What was the point in giving him the bastard-of-a-prostitute/identity-thief background other than forced drama...

What was the point in giving him the bastard-of-a-prostitute/identity-thief background other than forced drama? It's literally never interesting whenever there's a exploring-don's-past episode, it's not why I come back to mad men at least

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Are you kidding me? It impacts every facet of his personality, from his focus on independence to his interactions with his romantic partners, which in a show as focused on character development as Mad Men is crucial.

There was no point. The show got renewed and they needed to fill out the character with something interesting. It was tacked on and there were never any real repercussions of it for the character.

Did it ever occur to that dick/don was just a hungry asshole?

This. Sterling fucked a ton, but we didn't need a backstory on it.

user, don't bother. Seriously. Someone that even has to ask the question is not someone who's going to get Mad Men. You're wasting your time.

*tips fedora*

because of the sheer POTTERY of literally rebranding himself

stick to the wire

There's a concept in gender studies called performativity, in which men always need to perform to be considered manly. Women are naturally feminine, but men are not naturally masculine, they need to provide for their families, be strong, be tall or muscular, have a steady and respectable job in order for society to accept them as real men.

Mad Men is an incredibly well written show, and from the first episode on you can see that the main theme of the show is gender in the 1960's, the way the secretaries are treated, or the way sexual harassment in the workplace is still the norm.

And especially in the business world men need to keep up in order to stay alive or to stick out of the gray masses.

By giving Don his pathetic past they really emphasize the performativity aspect of him. He's literally a son of a whore, he has an absolutely pathetic military career, and is a deserter. His whole life becomes a performance to be someone that he originally wasn't, and he has performed his Draper persona for so long that he actually became this almost too good to be true man.

It's a deep fucking show. I know the whole gender thing in todays neo-feminist sjw craze is ridiculed, but gender relations in the 30s-60s were the basis of white middle/upper class society

It's all forced drama, that's the nature of fiction. An unforced drama would be if a stage light fell on Hamm's head and melted half his face off and they decided to write it into the show.

Don really needed a nice jewish girl, Rachel truly was his soul mate.

If you're looking for "forced" go watch the leftovers or the wire

>mfw Ken got shot in the face and no one cared

he was supposed to be d.b.cooper but too many people figured it out by season 3 they changed the ending to the shit it is.

We had Sterling's entire backstory, it just wasn't as complicated


>no sally draper spin-off
>no pete and ken spin-off
>no Sterling sr. and a younger Cooper getting annoyed at a Teenage roger prequel

I think he's giving you the meme-aroo

I wanted to see Ken's cynical take over of the napalm industry.

>men always need to perform to be considered manly. Women are naturally feminine
What a crock of bullshit. It works both ways. Try being a woman with short hair (or long but just not 'fancy' hair - not highlighted, etc) who likes to wear trousers and trainers instead of high heels and dresses and doesn't like makeup. Retards will start calling you 'mannish' and 'lesbian' right and left and men will stop noticing you as a potential mate (Unless perhaps you are one of the 0.01% legendary 11/10s).

I think what he meant was that men need to be "active" to be considered masculine. The husband has to work all day and be successful at his job. He has to manage the money, be in charge of his house, his family, he even decides what his wife wears and talks about confidential stuff with her therapist as if she's a child. The women on the other hand just do what they are told by the men, as secretaries and wifes. They just have to exist and look good/respectable. Their only job is to watch and applaud a man who performs, while it's the job of men to never stop performing.

shut up faggot nobody cares about your stupid fucking opinion

Exactly, but think about it in a more primitive sense. Think.. of Cave people. Males competing for a female. A female doesn't need to perform nearly as much as a male needs to perform for a female to find them interesting. because females are naturally fertile and attractive, a necessicity for life as the one bearing the child.

To be considered for procreation by a female you need to impress the female, show her that you are capable of giving life.

That's the very basic thing of performativity. Of course you're right by saying females need to perform just as much, that's where Mad Men shows its brilliance too. Look at the main female characters in the show. Peggy living in a man's world trying her best to be respected and equal. joan being her counterpart, by that I mean Joan lives in a man's world too but embraces her feminity in a way that peggy would never do, joan is the woman men want her to be, while Peggy is a woman other women want to be.

To clarify.. Peggy is a woman every other woman wants to be not because of her arguably mediocre physical appearance, but her ability to succeed in a male dominated office space, and even succeed artistically. While the other office girls need to play secretary and hang coats Peggy established her individuality as an independent woman in a world, especially the business world, where women were partially treated just as bad as racial or religious minorities, or at the very least were completely disrespected

even mad men troll threads are dripping with erudition

/scdp/ for ever

why would you bump this stupid fucking thread you autistic faggot

it's a Mad Men thread, even if OP is a complete faggot we can at least take solace in that.

Does this moment stick with anyone else?


make another thread you autist
or better yet kill yourself

>hur dur ill beat the trolls with my autism
