Do you like or dislike Geoff Johns' take on Batman, Sup Forums? In JL, Earth One, or otherwise

Do you like or dislike Geoff Johns' take on Batman, Sup Forums? In JL, Earth One, or otherwise.

Dislike. He comes off as a bumbling, petulant child.

It's not humanization, it's bastardization.

Johns is just not a very good writer or even a bright guy. He couldn't properly express his love for Hal in 80+ issues juust as he can't properly express his disdain of Batman.

Former's "he the best I swear!", latter's "he stink haha look at him!"

I don't know where the idea that johns "hates batsman" came from but it's bullshit.

I don't like anything by Johns but Flash fags and Cereal King memers will crucify you if dislike him.

I'd like to see him write some main universe Batman before I make up mind.

he doesn't batwank him up.

Yeah in his run of Wally Flash when Hal makes everyone forget Flash's identity and then Batman is the only one to figure it out. Wally worships Batman throughout most of the series

>he doesn't batwank him up.

oh, it's this meme again

He is terrible and dislike the character, and the people that says they enjoy his batman or ghat he doesn't dislike batman are the same kibd of people that uses the words batwank or batgod in every post, they dont like the character and barely know anything about batman outside some jl books and some dixons comics

Johnsfags hate batman and at the same time say johns doesn't thats what you need to expect from them

>He couldn't properly express his love for Hal in 80+ issues

He's waifu is Sinestro. Seriously, how does anyone read Johns' GL not notice the constant fapping to Sinestro.

Go to bed Bruce Timm

It's true. That's what you really want. It infuriates you that johns doesn't shove his tongue put batmans ass. If you want to see it so bad why don't you do it yourself?

When thieir only explanation is "he doesn't batwank" or other memes you know they don't have any real argument.

Nice no arguments there, kids

The end of his Booster Gold run had Batman thanking Booster for his work.

Johns doesn't want to make Batman a mary sue like everyone else. That's why people kinda bash him.

>this meme again

isn't an argument Junior

>mary sue

Another buzzword

Pointing out your lack of arguments is an argument in itself.

Can you give me One GOOD reason why we shouldn't hate batman?

They want batman to look like a useless jerk so they enjoy johns take. Theres no much more to that t hey are not familiar with the character.

If you get really mad at somebody being able to punch Batman or Batman not being right

you won't care for it

That's because he Isa useless jerk. That's his whole character.

A really bad argument when the most popular and best liked Batman book is legends of the dark knight

Why? I mean you can dislike him all you want but then why argue with people stating that the only people that like Johns' Batman are people that hate Batman to begin with.

Thank you

>Batmen is the best1!

Is Johns responsible for Hal and Sinestro Shippers?

I love how all you batfags in here think that batman has to be written as infallible or otherwise the writer hates the character.

But in the same breath you tell me how relatable he is! HAHAHAHA!

> the most popular and best liked Batman book is legends of the dark knight

this is first time I've heard such a claim.

and wasn't that line cancelled?

but that's not the problem at all
Snyder's Batman was a fuck up after the other and made constant mistakes and errors and the majority of people don't have a problem with it

You guys really just like to shit on a chracter without even reading about him other than some cherrypicked panels posted on Sup Forums

What? Are you retarded?

Dislike. Johns is an awful writer.

His GL and Flash fans seem to love him, so let him write those but don't let him outside of those comics at all.

Johns does Batwank too (look at OP's pic), it's not that, he just doesn't get the character, so it always comes off weird and out of character

It's got a mini right now.

See, there's two ways writing a character you don't like.

1: Write him the way you'll like him. 2: Write him the way it'd make his fans rage and/or his haters point fingers and laugh.

Good writers instinctively go to the first unless it's satire or there's a point to dong otherwise. Hacks go to the second.

That's because they are kinda like little kids that never want to see their dad lose in a fight. Batman is a huge Mary Sue and is never limited to what he is supposed to be. Just a very clever man with hand to hand training.

We we're just talking about lotdk beib the most liked Batman book ever.

that's not an argument kid

I love how Johns triggers the batfags.

Op pics shows Batman as infantile and pitiful.

>Johns does Batwank too (look at OP's pic),
Batman punched Hal in private whereas Hal punched Batman in front of Guy and the rest of the corps. Bruce looks petty as fuck while Hal is all "yeah sure just don't sperg out"

I like it. Johns doesn't threat Batman like a special snowflake that needs to be spared from annoying little things such as having flaws.

And "betmen is le best" was an argument?
When the highest rated book Batman had was about his early years and doesn't feature a single batgod moment it means your Mary Sue arguments are just wrong.

Personally I hope they kill Bruce off and replace him with dick, permanently!

>All this sperg

>Batman didn't have flaws before Johns

so you guys really haven't read anything other than Johns' stuff

Johnsfags have no arguments as always

Sure we do. They just go over the small heads of you batfags

They haven't they started with gl rebirth. They think the current jl book isn't shit

welcome to Sup Forums

Johns and Batman is almost as potent as Superman and relevancy.

MoS is still the bait of kings though

Bat-haters are far worse than Batfags

89-07 was a mixed grabbag of shit and the occasionally good story like Gothic

the current is some digital first dreck

If that's what you actually believe, then you just exposed yourself as a literal retard.

Nah. Whatever flaw he has is quickly put on hold for the rest of the decade. He is never wrong in any of his comics and he is always right.

What about cartoons? Is it Steven Universe a good bait too?

>He is never wrong in any of his comics and he is always right.

Yeah, the guy that gets constantly called out by the rest of the Batfamily and other people is never wrong.
What the fuck.
There are Batman threads only made to show how Bruce was wrong and an asshole toward Dick or other Robins all the time.

I'm not sure, but I doubt it will have the staying power of MoS.

Anybody with a overly strong opinion on the character is a pain in the ass.

What about me sugar?

>Reading comics

John has written some decent to very good Superman stories. I pretty much liked a great deal of 52, of which he worked on and wrote at least 15-20% on his own or 15-30% or in conjunction with three other writers.

I also generally liked what he did with Arthur, except for the entire "others" back story which just seemed unnecessary except for a spin-off book.

I thought Earth One was ho-hum, but that has nothing to do with Bruce stinks or humanization, it just wasn't particularly interesting or well-done, and this is from someone who generally has no interest in Batman or his solo titles. It did make me not want to bother reading the second book.

I wouldn't say that when Johns writes Batman is team books (e.g. Justice League) or when Bruce guests in a book he's writing that he doesn't like Batman or Bruce.

>Reading comics

Face it Johnsfags, your husbando makes Batman into a asshole who punches and berates his teammates, is overly arrogant, and just overall has little to no redeeming qualities.


He is like 99% responsible for Hal/Sinestro being a thing