Are people redbulled enough to raise their eyebrows over this where you live? Would they even notice it?

Are people redbulled enough to raise their eyebrows over this where you live? Would they even notice it?

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That shit would never happen here. Sand niggers would be boat anchors if they tried it.

I only see joyful people

That's creepy.
Also, that wouldn't fly here because it'd have to be Cletus and Reedus doing it, rather than arabs, for it to be "normal".

>swim in the river?
Hell no fuck that shit, do you know the kind of shit that lives in the river? I know from experience because I release bull sharks pups into the fresh water supply

Where the fuck is that happening? I hope it's in the news!

Look how that one adult is leaning. What is he doing with his feet?

wtf are you talking about?

100% this.

You mean family swimming in a lake? Probably not. It would depend if the children are related. I live in Southern VA.

uhh whats wrong with swimming in rivers?

that's fucked up. I"m pretty sure they're fingering her on that pic


all the water where I live is polluted with pesticides from agricultural runoff, also sewage. Water is also fucking cold

We would probably call sanitation desu

Pedophile sharks circling a young white child. Germans and Swedes are into this kind of shit. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Angela Merkel makes pedophilia legal.

It's a sad day and age that we live in.

Wtf that is so disturbing. Why is she even in there with them?

She already did


If I saw anything untoward in a public place, especially if it involved children, I'd fucking murder the cunts.

The rivers in our northern half have these cute pets laying in wait for anyone brave enough to venture in.

>Sharia Law is literally being practiced in Germany

that's photoshop r-right?

What is it about the Poles that makes you the top nigger removers in all of Europe?

I got articles about hundreds and hundreds of similar cases. Tell me if you want me to post more

of course!

They're poor. That's basically it.



>soccer mums in constant fear about the safety of their children because news
>soccer mums feel too guilty to stereotype brown men who hang around their children

Holy fucking shit


dont pay your taxes and you'll end up in jail

disgusting amerifat water hahahahaha

non sequitur

Japs don't want or let in masses of immigrants and they're not poor.

Random refugee men would not be allowed to swim with children they are not related to and any irish parent that encouraged it would be a social outcast and investigated for child abuse.

What is the point of mixing men and children like that??

We don't like those fuckers.

fucking lol

You've made my week user

possible skinwalker?

gang rape of child.

I love this pic, so fukin cool.

Damn, fuckin creepy tbhm8

Cronulla 2.0 is entirely possible.

People aren't hating this shit any less. I've noticed that young women and faggots are basically the only people that want to see this happen.

>Are people redbulled enough to raise their eyebrows over this where you live?
Yep, they would. They would also call the cops...I live off of a private lake for residents only.

We have racism and xenophobia in our genes. Too much bullshit happened in this lands over centuries.

Sexual emergency in progress.

Yeah that shit would never fucking fly here.

>tfw in town I always visit in the summer now
>only middle/upper class swedish natives
>lots of good willed rich people
>Swedish flag everywhere, nationalism is commonplace here
>suddenly the commune decides to open up a refugee center in the old hotel (sadly, if my family bought it, which we planned to do, this wouldn't have happened)
>rapefugees everywhere, none of them look like Syrians, most look like black or even Asian (it means they're probably from Afghanistan)
>easiest way to spot them is that they dress and smell like shit
>fight eachother in the oceans and surround little girls as young as eight
>Tfw this is happening and no one but the mothers of these children see it

People bash women but mothers are very concerned while the dads brush it off, mainly because they're so cucked they don't wanna get into a fight

Poor Sweden. In my dreams I fight with you against the brown wave.

Get out while you can.


No. There is a bit of forced perspective happening but.
The croc is big, but not as big as it seems.

people stopped drinking Red Bull over here, they started drinking Monster

people stopped drinking Red Bull here and switched to Monster

If they tried that here they'd be hacked to death by everyone even the police.


they're repellant

I've never met a cute girl here in Sweden who hasn't been sexually assaulted by a Muslim atleast once every summer for her entire life

Looks like it's missing an arm :/

Dubs means user speaks the truth

>young women and faagots.
Why is it the people with the most to lose, seem to be the greatest advocates for mass Muslim immigration?
I mean, as a adult male, of Sharia was enforced tommorow my biggest issues would be the lack of beer and the odd sneaky bacon buttie, but I could walk down the street without fear of being gang raped or hung from a fucking crane.
It just does my fucking head in mate.

Meh pretty close

is he missing a right arm


Thats Brutus, a well known star in the N.T

Big males fight for territory. Missing limbs are fairly common.

post more smug reptiles


probably something like this would happen except it would end with Lynchings
how the fuck are you guys so mild mannered? how has a single Swede not gone full Deus Vult and started killing them


I see just a bunch of kids. Oldest is around 14.

These news articles imply judges are too brainwashed. In reality judges are too scared to put Ahmed in jail. Ahmed has 5 brothers and 17 cousins who would revenge him.

mostly due to local culture, people tend only to maybe say "hello" to each other if they pass each other, it's like everybody is antisocial basically

why not just move country though?

Surprisingly it doesn't happen in France.
Nobody is crazy enough to let his kids alone when the place is filled with "coloured".

This picture is frightening.

this particular article is misleading.
at the time of the ruling the girl was already 22
which made the CURRENT situation legal under german law
if they came when the girl wasn't yet 16 it'd have been illegal

I know it's dumb but this is how the law works

Germany and no, its not news.
Thats unaccompanied refugee children playing with a german girl

Also we don't have any families or sense of community. We all live alone in small apartments and we hardly ever talk to anyone. We're completely demoralized but it's not that we don't care about eachother because we do. It's just that when someone stands up against a Muslim rapist or murderer they're met with a blade in their stomachs. Swedish Muslims stab white people over nothing every day here and they get no punishment for it. It's no big deal for Muslims to stab people here. If someone would for once just tell a Muslim off and then defend themselves so they don't get stabbed then that would be seen as a revolutionary act of nazi terrorism and they'd would probably be sent to the gulags.

this is the sweden your women chose though.
I'm not sure why they are getting mad over it.

oh yeah, women are retarded that's why

Shouldn't it be CCWP?

No it isn't. The marriage contract was never valid and the man is a criminal who should have been arrested and prosecuted. That's how the law works you fucking kike.

first of all you're wrong
second of all, you would separate cousins, close family, because you think their marriage is "wrong" ?

that's incredibly mean. you should not separate family members.

>If you rape a toddler the crime is forgiven when she turns 18
Based Germany


Who cares? The whore let him fuck her. Maybe you cucks should teach your women better morals instead of getting mad when Achmed consensually deflowers Her

If it's Sweden it's probably nothing dangerous


I remember seeing a video a while back where two Muslims break into a jewelry store on a in a Swedish mall and start breaking cases and filling their bags up and the Swedes just gather around and laugh.

Redbulled hahaha

Unless it happened in Melbourne, then the fuckers would be all #NotAllMuslims and #HugAMuslimDay

Please nuke this shithole please

But I'm not wrong. 14 year olds can't enter into contracts. Go fuck your self you slimey scum bag.

>that's incredibly mean

There are at least 6 fingers inside that girl as the picture was taken


wow dude
they are first and foremost family
and then only they decided to marry

which proves how much loves they have for each other as cousins

you're disgusting for wanting to separate them

I seriously hope you're trolling though

M. Ritchie pls.

>thousands upon thousands
>every year
>religion with a billion members

Not an argument cabbagefucker

C like Cunt.

>I remember seeing a video a while back where two Muslims break into a jewelry store on a in a Swedish mall and start breaking cases and filling their bags up and the Swedes just gather around and laugh.

you weren't fucking lying

>Also we don't have any families or sense of community. We all live alone in small apartments and we hardly ever talk to anyone.


Nice try NEET.

it says he raped her

See what I mean? Look at this comment.

No sense of community. No sense of belonging. It's always us vs them

No sense of "white guilt" I guess.

I'd notice.
They look like normal kids.
As long as responsible adults are around, who will guide each of these young people into a world of tolerance and mutual respect, why would this make me wary?

It's not warm enough here for us to ever swim in lakes or anything. Also, those men would probably catch a serious beating for that or a kneecapping.

Having said that, I don't think there's enough shitskins here in Northern Ireland for this situation to ever arise.

Any knowledge of where this is from, who took the pic?