Am I the only one who thinks Scott's added lore actually improves the original "Bioweapon Made By An Android™" (1979)?

Am I the only one who thinks Scott's added lore actually improves the original "Bioweapon Made By An Androidâ„¢" (1979)?

>all this time weyland yutani just wanted their property back

like pottery

What would a bioweapon made by Apple look like then?

>Bioweapon Made By An Android

Did you even watch the movie?

We'll all find out in a few years

Plot Twist - The Company was actually the good guys they were trying to get a xenomorph to make a counter/antidote to the bioweapon in case the androids every got it to Earth

Yes I literally watched it last night and he experiments making the first Xenomorph

literally destroying 30 years of mythology with this shit, just to make space replicant movie, fuck ridley scott

but in alien they say the derelict ship has been there for thousands of years

David didnt make anything, it was the engineers who made the pathogen.
The alien at the end of Prometheus already looks and acts very similar to the xenomorph and that was just due to the squid thing impregnating an engineer.
David just accelerated its evolution a bit and gave it a helping hand in reproduction

>but in alien they say the derelict ship has been there for thousands of years

That was written by Dan O'Bannon, the actual creative genius behind Alien, so now Ridley actively tries to retcon it out of existence.

Alien Isolation was the last good Alien movie and it wasn't even a movie.


The Alien existed way before David got involved you dumb cunts.
What do you think happened to all the engineers on the Prometheus planet before the crew got there?

I'm this close to REEEEEEE'ing over the plebs who don't understand these movies

What I mean is - havent seen the movie, dont plan to - doesnt this mean the aliums in covenant are different aliens?
Or is there like a scene where they show david putting eggs on the ship that ends up on lv426?

That's not the alien though, that's the deacon. But i think you're right, they existed before, the derelict on LV-426 is the proof of that, the pilot can't be David because the jockey has a hole in it's chest and David is on his way to that oregon planet.

They explicitly say in Prometheus that the Engineers all went to Mars and occasionally visited Earth, with one Engineer being Jesus, etc.
Fucking hell, you don't know shit.

One thing I know
>All this confusion is caused by the 2 movies being retarded and not being coherent

THE TENSION IN THAT GAME MADE ME ILL. Haven't played it sense, piss on that game, it was too much. There's a fun factor a game has to have, but when it's tension on top of tension on top of tension on top of tension, you're getting headaches and worked up and there's literally no pay off. I mean a shooter makes sense because the reward is there, and being able to run away from the danger is fun too because that's what thrill is all about. This game is just you hiding, and hoping it doesn't kill you, but where is it, and if you use your radar and it hears the pulse beat, you're dead, and if you're making to much of a noise, rummaging and breathing and the like, it hears you and you're dead. And some time the damn alien is literally listening for you. It's too tense. And then you have to start entire areas over if you foul up. It's a bit much.

Are you some sort of faget, it looks fake as fuck no way i would get scared over a fucking game, grow som balls you fucking cuckolding bitch

Why did the protagonist have to be Ripley's daughter?
Are non-members of the Ripley family just useless?


Listen. It's not perfect but it's not the worst thing in the world.

No it is.

Fuck, it actually was.

>Ripley Jr. exploring the dead hospital and slowly finding out what happened
>that first scene with the alien dropping down
>the androids being terrifying and out of control
>finding the security team and trying to help them contain the creature before their deaths
>finding out how the alien got aboard and the the survivor of the original crew going mad
>having to put the sensor arrays back in alignment while being hunted by the mercenary guys
>exploring the nest to blow it up

That game was pure kino

looks like any other generic modern game, brown grey, no effort

PLEASE eat the biggest dick you can find.

Ok, I'm not even a big fan of the game but now you're just baiting. The one thing it truly excels at is the aesthetics.

Look at that fucking screenshot.

Let me guess a game about Androids? BEcause as far as I know nobody in the fucking Alien universe has gglowing eyes including synthetics so they dropped the fucking ball on that one.

Dark can't even see the droid we're talking about because of the shitty lighting.

Random dead person or it's a droid because, droids are "muh evil", its fucking pathetic.

Ridley has reduced this shit to bullshit. literal garbage, just call the next film Synthetic because thats all he fucking cares about no matter how much he deludes himself its about the alien which is also a genetic experiment, fuck this franchise they fucked it

>Let me guess a game about Androids? BEcause as far as I know nobody in the fucking Alien universe has gglowing eyes including synthetics so they dropped the fucking ball on that one.
They're primitive, unconvincing androids. It's a plot point. There's a more advanced android more similar to the ones in the movies, but he's more like Bishop than Ash.

>Dark can't even see the droid we're talking about because of the shitty lighting.
Every single Alien film since the first one has been dark.

Please eat the biggest dick you can find.

"Eat a dick"
Nice, very cutting

Hey, goy, I'm sorry but that title won't fly.
You need something snappy, like 'Android Babby'!

desu there are enough interesting themes to sustain a good story but it's true that it all comes at the cost of 'stupid' characters. Alien was about normal people trying to fight off an... alien, but you can't exactly write characters like that when your discussing things like the meaning of life, the meaning of creation, the value of life and creation, etc because what matters most is for action that takes place which facilitates those discussions. As a result, you have less time to develop characters. But because I enjoy these themes so much I can overlook the stupid characters, although as much as I can't wait to see the next film, its pretty retarded of Scott to spread this story out over six or so films. Fox might stop producing or Scott might fucking die and then we'd all be left stranded with an unfinished prequel saga, the very thought of which scares the fuck out of me.

That was in the script not the movie.


Xenomorphs are still Alien to the human race so the title still sticks stop being such a manchild about a movie series.