Whomp thread

Any reasonable adult is ingrained with the truth that their reflection is wiser than they. There's no coincidence in our universal seeking of encouragement from a bathroom mirror we're a half-dozen beers into festive evening.

Ronnie disappointed the fuck out of me when I discovered he was not a manlet, everything became less credible and made him look much less pathetic.

>trying to hit on a cashier while they're at work

Yeah. I like that the goal he failed to live up to was still terrible.

She smiled at me when she handed me my change. That means she loves me.

I thought he was talking to a toilet in panel 3

Without a doubt.

Oh fuck so did I

Honest question, how are you supposed to hit on people?

I feel like there's only wrong ways to meet people you've never met.

And the advice is "Know people who know other people."

"But what if you wanna know someone for the first time?"

There's just too much stress involved with the mating dance. I think the Japanese herbivores were onto something; 2D is the way to go.

I wish I had an answer, but I know some rules about when not to hit on people.

Cashiers and other workers have to be nice to you as part of their job. Hitting on them puts them in a bind where they might not be comfortable rejecting you. Waitresses especially rely on being nice to earn money.
People in public who are reading or listening to music probably don't want to be bothered.
People in clubs can be hit on, though you have to recognize when they don't want to talk to you and move on.

I guess a lot of it is reading their response. Don't come on too strong, and if they seem disinterested then end it.

just don't hit on people when they're on the job because that's literally their job.

Pretty much this
Especially the if they're at work part.

she seems to be doing ok


Been feeling the same way lately.

I feel like human intimacy and interaction in general is a weird, intricately designed series of almost indiscernible tests and responses that my brain was not equipped to parse.

Guess I'm autistic. Oh well. At least I've gotten really good at masturbating.

Isn't he like 6'3" or some shit?

Motherfucker looks intimidating as hell in person, bearded bearmode supreme.

nah, different girl

ronnie expanded his LORE with the recent Frank comic, now it's back to sadness


>Maybe I have a hard time being social because I go to negative places and people don't like it, even if you think you're masking it with humor
>Alright I'll try to avoid being negative even indirectly
>Start small talk
>Self Loathing surges to the forefront, I make a string of deflective self loathing "jokes" in deadpan

Hey, me.

Does anyone really talk to their reflection?
I know it's a thing in movies, but I don't see the point other than as a narrative device

I talk to myself constantly, but never to my reflection.

Its called going to a social hangout or function.

Sometimes, but more in a half-serious, private joke sort of way.

I've never talked to myself in the mirror to give myself a pep talk.
Am I weird?

Unrelated but Mai is cute as fuck. Underrated waifu.

Yeah, it's much better to wait until they end their shift, follow them discretely and pretend you bump into them by accident.
Seriously where are you supposed to hit on someone you only know from their workplace except at their workplace?

>Cashiers and other workers have to be nice to you as part of their job. Hitting on them puts them in a bind where they might not be comfortable rejecting you. Waitresses especially rely on being nice to earn money.
It's really not hard or offensive to say "no, thanks".
Of course there's hitting on and hitting on. If you go to the counter and say to the cashier "that's a nice fat ass you got there, I wouldn't mind tapping that", you're over the line.

Clubs are the worst.

>you only know from their workplace
Just don't hit on them then. I know it sucks. But if the other options are hitting on them while they're doing their job or stalking them, then just forget about it.

This. I cant see myself in relationship. I just stick with my 2D girls.

>posts on Sup Forums
>asks if they're weird

In all seriousness I don't do it and most people I know don't either.

Hitting on someone really isn't akin to attacking them you know.
"Hey, want to get a cup of coffee one of these days" really isn't going to be taken as a breach of social mores. And if they say no or seem uncomfortable then it's a no, you move on, they move on, life continues. No big deal.

Fun fact: most people meet their significant other in their and/or the other person's workplace, because that's pretty much where you spend most of your life.

>social hangout or function

what like a hospital waiting room?

Iunno, "hitting on" someone implies that you're making unsolicited advances at someone or complimenting them and hoping they respond.

I don't think there's anything wrong with just asking if someone would ever like to hang out and grab some lunch sometime. Most girls at least feel capable of saying, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend," and as long as it doesn't go any farther than that, no harm, no foul. It's just how life goes.

Guys just have to be able to accept the possibility of rejection, and for shy dudes with low self esteem the system kinda sucks. Women won't pursue a man unless he's extraordinarily attractive in some way, which most guys honestly aren't.

It's easy, senpai
All you have to do is join a club that you're interested in, that required going outside.

Is there some skill that you've always wanted to learn how to do, or maybe something that you're just really knowledgeable in? Look around your area for classes or clubs that teach or talk about it. That way when you meet someone you like, you already have a similar interest. Also, just in case you don't see anyone you like, you can still improve yourself on that skill that really interests you.

That actually works alright, and is basically how lots of people did things before the internet grouped people by what their hobbies are.
One thing about that: don't pick a sport, as they're gendered and even if you're a homo it isn't going to go well (except if you're a grill and it's roller derby I guess). I'm guessing things like fishing or hunting tend to be largely masculine aswell.

So all in all, join an artistic, crafting or cooking club.

Yeah but the question is WHERE DO YOU?

Don't hit on them at work
Don't hit on them as they're leaving from work
Don't hit on them on the bus.
Don't hit on them approaching their house.
Don't hit on them leaving their house to go to work.

I mean. All these universal donts and no dos.

>Clubs are the worst.
I like you.

If this were real life I'd hit on you right now for saying it.

>Hitting on someone really isn't akin to attacking them you know.
I think that depends on how good you are at it/how attractive you are. But if you're good at it obviously you won't need advice.
Online dating is probably the best bet, but that's heavily skewed towards women possibly for reasons related to this thread.

>So all in all, join an artistic, crafting or cooking club.
I have to know this.

Do you practice what you preach? Or are you repeating something you've heard?

For people looking to build social skills and form connections, I've heard people recommend joining Toastmasters. It's an organization of clubs that help members build public speaking and organizational skills.

For some reason I get the feeling religious people don't have these problems as much. I used to think religion was pretty stupid until I realized how convenient it is to have a permanent local community that you've been a part of all your life. Must feel like a literal godsend to just be able to pick a nice girl from your church if everything else fails.

>Online dating is
The worst thing you could ever be optimistic about.

I wish people would stop telling others to do this. I've never heard of a success story. Hookups at best, and those are not the same thing.

I've got 150 hours on Persona 4, 40 of which were spent on researching Social Links; trust me, I'm a pro.

It worked for my brother and sister, although my brother is extremely normal and assertive and really didn't need it.
It worked for my sister because she got someone way out of her league.
I think it works best for women and successful men.

>I think it works best for women and successful men.

So... Exactly like regular dating, then?

Yeah, well... yeah.

Dude, it's fine so long you're:
Not getting in the way of them doing work
Not making them feel uncomfortable

There is such a thing as light-hearted flirting.

Form cocoon. Inhabit cocoon. Never leave cocoon. Emerge as beautiful butterfly.

Okay yeah but regular dating is currently non existent unless you already know people.

It's how this discussion began.

>Just don't hit on them then. I know it sucks

Men are fucked and that sucks, but it has to be that way.


>Not emerging as incredibly powerful insectoid warrior and laying waste to all before you

Embrace 2D and embrace happiness.

No, because "men" have active social lives where they can meet women that aren't standing behind a counter.

Man-children on the other hand, yes, you're not emotionally tall enough for this ride.

>where they can meet women
That's a good question.

Don't suck white collar cock.

There's a saying that I wish was hung up in high school hallways:

Relationships are:one part mutual respect, one part mutual feelings of comfort and one part mutual sexual attraction.

With Friends you have the first two down and with someone you have sex with (fwb, a partner, etc) you have all 3 where the last one ideally strengthens the first 2.

>Step 1
When interacting with someone for the first time you need to have feeling of comfort down as soon as possible, you need to feel comfortable and so do they.
>Step 2
Then you start talking to them and you find things that you like about each other.
>Step 3
You then spend more time with that person by dating them and seeing if they find you attractive.

Everything else is pretty much touch and go. If you feel tense at any point or have to 'force feelings or conversation' it's pretty much a lost cause.

No no no all this stuff is too general.

It's step 2, 3 and 4 advice. We haven't establishes step 1.

When/where is it even acceptable to speak to someone? At all?

Because it feels like the powers that would be, are happy with no one talking with each other, and creating new penalties for trying it all the time.

There are no social gatherings anymore to meet people outside of your causality loop. Look up the stats man. This generation we're rearing now is the most UNDERSEXED generation ever. We have nothing for them to do, except go to clubs. And by god has anyone here been to one before? What the fuck do people like about that shit?

>Sup Forums : Dating Tips of the Pros

Is this from a woman's point of view? This seems like an entirely different set of issues.

Don't respond to shitposters.

Oh fuck me

There's literally no situation where it's acceptable to hit on someone.
>Romances with people you see regularly are a bad idea, so no work romances or college romances with classmates
>Can't flirt with someone while they're at their work because they're just doing their job and don't want to talk with you, so leave that cashier or waitress alone
>Can't flirt with girls at conventions because they're just there to enjoy themselves and don't need some random ruining it for them, even though it makes sense because you both enjoy the same thing
>Can't flirt at bars because no one who goes to bars goes to flirt, everyone is just out with a group of friends and don't want to be disturbed or out with their boyfriend

So women can't flirt with men if they work at a counter either?

Haven't you ever seen a romcom user? Just pray for a random meetcute with a girl in public.

>Is this from a woman's point of view? This seems like an entirely different set of issues.
Oh dip I hadn't considered that.

Yeah this is probably a femanon.

Girls give THE WORST hunting advice.

I had one give me a double order. She told me she likes big strong guys.

I figure she was retarded since it was McDonald's so I tossed her number and avoid that McDonald's now. This was back when I was beautiful though so now I would settle for eye contact. She doesn't work there anymore though. I've checked

>he was not a manlet

he's not?
...this kind of makes me hate him.


You're supposed to hate someone BECAUSE they're a manlet not the other way around.

>It's really not hard or offensive to say "no, thanks".
A lot of guys react really badly to something like that, getting all "what you think you're too good for me"? So any sort of direct questions putting them in a bind, requiring them to be rude and deny a customer is a very bad idea. They don't know you, they don't know if you're the type of person to throw a fit and not tip because you can't take being scorned or if you're going raise a scene or whine to the manager etc.

It's better to make some vaguely flirty comments first, or leave your number or whatever so that they don't have to tell you "no" to your face while they're doing their job that very specifically requires them to have a "the customer is always right" mentality and do whatever you ask of them.

Just don't place them in a situation where they're not a full liberty to answer however they like because of company policy or whatever

Don't most millennials do this in reverse order? Hookup and fug and then maybe see if they're into each other?

Seems so stupid but hey what do I know about hooking up, I'm here after all...

Why does this always update in the middle of the night?

because Ronnie operates on NEET time

Don't believe all the bullshit you hear.

People haven't changed as much as some people like to think

That makes sense, I thought it was because his powers of nug magic were stronger then. Guess that's still kinda right.

>Don't most millennials do this in reverse order? Hookup and fug
No. Millenials are getting the least sex of any generation that's come before them.

Those who HAVE been getting sex might be trying that. But you're talking about a minority.

kids to day with their video games and their vaping and their gay shoes

I still don't know what the fuck that is.

I do it but purely as a narrative device like you said.

You got google don't you?

It's smoking but instead of smoke it's vapor.

What does that do?

I don't, but I know several people who have met people like that.

My father spent 10 years with a woman that he met online.
And no she wasn't a mail order bride.

Yeah but what about relatively young people.

Alternatively, it's acceptable but you don't feel comfortable doing it.
Because, you know, tons and tons of people start romances in those contexts.

>getting all "what you think you're too good for me"?
Are you fucking serious? I've never seen a guy react like that. Maybe if he's a white knight who's spent years thinking he's "earning" something, but normal humans don't think they deserve positive responses to asking a stranger out.

>leave your number
>to a woman
Yeah right.

>Just don't place them in a situation where they're not a full liberty to answer however they like because of company policy or whatever
Are you serious? No manager would fire a worker because they resisted a customers' advances. There are laws nigga, company policies specifically protect workers in those situations.

All in all, fuck you, women aren't that fragile, and they certainly have no issue hitting on men in their place of work themselves. They're big girls, they can handle saying "No" to a guy once in a while, and if they're waitresses, they better learn because it's happening, whatever you or I do about it.

It's supposedly healthier but not really by much, if you're interested in more information just google it.

The whole guy reacted badly thing is the problem anyway, not initially asking someone out. Just don't be that creepy/douchy guy who won't let it go or makes a scene and it's fine.

I recently joined a dance class, which is pretty much a life hack when it comes to meeting women. Always a lack of men, and being able to dance gives you an edge in the regular dating scene as well. It is also surprisingly fun.

One of my best friend (30) is dating a girl he's met online.
I guess under 25 though yeah it would be mostly hookups.

No such thing in my country

Yust Je Bourself

Good taste

I don't believe you. Where are you from?

I spend at least one hour every day standing on the middle of the road or the bicycle lane in hopes that a cute Manic Pixie Dream Girl will hit me with her bike car and my life's romantic subplot will start, or at least I will die from impact.

Israel, literally the most normie (pardon my /r9k/ but I can't think of a better term) country on earth.

There are anime/general "nerd"-ish conventions, but it's just autistic guys like me and 14 year old girls

I mean, there are probably clubs for normal social activities for normal people with normal interests, but lets not kid ourselves and forget who we are.

>do that
>get a lawsuit for pushing a girl off her bike and a ticket for loitering

>who we are
I don't personally shut myself in a box labelled "nerd", you can like anime and also like things that aren't stereotypically nerdish.

Well if I was able to enjoy things that I could tell my parents about without secretly making them want to disown me I wouldn't spend all my free time watching anime and cartoons for retarded children.


Oh, hello there you child killer!