What do you think about this guy...

What do you think about this guy? He was an ethnic Romanian who converted to Islam and killed white western people because you bullied him during his life


Pretty cool. There is also this Russian who converted and beheaded a pro-Russia Chechen, i love situations like these, it's like they come from a movie or something.


I'm Somali but I'm an ex-Muslim.

I know, I know. I'm still a nigger that should go back to Africa and so on. But I think converts to Islam are idiots or scum. I hate how fucking much people conflate religion and race. Don't hate people for their race. Hate them for the stupid shit they think.

He probably hated muslims and chechens, and then he heard about a chechn who loved russians and hated being a muslim, so the russian guy had some mental thhing going on and turned islamist because of that

>What do you think about this guy?
I think he is dead.

t. next president of canada

No, stay in canada or usa, thats what these countries are for, they deserve this for indians. I think i was an indian in my old life. And name was penus cocaine

>Imagine being this self-hating.
Look at this dude
Oh no no no
Oh no no hahahahahahahahahahaha

People who say that are probably going to become next suicide bombers or truck drivers. That is called taqiya

You're just some edgy underage that will get his comeuppance for abandoning his Lord.

Soon you will realize the facade you put yourself in, you pandered to the Christians and Jews but they will NEVER accept you and if you turned back to your Lord in humble submission, that would be better for you but if you don't then you will have no friend or protector against them. So walk along this Earth, in your ignorance and feel the hatred of the men you pandered to and in the hereafter feel the hatred of your Lord. Know that our religion needs no sheep in these trying times.

I'm poor as fuck. Probably going to die young. I have little education and work a dead end job. Hate my life.

I don't feel I belong anywhere. I don't care at this point though. I'm just gonna exist in solitude.
Fuck you you fucking fuck. I left Islam because it's literally not true. Nothing more to it. Muhammad made that shit up. It's also an awful worldview, but the reason I'm not Muslim is simply I read the Qur'an and it's a book of obvious falsehood.

I love myself. I have nothing against my race. I wish we were never Muslim. What is hate is the religion and stupidity that's in 99% of Somalis.


>You're just some edgy underage that will get his comeuppance for abandoning his Lord.
I left Islam at age 15. Every year I hate the religion more for the cancer it is on the world. I'm 22 now.

>Soon you will realize the facade you put yourself in, you pandered to the Christians and Jews but they will NEVER accept you
I don't feel accepted by the west or Islam. Every side hates me and I hate them back for the most part. I believe in Spinoza and Hume. Judaism and Christianity are milder forms of the same cancer. There is no strong secular atheistic culture that I can join. People are too fucking feely-feely for that.
>and if you turned back to your Lord in humble submission, that would be better for you but if you don't then you will have no friend or protector against them. So walk along this Earth, in your ignorance and feel the hatred of the men you pandered to and in the hereafter feel the hatred of your Lord. Know that our religion needs no sheep in these trying times.
I've considered this before at my lowest points, but I have never taken it, because I feel Islam is a parasite. I am not happy without Islam for Socio-Economic reasons, and I won't be happy with Islam because I know too much and I hate everything about it.

>hate my life
>love myself
You either baiting or you are really somalian
>exist in solitude
You still need a passport. Canada is good for solitude, i watched some discovery channel dude who was living a year, i think, in canada plains

He was Kuwaiti.

You left Islam because you were influenced by a group of people on a computer who have never heard of you.
If I ever leave Islam it’ll be because of my own accord not because someone online projects onto me.

Looks pretty baller desu

Somalis have been living in Canada since the 70’s.

And? Why did you reply to me about that?

>>hate my life
>>love myself
>You either baiting or you are really somalian
You can love yourself and hate your life. It's called being unfortunate dumbfuck. I don't choose to be poor and live a shitty life. I wish I was educated and had a good job. I deserve that, but I can't achieve it in my current situation.

>>exist in solitude
>You still need a passport. Canada is good for solitude, i watched some discovery channel dude who was living a year, i think, in canada plains
The good thing about Canada is people leave you alone in your home. I'm content with that. It's not Belgium where people live close together like rats.

Why are you trying to bring a nigger back into Islam? I'm a Christian but I try to dissuade Christian niggers as much as possible. I want my religion to be as racially eugenic as it can be.

You're a fedora who espouses Spinoza? What? There's kind of a wide dichotomy between "God doesn't real" and "everything is God".

Jesus was a Jewish middle eastern man who would be selected for "random" searches at any western airport today.

Not that I support him but Somalia was one of the first Muslim nations.
It’s like excommunicating Spain from the Catholic Church.
You can really kick out a group of people who have been Islamic for far longer then most of the Middle East.

You know nothing about my life. Muslims ALWAYS do this. They think they know everything about you when they haven't even known you for a minute.

I was at Madrassad studying Qur'an every Saturday and Sunday. I know my shit. I struggled since age 13 reconciling my religious beliefs with what I learned in state school (actual science). The moon wasn't fucking split in half. There aren't pillars holding up the sky. Dunking a fucking fly in your tea doesn't cleanse it of pathogens. It's all bullshit a cave dwelling bandit invented.

I see Muhammad as no different from Ghengis Khan. But we don't worship Ghenghis Khan anymore. Muhammad is worshipped practically as a God by over a billion people.

You are dumbfuck! At least i am educated and have a job!
I dont

Spinoza lived in ignorant times but the conclusions he arrived at on his own were incredibly beyond his time. The history of irreligion is difficult for us to comprehend in modern times because there were so many gaps in knowledge back then.

He called out the bullshit of religion in a time people dug holes to shit and were largely illiterate.

>I hate the religion
>I know it is a falsehood
>I've considered this before [returning to Islam]

Are these indeed the words of one assured or the words of a creature that is the worst of mankind? If you return to the Lord of Mankind, know he is oft-forgiving and merciful but if you deny the truth, slander the prophets and spread falsehood, you will harm us not even a little, and He has promised us to perfect his light. It is not Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) that needs you, it is you who needs him. Never forget that.

How wretched are the people who blame their Lord for the wrongdoings of their people? Were they not sent the correct message and chose to reject it in favor of this life?

I'm unfortunate. I left school at 16 because I was being harassed and abused by my family. Fuck me that I'm not making 6 figures bro.

you dog cunt. if you hate kuffar so much, why don't you fuck off back to the middle east or wherever you came from?

I just wished I could have lived forever in my comfy region without having seen or even heard of Islam, niggers, etc.

People who died at my age 100 years ago in the trenches wouldn't believe how we've became.

Spinoza was not anti-theistic, he was a pantheist. He may have been critical of religion but he was no less mystical in this thinking.

Set yourself straight.
Get yourself a goal and focus on it.

>I know you're unsatisfied with our big fat turd sir
>would you like us to dip it in sugar so it's less revolting?
Hmmm... Thinking on this.

Do I take my shit un-sweetened or sweetened? Tough choice. I'll get back to you.

Because there is no difference whether he is black or white, arab or non-arab? Do you think upon death, your Lord will judge you based on your skin pigmentation or origin instead of your faith? Do you also believe he will judge you for what your forefathers have done even if you rejected them? What a wretched thought.

Thats a bad argument. He can still hate kuffar on the land of abos

Why are there so many Somali posters on Sup Forums?
What draws them here more then any other African ethnicity?

It was the 1600s man. My point is he shook the foundations of organised religion simply by refuting their nonsense. If I lived in the 1600s, I would probably be some sort of deist or pantheist. Until we had an explanation for animals other than "God did it", I see why complete Atheism wouldn't be a natural or very defendable conclusion. We couldn't explain where the animals came from, it must have been a creator of some sort.

Maybe they are more close to you than you think? Maybe you can also become a pirate and find one piece. Btw do you think there are somali pirates whi think that there is some hidden treasure in some isla de la muerte?

As always in a group of people they're smarter individuals than the average. If you're unfortunate enough to be born in a MUSLIM and NIGGER shithole you're more than likely to run away and end up in some White country, being rejected because you hate Islam even if you're a migrant, and shitpost along with racists that are the closest to you.

Jesus was not brown.

Ethiopia was also one of the first Christian nations desu but I don't care about them, they're niggers. I'd rather they go back to being cannibal pagans or whatever they were and stop shitting Christianity up.

How do you explain the differences between races? Niggers are literally more likely to disobey any religion and do retarded shit that will make them end up in hell.

abos are even worse kuffar, at least anglos are traditionally monotheistic, they are ahlul-kitaab (people of the book) meaning they can apply for jizya tax
in a caliphate, abos who practice abo religions would face exile or death

You can still be a deist or pantheist. Non-overlapping magesteria dude, science can't answer metaphysical problems like "why is there something instead of nothing". Naturalism isn't self-evident.

Only the best and the worst living the country. The best because they have achieved everything and the country doesn't suffice them and the worst because they can achieve nothing there

Christian here, I think the same.
Niggers who pretend to be Christian just copy what we've told them to do. They still practice sorcery and are still low-IQ monkeys. Same for nigger Muslims who worship the slave-owner Muhammad.
They're just the missing link between the man and the monkey. I don't want them to have my religion.

>Jesus was not brown
>calls someone retarded
Well, at least abbos live with kangaroos, so who cares. If i would be a great caliph of al stralia (alhamdulillah) i would not care about them.

I've noticed that consistently the reason I fail at trying to make it in the world is lack of allies or support. I have no connections. I'm out on my ass after having been disowned. I save, and it'll be 2 years of extensions ($2,000 per semester) to do post secondary. Somewhere along the line I just lost motivation. I'm full of anger and indignation that I have to work so much harder than anyone else to get to the same place. Maybe I'll pull through, but every month it seems further and further away.

I don't think I'll live long. I stand all day at work, 8-10 hours, and my feet are going numb. Manual labour is fucking my body but if I don't do it I can't pay the bills.

And then the fact that no one understands or cares about me and I'm just seen as another Somali youth. Somalis shouldn't have come to this country honestly. It's embarassing how badly we do compared to Chinese and Indians. It just makes all black people look bad.

Finns do black magic and pray to christ, do you reject them now?

This, when niggers or other shitskins have your religion they just demand gibs from you as their "brotha-in-faith" and your women eventually. It's far better they are not in your religion to begin with.

It's the same how I feel about all those Christian Pajeets in India, or Christian gooks, I don't want streetshitters or dog-eaters ruining my religion. I want it to be for white people only.

The alternative is to get race-mixed out of existence by them, as inevitably people from your religion will take pity on their co-religionists and treat them as compatriots.

I have the perfect religon for you.

a lot of somali children are either exposed to the streets or sheltered in homes with internet
time on internet=more likely to spend time on Sup Forums
diaspora somalis tend to be divided up in clan enclaves, so kids who live in melting pot communities are more likely to be Sup Forums users
I started browsing Sup Forums about 3 years ago but knew about it's existence when i was 9

What about deus vult?

I don't hate kuffar, why would I? What I do and say is out of fear of my Lord, not on the whims of men.

>why don't you fuck off back to the middle east or wherever you came from?

And the Middle East has no kuffar? I can honestly say the best of muslims I have met were the converts from the west. Oh, and by the way, unlike you I work which enables me to travel and be in countries like Australia. I find it quite hilarious that a Somalian immigrant is telling another to go back to where they came from, how are you so deluded?

>How do you explain the differences between races? Niggers are literally more likely to disobey any religion and do retarded shit that will make them end up in hell.

The differences are obviously between tribes of Mankind, and each will be judged accordingly. Could I judge a man born into poverty and ignorance who only knew of idol-worship, praying to falsities and irrational superstitions even if he strived to do good? How could I? And in terms of those who disobey religion as a people isn't that the whole of mankind? Still to this day there are those who believe in false gods in every corner of the globe, even if you perceive it not. Besides, I would say the most rebellious people are those which reside in the Indian subcontinent, they invent a new god or religion or object to worship even in modernity.

My entire point is evolution makes methodological naturalism, which is a vastly superior explanation than deism or pantheism, possible.

I'm an agnostic, an Atheist, and a an Anti-theist. None of these things are mutually exclusive. I don't claim knowledge of the metaphysical, and reality we are all agnostic since no one can. I'm an atheist because an unfalsifiable hypothesis effectively doesn't exist so believing in it makes no sense. Anti-theism because I've looked at the way religion functions in society, and it's history, and it's both false and terrible for society. Like believing in pixies or dragons when they don't actually exist and living your life as if they do.

Nigger crusaders would be literally useless and more of a liability if anything.

All major wars and conquests in the last 200 years were done by white people.

There's a reason why the Jews are controlling the world. They didn't let shitskins mongrelify their genepool.

>Somalian immigrant
>Middle East has no kuffar?
but native kuffar get bullied in the middle east, do they not?
> I work which enables me to travel
I bet i've been to more countries than you

>My entire point is evolution makes methodological naturalism,
I'm going to reword that because it's inacurate. The massive gap in our knowledge from not understanding where animals came from gave a lot of credibility to belief in a creator. Not necessarily "God", but a creator that created us and all the animals. Once we have a naturalistic explanation for where animals, and plants of course, came from, we didn't have to rely on a creator to explain it at all.

A creator makes a lot of sense when there are all these life forms that look different from one another and they seemingly came out of nowhere.

Im talking about crusades, man! Colonization and turning niggers into christian, thats what im talking about!

You’ve been to Dubai?
Great city.
What are your plans btw sxb?
I’m planning to study civil engineering.

Well there are Arab and nigger Jews but they're openly segregated, like we should do.

you fell for the magnum opus of jewish tricks.
go to the shop and buy even more presents for (((christ)))mas goy.

Who wouldn't behead a pro-Russia anyone?

what a dumb underage cuck.

I think I was born to the one nation most of all that you cannot think differently. You can think somewhat on your own on a very shallow level, but Somali culture has very strong beliefs you cannot deviate from.

So I was born to the ethnicity where if you don't fall perfectly into line with what everyone else thinks, you're the most fucked.

My parents say I deserve death. I left home because my older brother tried to kill me. You guys have no idea.

>You’ve been to Dubai?
yes, about a decade ago
I don't think you need to ask me about the rest ;)
I'm an econ student

I’ve been there by myself.
My uncle owns a business there.
>Econ Student

I have a little fantasy in my head that Muslims, who oppress every group they rule over, are ruled over by a group intolerant towards them. A taste of Islam's own medicine.

I wish you guys got treated like shit for sincerely believing what you do. It's me who gets treated like shit for sincerely believing what I do. Death? I deserve death? Fuck your Allah and fuck you. Choke on a dick. You piece of shit.

>but native kuffar get bullied in the middle east, do they not?

Native kuffar lead their 'countries'.

>I bet i've been to more countries than you

It's always possible, this isn't some contest, it is an anonymous imageboard. Are you under-age? I've been to every continent sans Anarctica, though and the countries I have been in are in the double digits for vacation, however that isn't but a small part of why travel is important, if you worked you would know that.

>that spacing
opinion disregarded. join you fellow Hell dwellings at /p/lebbit

You're black, don't speak to your superiors without permission, nigger.

Why is there shit near bacon? Have they got no shame? How could i hate on muslims, when there are people who would waste precious bacon just to put in on some book and cover it with shit?

>My parents say I deserve death. I left home because my older brother tried to kill me. You guys have no idea.
This is why high school education has value. This is what let the Arab Spring revolution work in Tunisia, but basically no where else. Their "dictator" took away the public power of Islam and focused on education

Why did wh*tes rip their skin off and put it on a book?
I’ll crush you with my intellect you runt.

you're wh*te, you "people" bullied in your own countries

You may be uneducated,but you sure ain't dumb.Too bad you seem to use your free time to fill your memory with useless stuff.You could achieve sucess in life if you weren't "depressed" bro

He is a lost cause, he probably thinks black people are ghetto niggers who need to die because wh*Tes brainwashed him

He could do blacked porn. If his dickus is biggus, that is

We don't know shit senpai

I have never, ever seen a Somalian bully someone. Your fathers are nice people, but your sons wish to be African-American so bad that it is extremely sad and pathetic.

very true, but wh*tes get bullied by everyone else
somalis stick to bullying each other

I'm enjoying life FAR more since I've stopped hiding things. The thing is, my being open and honest isn't PC with any crowd, but fuck them all. I can't live life lying about myself.

The main lies I told people were that I had good relations with my family and my culture. People always broach it in conversation. It's great to just tell people I come from a bad home and am not liked by other Somalis or Muslims. It explains why I'm so maladjusted because I can't live up to what people think I should be. Telling Somalis I'm not religious is enough for them to want to do an intervention on me and have some old fuck read Qur'an on me.

Why did we Somalis let ourselves be enslaved by this bullshit? It's just bullshit. And horribly oppressive.

And a large part of my depression is because being ME seems to be so incredibly taboo. Transexual midgets with pink hair get along in life better than me.

>Why did we Somalis let ourselves be enslaved by this bullshit?
but liban, clans are the actual religions of zoomalia, islam is merely for convenience now

You have severe mental issues. Are you the person who does hashish and says it causes no harm from the other day!?

I posted in this thread because I wanted to show all you fuckers the other perspective. No one sees shit through my eyes. You can hate me, but you have to see life through my eyes.

I'll never be anywhere in life if I don't get the word out about what I have to fucking put up with. My mentality lately has been "fuck everybody". Fuck you all.

I feel you.
All I want in life is to be accepted and possibly own a farm in a secluded area with a loving family.

Damn, and i thought i had fucked up life

In middle school, there were these two middle eastern kids. Only remember one was named Hussein. I bullied him and called him Saddam all the time. I feel like shit thinking back on it. I really hope he's doing okay

If you know his family name, I could tell you if you should feel guilty or not.

Isn't Canada filled with sjw tier groups? If I were him I'd unironically victmize my way to the top of the food chain and drown in stanky feminist pussy while I'm at it (they love tragic niggers)

I don't... Actually he might be in an old Yearbook. Idk, doesn't really matter
He was just a kid

Most of my relatives believe the West (specifically America) ruined Somalia. So we come here to get what's ours.

Not every Somali thinks that. Some aren't totally stupid. But alot do.

The only thing the west is responsible for is humiliating us by being so much more advanced than us. Japan is the only country that approached Western Imperialism correctly. They saw if they didn't reach the same level as the west the west would roll over them, so they got to work getting up to their level, and on the way abandoning most of the primitive shit that was holding them back.

But it hurts a Nation's pride to have to adapt to a greater force.

What I mean is depending on his family name I could tell you what region he came from, and what his background was. This allows us to know if he would either not care about it, or take great offense to it.

Francanon summed it up surprisingly well. At first the racism here disturbed me, but then I started agreeing with some of it. I think humans as a whole are hairless apes. The white race isn't leaps and bounds above Africans or Asians. Also, "race" is bullshit. Humans are different from eachother, but it's gradual transitions. There are no monolithic races.

Okay, give me a few

No one cares what you think, you're a pseudo-intellectual looking for the approval and agreement of other pseudo-intellectuals. Nothing you say matters or will be accepted by anyone of repute.

He was a beta gypsy.
There was no other possible outcome to his life, not even in the multitude of parallel timelines of the multiverse.
Every single one ended with him converting to "beta uprising: the religion"

Can't find it