What would the Middle East look like today if Islam was never a thing?

What would the Middle East look like today if Islam was never a thing?

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More or less like the rest of Africa I assume.

Byzantine + Persian Empire
Also, everybody would be Orthodox/Coptic Christian

Or Zoroastrian
praise Ahura Mazda

This mainly desu.

When the MENA region used to be unironically the most important part of Eurasia the rise of the Arabs introducing Islam threw every previous hierarchy in the trash when the power fell from the Byzantines/Persians to them and then eventually the Turks.

it would look boring


They would eventually succumb to Church of The East. Then a nestorian Timur would finish zoroastrianism off as a relevent religion.


how is that a gif :\

Also some North African countries (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria) would be more tribal as Islam united a bunch of tribes together so at best it w0uld resemble modern day Saudi Arabia and at worst Afghanistan.

It's moving slowly

>Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria
They would consider themself Romans


Nice fanfic
just no

A paradise on earth tbqhwyf

small divided irrelevant countries


They woudl be a good catholic christians, loyal more to the patriach of Rome than to local secular rulers.

Also, crusades would still happen, Egypt would be under coptic church, entire asia under nestorian one, plenty of heretics to deus vult.

A lot of the Sassanid Christian population was Monophysite rather than Nestorian. Possible we could have seen a Monophysite Persian Empire ruling over the Monophysite parts of Rome, like a more permanent version of Khosrow II's conquests


Yet nestorianism was big among horse scum of the steppes, surelly some nestorian turk would eventually conquer Persia and enforce it there.

Not what happened in ie the Western Roman Empire. The Arian Germanic conquerors were the ones to give up their faith

I wonder if anybody outside clergy and other educated elite understood the difference.

The Oghuz bull would still reshape M.E

It would still be a shithole

Go outside and touch your willy

this. People will still have their shitty traditions but they would be easier to get rid of since they won't be linked to religion

heil kaghan boga

Arabs would live in stone age.

Mongol Empire would still conquer all Asia middle east, everyone would worshio tengri.

Ahhh m8 roman North africa was not saudi tier.

We'd have states across the Mediterranean where people spoke Romance languages like French and Italian...oh wait they already do speak French haha.

this. arabs destroyed everything.
another really interesting thing would be Egypt. They'd still have retained ancient traditions and part of their old language.
Ar*bs wiped out their past and made them muzzies.

Coptics are like 10% of Egypt m8. And arabs preserved alot of greek shit.

A coptic Egypt would be the king of all we-wuzers. They'd name their kids after pharaos.

Eh what? It was on it's last legs when the Romans got there, it was only a matter of time until their culture would be replaced. They did actually retain their language for a long while after the Muslim conquest. IIRC as long as to the 18th century.

>I am Vandalic and therefore White.

Neo-Neo-Assyrian Empire of course

>More or less like the rest of Africa I assume.
>polish education

Before mudshits, syria-palestina and egypt were thriving centers of cultural development with rich monastic tradition.

And at the same time northern europe and Britain was a stinking rainy/snowy hellholes when people lived in shithuts and made love with their livestock.

if Islam didn't exist I see no reason whatsofuckingever why Middle East would've been spared the "Euro" treatment and being turned into a colony and deteriorate into a lawless corrupt shithole like most of Africa is today. Alhamdulillah a day keeps the Yuro away.

Reminder that the Church of the East isn't and wasn't necessarily always strictly Nestorian theologically

Umm we would be 90% Christian instead of 15%

Islam actually had a huge impact on western society both positive and negative.
For one the unified state allowed for a safer trade, which allowed the silk road to thrive and therefore made it easier to spread gunpowder to the west.
The other thing is that without Islam, there would be no conquest of Constantinople, thus Greek knowledge would not flee and spread to the rest of Europe.
Also many ancient Greek texts about Maths to Philosophy would not be preserved due to no house of wisdom, thus western society might find it hard to look back onto its past for knowledge.
Without Islam there would be no reason for expansionism outside of Europe so the age of exploration would be delayed, as the main purpose was to find a new route due to Islamic piracy.
In short, it will start a huge domino effect which would change a lot of stuff, but some other things might stay. Still though you can't just take an event out of history and consider that the hypothetical situation would just affect the region it is in.

>tfw no zoroastrian middle east
>tfw no gnostic middle east

Sounds based, but what would that other 10% be? By the time of the Muslim conquest wasn't Egypt more or less 100% Christian with some Jews as well?

Gnosticism is a meme that burnt itself out, it was more or less dead by the time Islam came along (both Christians in the Roman Empire and Zoroastrians in Persia didn't like Gnostics).

It would be WHITEr. No moorish expansion, no south arab cuckening, no north african slave trade. It would be a place full of hot christian conservative women and short unimpressive men.

Not very different except that it would be Christian instead. The Ottomans would still conquer it and the Brits and French would still create all those non-countries in the 20th century.

This guy gets it