Why Do All Trump Imitations Fall Flat?

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Because Trump himself is the bigger joke
*tips fedora*

Trump is already such a caricature of a person nothing really compares to the real thing. its lowhanging fruit and rarely funny

Because it's hard to get any lower than Trump.


trump is tragic

Because the monkey will clap and shriek for anything, making faggots hacks like Baldwin think DUHHH TRUMP is a good impression.

Hammond and Caliendo do it best.

Trump acts too ridiculous for impressions to be funny because they pale in comparison to the real thing, and his idiosyncratic speech and tall tales have been well-known secret for years now.
>The best, folks. The best. Buh-lieve me.
>Putin bromance.
Yeah, shitheels on the internet have been doing it all since primaries, there's not much a professional comedian can do this late into the game that isn't played out. Comedians are supposed to be pushing the boundaries, but they're squeezing blood from a stone in depleted Trump soil for exposure. At least some of them had the sense to take a break for more fertile ground like Sean Spicer.

I did one that went pretty well. Mostly because I wasn't trying to be super political, I think. I played the Wizard of Oz using Trump's mannerisms.

Voted Trump and this man is completely correct. Trump's personality is so out there that any impersonation pales in comparison to the real thing.

do you do improv? lol

They're too exaggerated. He's definitely got a lot of comedy potential if they drop the political slant. The real Trump showing up out of no where is ten times more funny than these impersonators.

>Why Do All Trump Imitations Fall Flat?
Never go full retard.

No, it was a retelling of the story, it wasn't strict improv but a lot of was was semi-improv

Basically this.

The only way you get satirically do anything funny about him would be do the complete opposite of his personality as a kind of bizarroworld version.

Then that would be an impression of Obama

>stolen by SNL


People that can't laugh at jokes any more cause they really believed in some real state shark.

This. It was easy to make fun of Bush for example because he was just a little dopey and you can exaggerate that and make him a full-on drooling retard for laughs, or make fun of Hillary and exaggerate how awkward and robotic she is.

You can't do the same with Trump because he already starts out full throttle. I actually thought Alec Baldwin's Trump was less Trumpy then the actual Trump.

It's fine if you do it maybe a couple of times a month but if you spam it every fucking day it gets annoying

Because trump is already a charicature, and he did it on purpose.

I do think it's kinda funny that Trump has basically dismantled liberal comedy's power to parody him by already being a caricature of himself.

When they try to, it comes off as though they're caricature's of liberal comedians.

Shit meme

>Why Do All Trump Imitations Fall Flat?
because trump himself is a character, and he knows he is, so no one's better at playing the character than himself

because you can tell they're extremely upset and butthurt by Trump.

Humor is derived from one of three things, all of which the media's attempts to mock Trump lack.

>1. Relief
Your body built up a bunch of nervous energy, and now you know it was for no reason. So you let out a laugh, because you got worked up for nothing. With the constant fearmongering of the president, there actually is a bunch of potential for this, but then they would have to admit that there's nothing to be afraid of. So that's off the table, because we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>2. Incongruity
Stuff that makes you laugh because it's unexpected. The key to this sort of joke lies in the juxtaposition and the defiance of expectations. Here's an example


The cop just denounced gambling, so it is expected that he doesn't partake, but then it's revealed that he does. Funny joke, everyone laughs. As has been point out in this thread, this sort of joke is really hard to make about Trump, because he so frequently paints himself as unpredictable and "unpresidential." This is why "Trump runs for President" was a punchline for years before it happened, it seemed ridiculous. But now that it's happening, it doesn't really work as a joke.

>3. Superiority
"Ha ha, look at that stupid asshole." People do dumb things, and you laugh because you feel you're better than them. We especially like to laugh when it's our social betters being mocked.
This is the most common type of Trump joke. At first glance, he seems an easy target, since he has a shitty haircut and talks simplistically. But there are two pitfalls. First, the "comics" are prone to mocking poor people who support Trump. A millionaire comedian mocking an unemployed coal miner isn't comedy, it's being a dick. Second and more importantly, if this guy is such a stupid asshole, how exactly did he beat you?

Frank Calinedo does it best.


yeah appearance wise he looks illfitting but voice wise is spot on.

That makes him prime material for a talented impressionist to take on. It's all hacks doing a shitty job because PLOMO BTFO either way.

Then why was Will Ferrell's impression of George Bush hysterical?

Because you were fourteen at the time.

talks shows have honestly always been insufferable propaganda


This man is a treasure. We'll never have another president like him.

When they are making a movie about Trump's presidency, it will be completely unbelievable. Nobody will believe he acted that stupid, nobody will believe he was that obsessed with how many people showed up to his inauguration or that he couldn't get over losing the popular vote. And nobody will believe he got away with that many lies for such a long time and that the GOP played along.

It's the dumbest, most unbelievable, shitty comedy playing out in real life. And nobody with a brain can comprehend it, but there are people who still love trump. And they will love him no matter what he does. Yet somehow they feel superior to others.

And I thought Alex Baldwin's impression was bad. This Comedy Central show is pure cringe.

No one actually possesses his raw charisma. I don't care if you like him or not, but you can't fake that and everyone can sense it from him regardless of their opinion of him.

The problem is you have no real identity beyond Sup Forums and your support of Trump, and so whenever someone makes fun of him, it hurts you on a personal level. It's sad.

>No one actually possesses his raw charisma.

It's like you're not even from the same planet as me.

cause Trump is in on the joke

>nobody will believe he was that obsessed with how many people showed up to his inauguration or that he couldn't get over losing the popular vote

He didn't lose the popular vote. If you take away the 45 million or so illegal immigrants and fraudulent votes, he won the election by the widest margin in United States history. He also had the largest inauguration turnout, period. Obongo's looked bigger because there were no grass covers on the field. The grass covers make it look like there are fewer people because you can't see them.

>Why Do All Trump Imitations Fall Flat?
Because they don't, you want them to stop because they offend you personally, like the spunk-gargling sycophant that you are.
Unfuck yourself, retard.

Wrong. Are you still upset about the result of the election? The year is almost halfway over.

You're the one bringing up the election.

>If you take away the 45 million or so illegal immigrants and fraudulent votes
You mean the four confirmed cases of voting fraud?

Because imitation is flattery, but all the imitations of Trump come from a place of hatred.


most actors are too retarded to imitate trumps genius.


It still disappoints me that Spicer's most popular impression was just decent Melissa what's-her-face in admittedly good costuming just doing dumb prop comedy.

I believe it was Philadelphia that banned GOP poll watchers from the city polling places on the basis that "Nobody in this city will vote for Trump".

Acting like voting fraud doesn't occur in this country is a blind and retarded position to try to hold.

inb4 you try to act like there is any reason to ban poll watchers other than committing fraud.


Responding to an argument with fake laughter is a tell for cognitive dissonance.

Its also not an argument.

You're like that comedy trope of a crazy uncle no one likes because he keeps sending you facebook shit about how Obama is the kenyan antichrist.

I'm gonna assume from the fact that you say this rather than an argument that you feel backed into a corner.

The solution to this is to stop posting, not to embarrass yourself with ad hominem.

inb4 "I could totally make an argument, I just don't want to"

Much like everyone else real Trump is better than Fake Trumps. Fake Trumps are so knowingly over the top and it ruins it. Real Trump is over the top but it's exactly at the normal level for that high energy memeing fuck.

>implying obama isn't a nigger


I think it's because Trump is already so strange. His mannerisms, accent, the way he puts sentences together....they're just so odd and unique that it's difficult to replicate it. For example:

>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

What the fuck is this? How do you parody that?

You just cant make fun of someone who doesnt take himself seriously.

>made his own hotline bling video where he does silly dances
>was on variety shows specifically where he was dressed like a farm boy
>retweeted a trump pepe meme
>shitposts DAILY on twitter for no reason other than to stir up democrats and troll
>the man who's a presidential meme himself

that seems like someone on speed/coke talking lol

Pretty much this.
It's like parodying the Leprechaun niggers, they were already perfectly over the top, any imitation is lessening the essence.

he's a meme, you can't make a meme of a meme

He talks like the Joker

Are you talking about the leprechaun in Mobile?


infowars is not a legit source. you deserve to be laughed at for thinking it is

I hope that is his speech in the Disney Hall of Presidents

Yep that one.
I'm not saying Trump is a hoodrat on crack, I'm saying that at its core that little snippet from a newscast is perfect and can't be replicated, much like Trump's speeches.

Is that Trump's strategy? Be so confusing that your opponents can't find anything to criticize? Like if I was trying to argue with Trump, and he hit me with this, I'd actually be worried about responding because I know he'd just do it again. It's fucking foolproof. It's like trying to argue with a drunk.