This man is responsible for the death of Phil Hartman

This man is responsible for the death of Phil Hartman.

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I was just talking about this guy today and how he's the reason Phil Hartman died. Fuck that guy.

I've read articles about Hartman but don't know the Dick connection care to elaborate?

Hartman's wife was a drug addict and supposedly Andy dick fed her cocaine or some shit. Phil and her got into a fight which ended with his death. I'm not so sure about the story because its all shit I heard on the internet

Fucking hell

so? lmao

I like Phil Hartman but it isn't Andy Dick's fault that Hartman married a crazy drug addict.

My recollection is:

Hartman's wife was a cokehead for a long time.

Then she went to rehab and got off the blow.

Then at some party Andy Dick gave her some coke and she spiraled back into full fledged junkie.

Hartman was done with this and planned on divorcing her.

So she murders Phil in his sleep and then an heros.

what a strong,independent,woman that don't need no man!

>Andy Dick is a hateful cunt

more news at 11

He's such a dick. Never heard that story though. Even if it's true, that woman did the blow, so it's her responsibility.

Not really.

He later got punched by Jon Lovitz for mocking Phil death

And then Jon Lovitz punched him

Providing coke to a nutjob that gets into a fight with her husband and murders him does not make the coke-provider a murderer.

At best he would be guilty of dealing cocaine. That's all.

And even that's a stretch. All that's actually known is Andy Dick was friends with her and they did coke together occasionally.

Perhaps he provided her with coke, but even that's not an egregious sin. Doing coke does not make a person blood thirsty.

Phil's wife had tried to quit a number of times and Phil was getting sick of it. He told her she has to quit or he's going to leave her (he supported her). That night she murdered him in his sleep.

I don't know what her intentions were, perhaps maybe trying to pin the murder on someone else so she inherits the fortune.

Just look at his fucking gay ass AIDS face

It does when he goes around saying he put the hartman curse on them, it's why lovitz beat the shit out of him.

nobody cares

What bothers me of this is that andy dick brags about getting him killed and brags about "the andy dick curse"

One time he got into a fight with Jon Lovitz and andy dick said something like "im going to put the andy dick curse on you and a drug addict is going to kill you" or something like that.

He makes fun of it and uses it as a joke...

Andy dick is a true piece of shit

Was it kino?

Andy's exact words were, "I put the Phil Harman curse on you, you're next." Then Jon Lovitz kicked his ass which I would have paid to see, I wish this was in the days of cell phones. A pudgey wimpy jew kicking a flamboyant gay's ass has to be comedy gold.

But to really contextualize properly what Andy Dick said, you have to understand that Jon Lovitz was telling reporters, celebs, and anyone who would listen; that Andy Dick killed Hartman. He'd been saying it for months. Those are very serious allegations that are seriously untrue. *At best* Andy provided her with coke and that's it. He had nothing to do with that murder. If I saw someone accusing me of that shit, I'd have some nasty words to say too.

I have no love for Andy Dick but you have to understand Lovitz had been antagonizing him for months with BS allegations.

was this kino?

I haven't seen it but I highly doubt it. Anything Andy Dick has ever been in is mediocre at best, but leaning towards horrible.

actually yeah. It was pretty great

What pissed me off the most was the fact they invited dick to be a guest on the simpsons after the fact.

Zombie Simpsons had him guest star. Classic Simpsons never let him on.

why was he a big deal again?

This makes more sense and confirms my feeling of Andy Dick being an addict douche instead of a complete sociopath.

degeneracy personified

i keep getting him mixed up with david spade

whos that guy, a waiter?

*slammed his head on the bar top

a receptionist i think