love Robin Hood as a cute enjoyable movie.


To me the lesson is you should be careful with a press conference because what you say could hurt others.

It is a simple message but delivered thru a relatable story.

I mean what Judy said on the press conference is not out of simple vanity, arrogance, or ignorance. She went through her whole life with those ideas.

If it were up to me I would say the real life racism is something like that. Racism is not just vanity or ignorance. It can be learned through a life of hard and sincere work. And people upholding racism are decent and lovely people. But something bigger and more ubiquitous in the system is wrong so you can be Judy Hopps but you are still wrong

...seriously? If so, good. That's kinda pathetic, man.

For good reason

Now, The Great Mouse Detective on the other hand...

Just kidding. Sonic was the catalyst for me.