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Why did this make me laugh? Am I retarded? :(

>when he alludes to pepe being a transexual

>tfw still haven't cleaned my room because I want and advocate for the world to be as messy and vile as it is
checkmate, Peterson

>Being proud of being weak
Bloody post-modernists...

Le based Tradcon Boomer Defense Force man

sort yourself oot
its no easy job man

lmao why are people so obsessed with peterson here. dude is a fraud

You realize of course that his message is identical to the "man up" espoused by Boomers and roasties?

t. bloody postmodernist

he was referring to kek, the egyptian god.

reddit it that way *tips fedora*

give an alternative, any alternative

>espoused by Boomers and roasties

Or simply anyone who isn't a worthless neet

I'm surprised Rogan doesn't bring up chimps with Peterson.


>parents and women tell you to get a job

>give an alternative, any alternative

Ez-pz: Mark Passio. Has the same amount of New Age LARPing and reading into symbolism too much, but at least he isn't a cuck for the Boomer/Jew system.

peterson is a psych professor, how much more fedora can one man be


What the fuck does "man up" even mean
I've been told I need to "man up" so many times what the fuck does it mean

Sorry jordan, but truth is not in fact dependent on whether or not it is beneficial to man kind


To stop being a bitch on just get on with it.
The fact you've been told so many times suggests to me that you're a little bitch.



I have a 48-hour/week job and my room is always clean since i went to a military academy instead of regular college.

Peterson is still a classic Tradcon Boomer propping up their fucked up system with muh Jung. I don't think he does it on purpose, he's just a bit naive about the whole thing.

here, have a book reccomendation - pic relted. There, i just saved you hours of sitting through Peterson's lectures without being gaslighted into becoming a cuck to boot.

I see no personal benefit in it for me to agree with you. So I won't.

Like IQ stats and race?

sam acknowledges differences



I listened to this guy on JRE i honestly dont know why Sup Forums jerks him off so much,

>muh muh post modern thinkers!

peterson stalled the discussion though


name me three things that post modernism does right?

tfw you like JBP but he keeps making the same points and you just get annoyed whenever you see him now
>order and chaos
>what matters to you
>yada yada yada
I was a psych student who liked philosophy too, this guy was all that and still failed to excite me, I think I'm depressed desu

because he talks too much, not like he's admitting that all the time

Because they think postmodernism = everything i don't like, and fail to realize that Peterson's New Age interpretations of Pinnochio are postmodern as fuck.

ITT: Nobody remembers that LAW in CANADA recognizes 99+ genders and the discrimination against them and you fuckheads won't stop watching -kino- to support the only guy in academia that will risk jailtime to prove a point

Yes; when are going to realise that they're right?

fucking kek

>They're right

Good goy.

>the bottom of things is not a pretty place to look!
Is Peterson Irish?

you know what this podcast was actually way more psedu - sceience and bullshit heavy then what i thought. Kinda reminds of Sam Harris in the way that he's educated (way more so then harris though) but he still talks a lot about subjects that aren't really his field, but people all eat it up because "he got a PHD hurhur you're just not smart enough".

Some of the most bullshitty momens from the podcast:

>he claims that SJW's are one big organisation, all working together, and that professors are sending young kids out to do their bidding and protest because they're too cowardly to do so themselves
>claims that SJW 'secretly' have some organised marxist / communist agenda when in reality mose of them are just stupid tumblr kids and what not
>exaggerates the importance of tales from the bible and link them to together with human psychology in an extremly, extremly unscientific and anecdotal way to spread his religious views
>General bullshit statements like that people need to reliase the truth more, SJWs don't believe in their own truth which is why they're so angry and evil or some shit
>Tells young 20-somethings to clean their room before they protest and basically that they're to young and stupid to have valid poltical opinions
>All males are on some great, epic quest in life
>Females should just have children (but should be proud about it)
>Joe asks if there's any evolutionary evidence behind the flock and "us vs them "mentality that we often see in humans
>Peterson replies "SNAKES" and spends 30 minutes talking about medusa and how the devil was a snake

probably tons more i could nitpick but i just had the podcast on in the background because i always enjoy it when joe has some educated folks on, but man where there a lot of red flags here

It means to accept your shitty lot in life, accept a bad job with low pay and no job prospects, accept that you'll own ever fuck an overweight woman, accept the system and do not work to change it. Buy into it entirely.

That is what systemcucks like Peterson believe. They think that the system fundamentally works when if anything the massive numbers of underemployed, unemployed youth across the world show that the system is quickly faltering.

>risk jailtime

>terrified that he might actually convince you of the existence of god

Fucking kek, when will christcucks learn.

What would Jordan have done, shown him pictures of fat dudes in fedoras?


He's a fucking idiot, who occasionally says correct or insightful things.

It's really sad to see a generation of young people indoctrinated by literal YouTube pseudo-intellectuals, whether well-spoken (Harris), educated, or just idiotic (Sargon and most raving anti-SJW YouTube "intellectuals.")

this is 100% true btw. Peterson is based

>resolute christian
>family man
>focused entirely on being moral, truthful, and good in the face of chaos
>BTFO SJWs and snowflakes
>unapologetic white intellectual
>BTFO identity politics
>encourages young people to sort themselves out and smarten up before trying to change the world
>takes scientific advancement with a grain of salt
>BTFO hedonism and degeneracy, drug use, casual sex
>Farm boy from a conservative province
>dresses respectably and presents himself confidently
>sincere, not ironic or detached
>BTFO cultural appropriation
>BTFO employment equity/ affirmative action
>BTFO reparations

he is LITERALLY /ourguy/, this turn against Peterson is nothing more than contrarianism. How many times have people started to hate things when they get popular on this board? Pathetic hipsters, Peterson is great and we will all benefit from him becoming more popular.

The last part about the vacuum in Western culture is spot on.

This guy gets it.

>J-just pick up your cross and bear it, goyim, nevermind all those people that have no cross or are actually delegeting their cross to someone else for no reason, including you. Ha-ha, what social mobility, go clean your room and rescue your father.

It's nothing like that at all, he is talking about self reflection, clear your thoughts.

>mose of them are just stupid tumblr kids and what not

The more I meet them the more I get this sense as well and it brings me some relief. I think it was the 1st podcast where Peterson talks about Jean Piaget and young people having a messianic phase or some shit. Basically saying its a developmental phase. So I think some slack should be cut on his part if he'd recognize it's part of that "save the world" phase.

Why are you at all surprised. He is the perfect Joe rogan guest because Joe loves surface level understandings of things and the perception something is deep so he can say
>Woah dude

>This turn against Peterson is nothing more than contrarianism.

This turn against Peterson is people who actually listened to his lectures instead of reposting memes about him like you do, only to find out that behind those three points he makes over and over he's a Boomer Tradcuck mouthpiece that shills for status quo.

>and that professors are sending young kids out to do their bidding and protest because they're too cowardly to do so themselves
That's literally true though, you clueless fuckwit. Not bothering to read the rest of that shit.

>a Kekistan?

I've noticed that whenever I'm halfway impressed by Peterson it's because he's saying something that I've already heard Nietzsche say.
Just read Nietzsche and replace Christians with SJWs, that's Peterson.

No. Just because he's not an SJW does not make him "based".

>this turn against Peterson

He's gotten insanely popular in many corners of the internet. Don't dismiss criticism of his insight as simple contrarianism. That's intellectually dishonest horseshit.

where my kekastini bois at ??

ive listened to many of his lectures, he actually has profound insight into a lot of literature and historical trends.

Im an avid reader of Russian lit and his lectures on dosto and tolstoy, and interpreting their philosophies in a modern context is impressive.

he's a bright guy 4u

fair, but from what i remember opinions of him were far more positive before he became popular on this website, despite him having the same positions. In that regard some of it is certainly contrarianism

You're an idiot. Peterson is just another fucking boomer who thinks traditional values (which the Boomers shat all over) and hard work (which the boomers didn't do) will somehow turn things around for the young generation despite the economic circumstances of 1950 to 1985~ being completely different than those today. Hating SJWs does not automatically make someone "based." It's the same sort of retarded logic that Trumptards employ to support their failing president: sure, SJWs and liberals hate him, so he must be doing something! #based #MAGA

You can not get any deeper than trying to wrestle with the archetypes that supersede everything that makes up psychology, society or other collective unit you can think of. The difficulty and scope to grasp is nearly all encompassing.

>He actually has profound insight into a lot of literature and historical trends.

More often than not he blatantly twists the message and sybmolism to fit his Jungian and Tradcon paradigms. The most obvious example is constantly going on about the Gulag Archipelago without ever so much as mentioning 200 Years Together.

>You can not get any deeper than trying to wrestle with the archetypes that supersede everything that makes up psychology, society or other collective unit you can think of. The difficulty and scope to grasp is nearly all encompassing.

Reminder that "post modernism" is just the politically correct way of saying cultural marxism. Jacques Derrida was a marxist kike. The eternal jew strikes again.

>This collective guilt.
Found the commie SJW.

>200 Years Together.

Is that the one that's banned or cant get translated into english or some shit?

>tfw Dr Peterson isn't black pilled enough
It's nice that he thinks the world we be better off if we pull up our bootstraps and clean our rooms, but the fact is we are beyond the point of no return - "why bother" is the question eternally on young people's minds and it's much worse than when JP was a young man. Modern life simply does not permit for real fulfilment in the sense that he's trying to put across. The best chance we have is if this clown-world keels over because of some catastrophe, either suddenly or over time, and people eventually remember the animal instincts which made life meaningful and religion worth having ect ect ect

I am not a trump supporter at all, i think hes a literal retard. I like Peterson for his insistance on treating people as individuals, not categories. And he is well aware of the economic conditions today, he merely believes in being strong and stable internally prior to trying to take them on.

This was the most surreal thing I've ever watched.

Calling me a commie won't get you a job or save the young people from living with their mom until they're 35.

"you're just a bitter trump support!" nice strawman

>Archetypes that supersede everything that makes up psychology
>The difficulty and scope to grasp is nearly all encompassing.

Jungianism is one step removed from Tarot card reading, and is rightfully treated as New Age woo in proper psychiatry. The "muh archetypes that supercede everything" seem to conviently change their meaning in relation to what topic the Jungian is preaching about on that particular day

Being strong and internally stable is nice when you have a good life, a loving family, a stable social network, gainful employment. It isn't easy when your parents want you to move out, you can't find a good job, women won't date you, and so on. Try being internally stable and strong living in poverty, going from job to job, working literally 60 to 70 hours a week, suffering from mental illness, etc.

This is not an individual problem. If it were an individual problem, it wouldn't be happening across the world in literally every first world country. It's a systemic problem. Young people just didn't magically decide not to work.

Peterson is caught up in this Hero/Dragon/Woman story, and wonders why there are so few "Hero" men today, and tells men to be the Hero. Notice how he doesn't talk about the Maiden archetype. He doesn't say "Maybe one of the the reasons there are so few heroes is that there are so few Maidens worth rescuing." He also doesn't talk about how women can be that Maiden as he speaks of how men can be the hero. Let's play with the story: replace the Maiden with a Whore. Why be the Hero for the Whore? Take it a step further: she has not been kidnapped by the Dragon, but rather she has given herself to it. She loves the Dragon for his violence, she loves the Dragon for the gold it has hoarded. Now not only is she not worth rescuing, but she does not even want to be rescued.

>Jungianism is one step removed from Tarot card reading

Serious question. Peterson turned me on to reading into Jung. Should I just not venture down that road?

I never said that, retard. Learn to read. I said that people who like Peterson because he hates SJWs are using the same logic as those Trump supporters who like him just because he sticks it to liberals and SJWs while doing nothing meaningful for them.

Hating SJWs won't bring the jobs back, won't get you an 8/10 submissive wife, and won't give you the social self-esteem you think you deserve.

>if you refuse to pay a fine, you go to jail

back to highschool with ye

Read on, experiment, and make up your own conclusions. Jungians =/= Jung himself. People have tried to make a buck with self-help shticks based on his work way before Peterson.

it is at its core an individual problem, that does not mean there isnt systemic or societal pressures.
these things have to happen to individual people

in all seriousness, he's right

>He actually apologized to MGTOWs when he realized they were a large part of his audience

wew bucko

This is quite an interesting point actually. Near the end you get a bit Sup Forums for my tastes but I'd be interested as to why Peterson hasn't broached that. As I recall Joe actually asked him about women's role and he mostly dodged it.


Because he stood up to the far-left and didn't compromise his beliefs. And fuck Canada.

>I'd be interested as to why Peterson hasn't broached that.

Because he's a Boomer Tradcon who refuses to adress the elephant in the room and tries to dance around it by gaslighting young men about their own masculinity and sense of self-worth.

And no, by the elphant i don't mean da juice or le roasties rooooo.

Why does anyone take this guy seriously again?

you mean your mom?

thats not why I support Peterson, not at all actually. still strawman

He's just the latest in a long line of self-promoting intellectuals who the incels/MGTOWs latch onto to explain their personal failings and reactionary beliefs.

>the elephant in the room

Well I don't think he's entirely gaslighting them, there is a noticeable drop in masculinity. But it is dishonest not to provide all sides of the picture.

>all these commie millennial fucks with muh boomers
>thinking all boomers are west cucks or raised on the same values as hippie americuck boomers

Made me kek for some reason

Commies in colleges are a fucking problem, and the fact that they aren't detested like the fucking neo-nazis are, is utterly abhorrent given that the ideology they advocate for is even more vile than nazism.

If Peterson is an idiot you are literally retarded in comparison