Well, now I'm depressed

Well, now I'm depressed.
The mom did everything wrong, though.

Other urls found in this thread:


the only thing wrong she did was marry clay
clay was still a fucked individual and is at fault for everything he does to orel

She tricked him into marrying her just because she had marriage fever.

I'm aware
but that doesnt change that what clay did to orel over the years was his own doing

Fuck man this show was pretty good.

It did a good job showing people overly obsessed with the idea and rules of religion rather then what the religion is supposed to be about.

the show isnt really about that as much as how people use religion to make themselves feel like they are better then everyone else

I don't remember her being that bad, please refresh my memory

Why not both?

Clay got depressed and became an alcoholic the day he met Bloberta. Then everything got worse when he figured out he was taking care of an non legitimate son because her wife cheated on him because she couldn't contain herself.
She fucked everyone's life even before the marriage, and only because she felt left out because her all her friends were marrying.

It still gets me how real this show got near its end.

Like, it always was to an extent, but never to such a self aware level. It's the sort of thing that could only have happened with them knowing the show's end was at hand.

And my two cents, Clay was definitely the worst of the two but the mother didn't help exactly. The fact she seemed to have maybe a little more sense than Clay but allowed things to continue as is anyways in a way, made her nearly just as bad. Plus the circumstances of their marriage was almost entirely her fault.

But then again, she's only a product of her time; where it was less expected of a woman to take charge of the situation in lieu of an incompetent or abusive father...just like Clay himself is kind of a product of that same time, a monster created by a culture that repressed sexual identity and certain "expected" norms, all given the convenient excuse of religion to cover up.

They're basically a symbol of why the old 1950's American ideal of the christian nuclear family is one big load of shit that's been picked apart since for a reason.

I wouldn't even necessarily say its anti-religion in a sense, since Orel grows up to be an infinitely more stable family man who's still Christian. Its more to say what really, ultimately matters is people and their actions, and no amount of superficial buttering up using religion or some rhetoric of family values is going to make bad people with bad actions somehow not bad.


The ending to Season 1 was some of the realest shit ever, and I will always say that its the perfect ending to an episode. The season 3 ending was also really damn good too.

>tfw Mike Lazzo shitcanned Moral Orel because he got exactly what he asked for
>tfw we'll never get that episode where Clay's dad moves in with them and becomes Orel's only guiding light post-Nature
>tfw we'll never hear this song after he dies of a terminal illness
feels bad man

The last episode of season 3 was fantastic but the timeskip happy ending was very obviously rushed and tacked on to conclude the show.
Fuck Lazzo, canning it halfway through a season is irredeemable.

Gotta make room on the schedule for Loiter Squad and Family Guy reruns.

>timeskip happy ending was very obviously rushed and tacked on to conclude the show.
Very true but I'm pretty sure that's how the show would have ended anyways.

>We'll never get the episodes where Orel's grandfather who is dying moves in during the time Orel's going through a goth like phase.

Almost everything everyone did was wrong
that's why it's so depressing

>I wouldn't even necessarily say its anti-religion in a sense
If anything, it's more anti-fundemetalism, than anti-religion, as it was a parody of "Davy and Goliath", which was a notorious christian kids show.
From the episodes I remember, most people who were "deeply religious" in town were some of the nastiest people, but Orel himself was0 a good kid, he just took the lessons from the adults all little too far. (the eggs being banned episode comes to mind.)
Though I got to say, I always have deep respect for people who don't automatically go full "militant-atheist" when it comes to criticizing parts of religion.



When this show was on years ago, I never got it.

What's really depressing is how Adult Swim is literally advertising a "bring back Metalocalypse" social media campaign, but they're neglecting a show that is far more deserving of a continuation.

I mean, I bought Beforel Orel on iTunes. What else can I do?

adult swim needs dem stoners moneez

Why would Orel need more? Sure there were those episodes that got skipped because canning halfway through season but you can read what they were going to be about anyhow.

Not all shows need more episodes, Orel is fine as is.

The one episode I really regret not happening is the one that follows Block and Shapey, because
>"When I'm thirsty it feels, how I feel when I'm alone."
hit me and I'd love them to get a little more fleshed out.

Other than that, I'm fine with the amount of Orel we got. For all intents and purposes it's a complete story. Better not enough than too much.

The ending felt rushed to me, senpai. I never saw how Orel's life changed once his father stopped being an integral part of it.

I did like how the priest became one of the most sane and emotionally stable characters on the show
Its rare you see a religious figure in a secular cartoon being a good person, even rarer in an adult series lambasting organized religion (but promoting individual discovery and spirituality)

>>tfw we'll never hear this song after he dies of a terminal illness

It's not saying that religion is evil, but it is saying that religion is unnecessary at best and harmfully misguided at worst. And isn't that still anti-religion just the same? Think of all the time and money that have been wasted on false promises. Even the common defense that you can be nice and religious at the same time doesn't prove that religion adds value.

I find it's a sign of someone putting thought into what he's criticizing, which is always good in any media. God only knows how easy it is to make fun of something that you never actually tried to research.

Postman Arminsleeve was my steam name for about 6 months.
Great episode.

Eh... different interpretations, if anything was more what they were trying to get at.
Of course it was making fun of Davey and Goliath. Which is always good fun.

The ending is a Deus ex Machina, and one that is thematically appropriate for this show. In thirty seconds we see that Orel, who's been developing his own compass throughout the show, broke the cycle of abuse, and even keeps his parents in his life as forgiveness is important in Christianity. The whole final episode is all about Orel learning to let go of his father as an authority figure, which works as a stopping point if you're going to timeskip to GOOD END. Also remember as Orel looks up in the sky having faith that God will give him a perfect Christmas? Well God delivered. Not as soon as Orel thought, but that Christmas with a loving family is pretty much it.

Well I think you had everything right up until the end. I think a big point this show was making is that there aren't good people, there are only good choices that leads us down the path of righteousness. We saw as Clay always made bad decisions, Putty sort of always being in the middle, and Orel being the little Saint that he was but given his home environment he could ended up worse than Clay.

>nuclear families are a load of shit

If you believe this, kill yourself. I like the show, you missed the entire point of it.

>>tfw we'll never hear this song after he dies of a terminal illness

Fucking Christ, do The Mountain Goats subsist on pure liquid depression or something?

Fucking Clay apologists. Bloberta was a cunt but Clay did actually everything wrong

On one hand, I really want to see Orel go into a goth phase and see his grandfather interact with him more
on the other and I'm scared if they bring it back it'll go back to its meh to slightly funny season 1 comedy or worse
I'm probably just being paranoid though

well, why not?
Brought it on herself. I adore Clay and would watch a series about him.

I think what user was trying to say was that nuclear families can work (i.e, adult orel and his wife in their family) but the "ideal" nuclear family doesn't work for everyone and can even be harmful at times, especially those who don't fit into the social roles that society gives for them (clay and bloberta)

A good amount of his music isn't super depressing like this
But when he is, he really is.

> those who don't fit into the social roles that society gives for them
this is the main point
the teacher is sterile, so she feels she has to go into a role of someone domineering because she can't be a "normal woman"
Nurse Bendy is just liked for her looks, as takes the role of a floozy that everyone thinks she is, but she really just wants people to actually love her

They're both in the wrong.

>American ideal of the christian nuclear family is one big load of shit

But they're not a load of shit. Bad apples don't mean you dismantle the entire thing.

Bloberta does bad things, sure, but she's definitely more sympathetic than Clay.

I disagree with you both, the point is to not be a brain-dead idiot who goes along with what everyone else does, make your own decisions.

Reminder that Louis CK constantly refers to the creator of this show in his standup and television appearances.

you sure? I've heard basically everything he's made up until 2015 and I haven't heard Dino's name one time.

He's trying to heal us through music. That means addressing the wounds.

Nurse Bendy was literally retarded. She had very little choice in the matter.

Orel could have easily ended up worse than Clay, except that Orel was actually a good person.

Clay, on the other hand...even before he became a husband and father he was a little shit. See the episode where he basically kills his own mother, and then keeps talking shit to his dad just to spite him. (Discounting how he eventually begins to thrive on his father's retaliatory strikes.)

Tl;dr Clay was fucked from the beginning, and even if he hadn't married Bloberta it was only a matter of time until he'd do some reprehensible shit.

>Nurse Bendy was literally retarded.
She's a nurse, she had to display competency at some point to get her job.

>Nurse Bendy was literally retarded. She had very little choice in the matter.

I got the impression that she was molested as a child and was suffering trauma from it.

>Clay, on the other hand...even before he became a husband and father he was a little shit. See the episode where he basically kills his own mother, and then keeps talking shit to his dad just to spite him.

I read it as his father was withholding affection so Clay baited his dad into hitting him because he figured physical abuse was better than nothing. That made him associate corporal punishment with fatherly love which led to spanking being such a big thing in raising Orel.

RE: Clay, it didn't start out that way at first, but you can see over time he begins to derive pleasure from it.

Which, yea, I guess could lead into him spanking Orel all the time. Makes sense.

But, wasn't that also partly due to pressure from the town to instill a fear of God into Orel, because up until the events of Beforal Orel he had never heard of God before?

Are you kidding? Any bit on Conan talking about the old writing staff and particularly that but about "the nigger falling asleep on the forklift"

>*raises hand to clay*
>you're not even worth it
Did that escape you for a second?