Did this bitch not understand that all the tapes wont even matter to her because, you know, shes fucking dead

Did this bitch not understand that all the tapes wont even matter to her because, you know, shes fucking dead

Depends on the afterlife in that universe. She could be a ghost observing everything.

the only way shes a ghost is in clays fucked up head

So what were the secrets Tony was supposed to keep? The tapes? The content of said tapes from anyone not on them? To me it seemed like Hannah made a tape specifically for him that mapped everything out. If he's not even on the tapes, why would Hannah drop them off to him first? Incase Justin freaked out and threw them all away?

>be suicidal girl
>last act is of selfish rage
>completely forgets her parents that raised her and loved her, express no love in response in her last actions
>doesn't even leave them a note
>mentally scares her parents forever who did literally nothing wrong
>somehow the "good guy"


Why did she choose a dead medium like cassettes? Is it because she's dead? Was this meant to be pottery?

Clay and Jeff are the protagonists desu

Bryce did nothing wrong

kek her suicide was one big inconvenience

She was a pseudo-intellectual who thought she was "deep" so of course she had to use some hipster meme instead of something simple like a fucking IPhone.

Jeff isn't even in 90% of the show and Hannah is the narrator and the one we're supposed to sympathize with the most.

How can Hannah be the protagonist if she killed Jeff?!

Has anyone committed suicide because of this show yet?

I started typing out about how none of this would've happened if Jeff didn't get got, but then I remembered Hannah killed herself a mere weeks after his passing. That makes her really self-centered; a classmate dies in a car wreck and just when classmates start to care and talk about drinking and driving, she has to take the spotlight and go kill herself.

That was the point. The writers want you to know that suicide is pointless

I want to lick her face and teeth

I've had on again off again suicidal feelings for awhile but this show has convinced me to not go through with it. Seeing how the parents reacted broke my heart and really made me hate Hannah with a passion, so I refuse to be like her. In that regard, whether intentional or not, the show did have a positive influence on me.

Your parents care about you? Ew, gross.

Good one my man keep it up you fucking kike nigger

Why didn't anyone just throw the tapes into the garbage where they belonged? Do americans really take in any random package left to them?

Thanks dubs

That's what I was thinking. Why didn't the Breakfast Club fags not just dispose of the tapes when Clay got his hands on them? Justin can steal his bike but not the tapes? Plothole

They weren't willing to kill tony yet

>I'll make these tapes and ruin people's lives, bankrupt the school, provoke a mass shooting and cause another suicide.... but at least they'll know they were pretty mean to me.

The entire series depends on you liking and feeling empathy for the main character, yet she's fucking unlikable.

Besides, no one other than maybe Bryce and even that is debatable deserved that fucking torment. So they were mean to you... big deal, everyone is mean to everyone at a point in their lives. Killing yourself isn't going to fix anything you cunt.

Speaking of Jeff,

It's pretty dumb that the series wants you to think that running over that stop sign caused the crash. It was a T intersection. Even if you don't know traffic laws, which state that the car coming from the bottom of the T has to stop, it is pretty goddamn obvious that you dont approach an intersection at full speed and turn without first stopping.

The crash was going to happen whether the sign was there or not because the driver was a complete imbecile.

That's a good point.

The tapes incriminate all of them, so why not just throw them away and be done with it? Why risk it by giving them to a volatile loser like clay, just so they can later worry about him talking to the cops?

What the fuck is everyone retarded?

Does anyone have the Benny Hill webm form this show?