Certainly didn't expect that did you Ellory

Certainly didn't expect that did you Ellory

I'm more lost than I should be, but basically, this girl is complaining that Ellory doesn't want to go out with her friend: Just because they're both pathetic, they should be together?

Pretty much

i don't get it

What a punt.

Beta finally asked her out and she said no.

To be honest Ellory did nothing wrong here.

who's the other shark in OP?


Friend of the nerdy guy. She's the one what convinced him to ask her out.




is there a joke or any sort of entertainment to any of these
they arent funny or depressing or interesting or really anything
just eh

I enjoy the comic

Not everyone will and that is okay.

Ellory is basically a worse Tomoko

Something about Ellroy not giving him a chance, but she's really not obligated to.

She could have at least let him down a bit more gently.

she didnt, but im hoping they at least become friends

The joke here is that lisers bitch about not getting love but arent willing to look anywhere other than way out of their league.

Well, now she knows why people don't like her.

>loot goblin shark

It wasn't about the fact that she rejected him. It was the fact that she was being kind of a cunt about it, seen here and then goes on to say how she has her own problems like no one else in the world has them.

Going to make the shark curse words a thing

Mark my words you Punts

Pretty much this Ellory is whining how some guy who is way out of her league doesn't notice her, and when a guy she has more in common with asks her out she rudely shoots him down, then carries on with complaining how no one loves or understands her.

In general, she's complaining about problems that she causes herself.

Well she was being kind of a cunt about it though. She could've politely told him "look, it's really sweet of you and all, but maybe we should do it some other time, okay?". Instead she went "wow yeah, I know you like me, geez it's not like you were really subtle about it. Fuck off."

She wasn't wrong about rejecting him, but she could've handled it a lot better.

should have known that women don't date men shorter than them.


>some other time
Not a rejection, a protraction like this will only cause more pain.

Yeah, I should've worded it better. Still, some other more polite form of rejection would've worked, she didn't need to be an ass like that.

He's a very cute shark, Ellory's a total pilch.
Maybe he'll get qt Irish gamer girl cloaca out of all this though.

To be honest she doesn't really owe him a date (even though they would prolly work well together), but she could've been nicer when she turned him down.

I do see a future conflict between Ellory and the Irish shark girl because of this...

She doesn't owe him a date, but she should stop moping about being an unfuckable seacow 24/7, and should probably also stop pretending to be friends with others she feels so much contempt for.

I love and hate this comic for how close it hits to home

youre not obligated to "settle"
and likewise, no one is obligated to "settle" for you

opps, meant for

Sometimes you have to be pragmatic.

That April Fools one

It's not a gag-a-day comic.

It won't catch on, but at least I'll know it's you.