What Is Your Intellectual Reason for Supporting Trump?

This question goes to those of you who are unironically supporting Trump.

Allow me to introduce myself: I'm a paid shill for a major conservative news organization. We are working on a story that we hope will shed some light on the difference between the "crazy" "Trumper" stereotypes and those of you who have an honest, intellectual reason to support your candidate.

Oh, and in case you're wondering; I'm a married white male, 32, living in the Midwest, and I voted for Ohio Governor John Kasich. I have nothing against Trump and I tend to remain politically neutral regardless of my current employ.

I came to Sup Forums because of the two international boards, here I believe you can get a more honest answer.

Any personal details you can share about yourself would be helpful. Be advised, however, that I cannot cite this message board as a reputable source, so anything you share will remain anonymous. I'll be weighing your answers as a sort of litmus delta for several independent surveys we're currently running nationally. But I appreciate your feedback regardless.

Please feel free to reply regardless of your country of origin.

Thanks in advance.

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Go fuck yourself, faggot.







Please include this post in your story.

Supreme Court justices

butter den hilry

Western civilisation is at war with Islam. Trump realises this and wants to ban all Muslims. As far as I am concerned, if you don't support trump you are a traitor to your own tribe

1. Fuck off

2. Because I want a leader that puts his people first. Hillary keeps trying to put foreigners before us and this destroy our nation. Nationalism not Globalism. Trump could fail and burn, but as long as he was trying to help us and the nation, i would rather that than a foreign bought enemy turning thos country into a globalist empire that does not care about it's citizens.

3. The jews are taking over the world and he is the only one with a daughter behind enemy lines spying on them for us

Steel beams can't melt jet fuel!

Nigers r dum fuck them!!!!!!!!!! America is not for Mexicans!!!!!!!@ stop Hillary!

ok I will take the b8,

I am voting for Trump because he has articulated and demonstrated a motivation to return to normal ways of promoting the United States of America. He also supports infrastructures in place to help civilized societies and economies relatively strong. And last, as he is a successful business owner, I know he cannot be as big of a problem as Hillary Clinton would be as she fails in her missions over 90% of the time.

Trump has a citizens first mentality

Mass imigration has the interests of the immigrants above their own citizens. Unemployment is high, and if you import people from poor countries, a minimum wage job will have them living like a king. Who wants to hire an entitled person and help them on their path when there is someone who will work 10x harder and smile every day.

The wall will prevent rapes of women trying to illegally immigrate. In my womens studies class we had to read a book which had many womens stories of getting gang raped by smugglers, because who are they gonna report it to? The smugglers were also already paid, so there was no reason to not do it. Also importing people happy to work below minimum wage prevents wages in the fields from rising.

Trump is looking to renegotiate trade deals, which i think is an incredible idea. Right now, with our global economy, we are basically trading most of our goods with countries completely willing to fuck over their population and environment to make money. We say we hate pollution, but we buy 95% of our goods from china who is blotting out their skyline with smog. We need rules so that if you want to trade cheaply with the USA you need to have the same standards of living and environmental concern. It is impossible to have clean initiatives, living wages, and insurance for employees when competitors dont need to adhere to those rules.

>implying anyone has an intellectual reason for supporting Dangerous Donald

top kek

Illegal immigration hurts the working poor the most.

I don't want to pay for the world's defense with tax dollars I don't have and good American blood.

I'm tired of being told what I can and cannot say.

This is the #1 priority pretty much. Trump also seems to want to bring a Nationalist vibe back to America, put all Americans on the same side again instead of trying to divide us like democrats do.



A few more details about myself while I await your replies.

I have a Masters Degree in Broadcasting and Communications. I've worked many years with several popular internet news radio startups.

I'm a non-denominational Christian and I and my family hold strong Christian values. However, I don't think the Bible should be included in legislation, and I am very staunch about the separation of church and state.

I am moderately conservative. I believe everyone should serve in the armed forces for at least two years, and that service should help pay for college tuition.

I do believe in science and what it teaches. I am concerned for climate change but not to the point of hugging a tree. I would like to see our economy move towards sustainable energy sources, and for America to become self-dependent on its own oil reserves in the meantime.

I love America but I think that we need to be holding ourselves more accountable. Especially us white people: We should be setting the highest standard for other races in this country, but instead, you have a bunch of cowardly whiners who refuse to accept personal responsibility for their actions, and that's a real shame.

If you have any other questions for me other than my personal credentials, please feel free to ask.

I'm supporting trump because if he wins both parties are gonna have to take a step back and reevaluate.

Also, how does one become a shill, I don't really have any morals and would love to get paid for shit posting

trump will always do what is best for trump. he's basically offering to staple his resume to the constitution in order to make america great again.

he either succeeds and america becomes powerful, respected, safe, and prosperous or it all goes to hell.

for the former, great; for the latter, if he fails we'll have a revolution and replace everything with something better. he'll be assuming office with these truths in mind -- knowing the american people have given him a mandate. it's a win/win in my eyes.

>tfw 32 ohioan

Quit making me look like shill faggot

Interesting name

1. Supreme court nominations, at least guaranteed to secure constitutional rights more than Hillary's picks
2. Hillary Clinton, to almost the nth degree, is one of if not the most sleaziest, disgusting, and vile politicians brought to public light and im baffled by the absolute ignorance of my fellow Americans.
3. Trump know's how to work a deal, look at this whole election as proof. He has the media dancing to his tune the whole time, unable to stop him despite making him out to be worse than Hitler. He's a good businessman, and considering how fucked america is, we need help.
4. Despite how racist the media makes him out to be, I actually do expect him to help out in minority communities. He seems to actual care about Americans

28, Virginia

Mostly this. Hillary's appointments would be a threat to the first and second ammendments, as well as continuing to uphold affirmative action.

We like Trump because we're nazis.




Because he makes liberal cumshitters angry as fuck. Trump is retribution against them SJW faggots, and if you are against him you want pic related to happen.

a story that we hope will shed some light on the difference between the "crazy" "Trumper" stereotypes and those of you who have an honest, intellectual reason to support your candidate.

hahahaha! good luck.

America has never before suffered under such a long period of inept leadership without it being broken up by at least a few years of competence. With the current SCOTUS opening and more to come, we could literally be on the verge of losing our Constitution to people who don't know how to read. Without the Constitution, we are no different than any other nation, and all previous republics fail after 230 years and become an empire.
The only way to pay off the debt is by ending the trade deficit. Each quarter the US takes in a new all time high record of tax revenue, and yet the deficit grows. Breaking even with our trade would fix this problem and we could immediately start paying down the debt while simultaneously ensuring Social Security for the next 400 years.
Illegal Immigration is SLAVERY! You dirty bastards care more about donations from big business to your politicians than you do about the modern day slaves. They don't have OSHA protections. They don't make minimum wage. They can't quit their job and get another. Plus, the masters don't even have to worry about the room and board like the old time plantation masters did. These slaves come on their own, so there isn't the initial expense. This is a more dastardly brand of slavery, and RINO Republicans and the Democrat Party have no qualms about it. BUILD THE WALL!

Tired of seeing weak ass presidents
Like Obama crying for every fucking mass shootings. Doesn't he realize how weak it makes him?

Undebatable. OP BTFO

Fine B8 man

I am supporting Trump because he is the only one anywhere standing up for the idea of western civilization. All others would rather see it destroyed and forgotten.

I'm voting for Trump because I trust his total absence of political experience over Hillary's proven track record of foreign policy fuckups. Bombing Libya, voting for the Iraq war, and supporting "moderate rebels" in Syria hasn't wound up so good for us or our allies has it?

It's more of a vote of no confidence in Hillary and the decisions of the Obama administration than it is an endorsement of Trump. I'd be a Johnson voter if the electoral system wasn't built to make third parties fail and maintain the status quo.

Also, your job must suck. Isn't browsing this place the equivalent of being put on latrine detail?

He's he only candidate that not running on a platform of stealing my shit.

Bernie wanted to take all my money to give to shitty poor people.

Hillary wants to take all my guns.

Donald is the only one running that's not trying to take things from me.



I understand that enough of the posts ITT will be banter and trolling, but still; it is my opinion that Trump supporters on average tend to be more emotional about their candidate than intellectual--i.e., fact-based--about their support.

This is not a judgement call or an insult! Just my personal, anecdotal observation.

Clinton supporters, in my experience, tend to be smug and pretentious. However, where I believe they are more effective is their willingness to argue based on facts rather than emotions.

Trump supporters tend to be much more sentimental about their idea of the way they think America should be. Trump runs a very emotional campaign. I am admittedly personally concerned that when you let your feelings override logic then you've let your emotions cloud your judgement.

My wife is a textbook example of this. She cannot express her devotion to Trump without becoming overly emotional to the point where she gets frustrated, shuts-down, and thereby renders her unable and unwilling to communicate her ideas effectively.

Like I said: I have nothing against Trump! Even though he honestly wasn't my first pick for President. But when you try to explain policy based on facts and reason to people like my wife, if it doesn't sound flattering about Trump, she and other textbook "Trumpers" get vehement and emotional and it's impossible to communicate with them effectively after a while.

And this is why the liberal corporate media has a fields day with Trumpers: Because Trumpers don't give a shit what people think about them. It's easy to accuse people with a mindset like that of being brainwashed and seduced into a Nazi-like regime.


Those fucking strawmen, always trying to trick me.

This is why I can't support Trump. We need a left-leaning justice to shift power back toward people who believe in climate change and want to decriminalize drug use. The first and second amendment aren't going anywhere, right-wingers aren't the only ones that want to defend the Constitution.

I despise Hillary Clinton, but the Supreme Court is too important to give to Republicans. If Trump were to name his nominee today and it was someone who was educated, moderate, and shown to understand the importance of environmental regulation, I would drop my support for Hillary in an instant.

I agree with pretty much everything you said here and I'm a "liberal".

He's running against Hillary.

Countries should operate in the best interest of their own citizens. Especially when you are as large as the US, there is no other body with significant power that can act in the best interest of US citizens.

>It's more of a vote of no confidence in Hillary and the decisions of the Obama administration than it is an endorsement of Trump.

This. He could do literally nothing and it would be better than Hillary.

We've been called racist and blamed for every shooting of the past 8 years. That tends to build some resentment.
But I'd say Trump, Cruz, and Sanders all had extremely emotional supporters this year.

Accountable to no-one except the electorate.

Not beholden to special interests, doesn't need corporate money or big political money.


>he thinks Hillary is left leaning

Neoliberals are not the left.
SJWs are not the left.

This is just how the loud mouths are, senpai. You get these one any sides and calling out only trump supporters out makes you biased.

Captcha 420

Inb4 responding to a b8

>his wife is a trump supporter
Confirmed cucked by Trump

its pretty fucking simple. Hillary is an traitor and America needs the Belt.

right now, trump is like that father you never had, taking his belt off to give you a whooping for being immature and disrespectful.

You are the hillary supporter, making a last ditch though futile effort to escape punishment.

The belt's coming off child.

go cuck off
you only exist because there are people older than 28. times will change !

even the far far right agrees


>The first and second amendment aren't going anywhere, right-wingers aren't the only ones that want to defend the Constitution.

I disagree my good man. Hillary wants to emulate the EU, including their hate speech policing. BLACK LIVES MATTER is going to be put on the supreme court. That's when you'll see the progressive hate speech laws.


>tough stance on immigration, especially muslim
>tougher stance on foreign policy that might finally force Europe to fend for ourselves
>support of the 2nd amendment rights
>Supreme Court nominations
>not involved with any special interest groups

republican fags BTFO!!!

Because he's a genuine progressive and not a faggoty conservative or liberal.

To start the path towards ending free trade, ending free markets, and ending immigration. Death to the neoliberal race to the bottom, we will take back the country from the brink of collapse consumerism.

Ok fampai,
I support Trump because I want the benefits of a protectionist economy and a tax reform.
I think his tax plan is far superior to how taxes currently work and closing loopholes will allow the US to regain a lot of corporate tax revenue.
I also support his less-often-debated policies like VA reform.
While I don't agree with repealing obamacare completely, since systems like ACOs and quality based payments are important to the future sustainability of the system, I agree that obamacare needs reforms badly.

Hillary is one of the biggest sleaze balls in American history.

Trump is for nationalism and law and order. You know actually following and enforcing the fucking law?

Trump won't sell out the American people. Like every other fucking neo conservative and neo liberal out there.

He doesn't follow the political correct status quo.

He can't be bought off because he already has a real estate empire.


>paid shill

Bernie sold out. Stein has no chance.
Trump is the only remaining outsider. If he wins it will hopefully give another outsider in the future a bigger chance and give the voting people a clear message that the underdogs can take on the giants.

Bernie can still pull out a #CruzMissile, and take the convention.

Because he doesnt stand with the Corporations, he stands with the People.

Its likely he will overturn the Free Trade agreements and re-impose Tariffs on goods from places we have a trade deficit against.

Might be bad for the economy but it will get Industry going in the US again, and will put people to work. Service economy is the ruination of the country.

Its unlikely, but possible with Trump anyway, that he will institute a Gold-Backed US currency and completely do away with the Federal Reserve. Again... unlikely but with Trump at least is *Possible*.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

Except drug use is decriminalized more and more and gun rights are becoming stricter as the days go by. I under stand the world gets more progressive and liberal the further we go into the future, it's the nature of humanity, but if you go too fast, you'll cause an unbalance that generally leads to civil unrest and eventually armed insurrection.

I am 22 years old immigrant
I work in construction
Hilary Clinton sold children into slavery
she wasn't good enough for Bill she's not good enough for me.

>I agree with pretty much everything you said here and I'm a "liberal".
Ronald Regan was far more moderate than anyone would care to remember or admit. In fact, a lot of people would lose their shit if you told them that Barack Obama is much more like Regan in his moderate temperament towards policy. Even on gun control legislation: Everyone has convenient amnesia that Regan was actually against assault weapons.

Modern Republicans have become so politically brute that they have shunned conviction for principle. Meanwhile, Obama refuses to heed to the more liberal left of his party. This is what makes Obama an ineffectual leader IMHO.

>you'll cause an unbalance that generally leads to civil unrest and eventually armed insurrection.

Kinda seems like that's already happening. baka desu senpai

Demographics are destiny.

muh feels!!!

Business approach to government. It's almost the secular version of politics. He is not bounder to an ideology. Hell bring on whoever has good ideas. Anything that turns out bad gets canned and replaced.

Also goes for political favors. Trump doesn't have the long list of loyalties Clinton has that might get in the way of the job.


hillary live

scattered, tepid applause


Married male with twin sons at two years old. Non-represented local government employee.

Support Trump because I have great interest in my kids not being involved with a future Russian conflict. Trump is the voice of peace in our time compared with contemporaries.

Isolationism also appeals to me. Interested in ending the intl trade agreements and getting govt revenue with tarrifs.

Anyone who opposes Muslim immigration has my vote.
Even though that would probably only delay libshits voting for their execution. Also sage

I want a homeland for my people and that begins with keeping other people out. Enough is enough.

not if he goes to war with iran
if he does he goes to war with china and russia too

>My wife is a textbook example of this. She cannot express her devotion to Trump without becoming overly emotional to the point where she gets frustrated, shuts-down, and thereby renders her unable and unwilling to communicate her ideas effectively.
Your wife goes into orgasmic shock at the mere thought of trump becoming president. She's gonna end up like Casca, busting an eternity-long nut if he actually wins. Your wife is a little Trumpslut. No offence.

I'll try and do what you did by laying out some of my beliefs and status, then get onto why I support Trump.

- 25 years old, living in Montana.

-Graduated with degrees in economics and finance from a state university, currently working at a regional bank.

- Not religious, and believe that global warming is mainly due to a continuing trend of exiting the last ice age and to a much higher population of humans than in the past.

Reasons I support Trump:

1) Voting System - In the current model, the two party "first past the post" system of voting has become insufficient for the practice of democracy, especially given the recent Supreme Court decision on Citizens United. Trump seems the politician most likely to reform this to a proportional representation, which gives some hope even if it is just a snowballs chance in hell of actually happening.
2) Supreme Court - I'm from Montana, where even our democrats are pro 2nd amendment. I don't want to see this change, thus this gives Trump a nod in his favor.
3) TPP - I'm happy that Trump doesn't have any baggage with flip-flopping about the TPP, where his opponent does carry some. In my opinion, the TPP will just lead to a greater acceleration of wealth inequity in the US by allowing those in higher positions in multinational companies to see larger bonuses at the expense of exporting the jobs below them to the Far East. Also, I am highly in favor of more nationalistic policies towards our economies, as free trade with those who undercut us just leads to a weaker national economy for your average person, which in turn hamstrings our nation.

Feel free to ask any questions you'd like, could go into more reasons, but those are the biggest three for me.

The entire political process has been corrupted to the point where nothing matters. I am voting for trump because I fucking hate Hillary, hope she dies or is assassinated. And I like trump he makes me laugh.

I trust a real estate and hotel magnate that will make a larger profit when things are calm and peaceful than a person backed by banks and defence companies that makes a profit when things are chaotic and warring.

>bernie hobbles on stage
>grim faced men in suits "protecting" him from the shadows
>steals a glance at hillary
>she smirks, draws a finger across her throat and mouths the words "don't fuck this up"
>he visibly shudders, takes a deep breath, and begins reciting his prepared remarks off the teleprompter
>after 20 minutes of extolling socialist values he's wrapping it up
>"and that... is why I'm PROUD... to support the only woman in the race..."
>angry mutters, scattered boos throughout the hall
>hillary is grinning
>"with the HONOR... and INTEGRITY... and CONVICTIONS... to lead this great nation of ours..."
>bernouts getting more restless, mood is turning nasty
"JILL STEIN, the green party candidate for president of the United states!! Vote your conscience, UP and DOWN the ticket!!"
>convention hall explodes
>cheering and boos in equal measure
>fistfights break out in the aisles
>chants of "SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN!"
>literal riots in the streets outside

>I'm a shill pls give me material to shill with
Fuck you and fuck (((kasich)))
Kill yourself

he'll make a bigger profit if he does what the MIC tells him, and trunp is all about trump

Look at the people that hate him. Really hear them out and get a good idea of who they are. Once you get a holistic understanding of the situation, you either back Trump or you're a lunatic.

I appreciate that he sees the threat that Islam has proven to be to western civilization, as well as our problem with illegal immigrants. Perhaps he won't have the power to do anything, but merely his recognizing of said issues already puts him above any other candidate.

Oh, and he plans to grant NASA greater funding.

I keep seeing stuff like this. Attacking the supporters as ignorant, uneducated, and now emotional.

To be fair, it goes both ways but it's sophistry at it's finest. I don't know what to call it other than "Appeal to sophistication."

uhhh hfuck I'm cummign

This is not a logical argument. Please try again. Citation needed.

If you want to resort to personal attacks rather than looking at merit. One of her campaign folks was talking this morning about how she has been consistant her entire career and nobody should doubt that. Suppose thats true, lying under oath this and last year is good follow through for her whole career which began with being fired for lying under oath in the time of Watergate.

I'm sure you can find better sources.

was there any applause? I couldn't hear it
if there was they would have keep the feed alive for a minute

you'll have all the examples you need if he wins

>no one posting gore


Supreme Court picks are more important than any one president.

Again. Not making a logical argument. Please try agian. An opinion held due to feelings rather than logic is inconsistant with making sound decisions.

Think through your opinion logically.


this from the ppl that base their judgment on feelings

No offense taken, but say what you will about me as long as you leave my wife out of it.

I'll add my voice to the chaos.

Before we identify which candidate is best, there are certain definitions we must first accept.

First we have to define "good" and "bad". The worst crimes against humanity are those that cause oppression. Terrorism is bad because of its willingness to oppress. Sharia is bad because of its willingness to oppress. Even little bad things in society can be related to the negative impact of the function of a person. Stealing is bad because when we steal we reduce the function of the person we're stealing from. In a society, that which is good is that which encourages function. Charity is good, but dependency is bad. Charity encourages function, but dependency reduces it. So 'good' is that which encourages function. Therefor, a good government is good because it encourages as much function as possible. A bad government is one that limits it.

The Democrats in this election overwhelmingly favor dependency. The amnesty to illegal immigrants, the minimum wage hike, the increase to welfare would all create massive depdendncies. Trump, meanwhile, is noted for wanting to encourage the functionality of Americans. Sweeping tax reduction, strong borders, and low government presence would all benefit Americans the most. Especially Americans living in poor and historically democratic voting neighborhoods. There's also something to be said about the De-ontological vs Utilitarian debate. Trump believes it is right for the American government to cater to the American people.

Specifically what makes Trump better than Kasich or Cruz is his ability to unify and inspire. Nothing about the other nominees would have been able to tap into the young generation as Trump has. He is great literally because of the capitalistic nature of his work. It's my belief that politics do not work like the real world, and it has more to do with ass kissing than work ethic and honesty. And that's why we see Hillary Clinton as the opposition.

Married guy here. You probably should not bring your wife up on Sup Forums if you are going to be thin skinned about it. This is not a place that tends to respect women or marraige.

Can we talk about her son?

>I'm a paid shill for a major conservative news organization. We are working on a story that we hope will shed some light on the difference between the "crazy" "Trumper" stereotypes and those of you who have an honest, intellectual reason to support your candidate.
yeah, sure, you'd totally give a fair an honest look at Trump supporters now, after all this time, when you've consistently failed to every single time before this

MSM is fucking garbage at this point and if you work for them for real and aren't just (you)farming then you're garbage too
