Look who came out of their room

>look who came out of their room
>tell us about the jews, user!

>hey user why don't you meet your sister's new boyfriend: Jamal


Well, you are

>But first let me take a selfie


Jews are people who follow the Torah and don't like to say god's name usually substituting YWYH or G-D.

If you want me to talk about Israel I can only reiterate that as a result of the 1948, 1967 and 1973 wars I believe Israel has a right to exist via the right of conquest. Operation "Focus" is one of the most interesting air-operations in modern history, destroying large parts of the Egyptian Air Force on the ground. Not to be outdone, the Egyptians had a pretty cool moment in 1973 where they breached Israeli walls made of sand by using water cannon, allowing them to invade.

The OPEC response to the 1973 war was a travesty and the west should have forcibly intervened to stop them. Without OPEC action it is unlikely the global economic system would be set up as it is now, as economic problems in the USA and UK in the late 70s would have been less pronounced. On the other hand, to truly save our economy we would've needed to use the Bancor after WW2 instead of the USD as an international unit of account, so it doesn't really matter in that sense.

>Who the fuck are you people?
>Where the fuck am I?

we're all out of chicken tendies reeeeeee

the ugly cousin who bullied you as a child because he was two years older than you, but now constantly tries to get you to be his friend now that you are a normal adult and he's still a freak.

tell us about your cousin user


>wish I had never brought this up.

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums of all places


>tell us about the Jews
This never happened because I have a working brain and gradually got deeper and deeper into politics with my family, little by little so I didn't scare them off

They also have working brains so they began to research the things I have discovered and it didn't take long for them to connect the dots

I also did the same for all my friends. The informative process is slow, but it is rewarding. And as a plus side, friends that slowly inform friends the way I did should snowball after a while into large numbers. Plenty of people know that things are wrong without being able to put their finger on the explanation of what those things are so they are quick to accept these truths

He's a big guy

do it faggot

I tried really hard to convince a girl Hitler was a great man while me and my friends got drunk this weekend. I'm glad my best bud and gf were there to do damage control, and I think me being Jewish made her think I had to be joking. Shes a skeez anyway.

Are they all just eating cheese

>that fucking scary creature

user probably is the ugly cousin

fuck off jidf

My family is probably more racist, and definitely way more anti-antisemitic than me.

It's an old, noble, rich, borderline traditionalist catholic, reactionary, family. I love them all. The family used to be pretty involved in royalists circles, until my great grandpa who turned more to proto-fascist veteran organisations after WW1.

Family reunions are always fun.

I'll need to get my projector first, hope none of you were planning on going anywhere for about four hours