Why did he take the time to adjust his tie?

Why did he take the time to adjust his tie?

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To cement himself as a badass.

After all, if you had half of your face blown off like that, could you manage the willpower and focus to walk out of the room and fix your tie?

Breaking Bad seriously jumped the shark with this scene. There is just no way this could have happened in real life.

I'll accept that even with that much damage to his head that he could still be alive and conscious for a few seconds. That seems within the realm of possibility, though unlikely. I am even willing to accept that he could have walked around a bit before collapsing from blood loss or whatever. But he walks forward out of the room, comes to a controlled stop, slowly straightens his tie, and then finally dies. No, just no.

He is not some highly trained super soldier who keeps going no matter what, he is a normal man. This scene was cliche beyond belief, unrealistic, and ruined the episode. Breaking Bad is apparently a James Bond style action show now, we just need the next villain to have a fluffy cat and the transformation is complete.

>'We want the reddit audience' the scene

>James Bond style action show now

Update the pasta if you want people to believe it.

A guy acting goofy with half his face blown off is more like Sup Forums than reddit tbqh

It was a nervous habit.

Did you even watch the show?

this television makeup looks better than the batman movie
anyone ever notice that before

>this couldn't happen real life

This does happen in real life. Often with suicide attempts with shotguns. They'll blow off their entire face and the front part of their brain. But because that part is not essential to life, they'll walk around, sometimes for many minutes, while they slowly bleed to death.

There are often photos of such people in emergency rooms still ambulatory in any given gore thread on Sup Forums.

>There is just no way this could have happened in real life
>muh realism

who the fuck cares lad, BB is a fucking cartoon

it's quriky, basically for the reddit audience

basically this
You can live without your frontal lobe, you're just going to be a tard

can confirm, fuck this website

stumbling around in shock & pain is not the same thing as performing a subtle & deliberate gesture

Most unrealistic part is other half his face being completely untouched, I have no problem other problems with it

What if he turned that side of his face towards the blast?

>op never got half of his face blown off

scene was great imo

Having seen pictures of people living with half a brain, caved in skulls or their faces ripped off, couldn't he have survived this or is it all down to shock and blood-loss?

>Implying that people in that state would feel shock & pain

there was a man that took an axe to the brain, made breakfast, went out to get the paper locked himself out, and died while getting the second key from the rock in his yard

Is Twoface realistic?

even if that is true, which it could be, it still doesn't make that scene in bb any less ridiculous and jarring.

just because crazy shit happens in real life doesn't mean that its always excusable tv & movies

That cgi was bad. Looks like a cartoon.

Why did he take the time to pick up his arm? This movie friggin sucks lol John Hanks blows up a tank with a .38

>muh realism

There's a lot of absurd material within Breaking Bad beyond just this scene. Think back to fucking season 1 when Walter blows up Tuco's hideout. You're acting as if all of Breaking Bad was entirely realistic with the exception of this one moment.

I don't understand how you can actually watch and enjoy this show while still complaining about this moment. It was fucking cool and it was cathartic, who cares.

I really dislike shit like this. I thoroughly enjoyed Breaking Bad as a series but stupid shit like this or somebody getting cut with a katana and then a minute later they realize they're dead as they slide into two clean-cut pieces is retarded.

a close-up shot of gus' cracked glasses on the floor cut to aerial shot of the room with the corpses strewn about and the dust settling would have been much more tasteful if done correctly

this shit is just dumb

Sounds gay. People would have thought they were Walts glasses.

It's almost like the whole scene was written

Because he's le epic badass business man!! XD

walt wasn't in the room you faggot
besides, they wear totally different glasses only a mouth-breathing retard couldn't tell the difference

>only a mouth breathing retard
You mean like most of the viewers who consider the fly to be "filler"?

>just because crazy shit happens in real life doesn't mean that its always excusable tv & movies

What the fuck are you even trying to say.

probably the dumbest scene in the whole show

what were they thinking

two face desu

Shit scene that concluded the weak season. Breaking Bad was creatively long dead by that point.

badass business black homosexual man*

fiction has to be grounded in reality, while real life doesn't

It can happen with severe shock. There's a verified report of a guy on Omaha Beach who was wandering around looking for his missing arm, for example.

>just because crazy shit happens in real life doesn't mean that its always excusable tv & movies

I know this is pasta/bait, but there is people out there who actually got mad about it

these faggots don't know what suspension of disbelief means.
even though is not "realistic", it doesn't change anything in the plot

>What is adrenaline

>What is shock

>What is momentary denial of your last moments

What user said, he would have turned to move towards the door he walks out of, so the blast would have only caught that side of his face

Fuck off, faggot. There is a difference between suspension of disbelief and this egregious bullshit.

Whenever you liked this scene or not you gotta admit Season 5 was pretty low energy and the Neo Nazis were shit villains compared to Gus.

You're right. This "egregious" shit actually happens in real life

That's not cgi. It took like a month to prepare that makeup

missing arm is a bit different than half your skull (including brains) blown away by a bomb

He's breaking. Bad.

>Colombian drug dealer with lifelong vendetta consistently portrayed as a genius sociopath with discipline, standards, and established technique as his obsessive, fastidious domain and the secret to his long-standing success
>Known to be ruthless and bullish and simply will not be fucked with
>'normal man'
So you didn't watch Breaking Bad, got it.

It was a ritualistic gesture he always used when he'd "taken care of something", symbolic of moving on and repressing the trauma of the incident. He was in denial about being fatally wounded while his brain was shutting down. Classic shock response.

You do know about shock, right? I mean all of you "this was Reddit" posters aren't yourselves from Reddit, are you? You do have working brains yes?

It was a convalescent home. They probably gave him some ice cream and just qaited for him to die.

what in the fuck?

It doesn't matter if it's unrealistic because it's inconsequential anyway.

did people really thing the tie fix thing was cool?

was cringe af man

in instances of extreme shock you will find people doing normal routines totally oblivious to the mayhem surrounding and inflicted upon them, its a coping mechanism.
There is a webm/gif somewhere of a woman applying makeup in the ruins of her crashed car as an example.


thats a link to it i found.

kys fucking retard

can you read, what problem are you having?

It may be a little unrealistic, but that's missing the point. It was a final psych out to the audience. For a moment, you think the plan failed - big shock, and then relief as the whole arc wraps up with Walter's victory

this, anyone saying its "le reddit" is fucking dumb. I'm more annoyed that the explosion only hit his right half.