Killer Frost is CUTE! (Storytimes Too!)

Here are 5 cute facts about Killer Frost!

1) Killer Frost is a girl!
2) She's cute!
3) I love her!
4) Killer Frost!

Let's have a giant hugbox about the world's cutest physics defying mental patient. Also continuing the Killer Frost chronology storytimes from , beginning with Green Lantern v3, issue 157

Like I said last thread, this is back to the Post-Underworld Unleashed costume, except she's got hair again. The Suicide Squad costume was more of a callback to her original costume with the wreath of beads in her hair and ignored the changes UU had made to her.


What's fact number 5?



Unfortunately for Jade, a mysterious hero has beaten her to the punch.

...Killer Frost?

>person saves people from a fire with her unique powers
>want to throw her in jail
Jade is a Grade A bitch.

also: check out how she's able to touch people without killing them now. She's also not got red eyes anymore.









The rest of the book is just Donna and Jade gossiping about Kyle's lovelife.

The interesting thing about this GL story though is that, outside of SS (which takes liberties with her continuity,) this is the first time we've seen Louise anywhere close to stable.

Next up is Firestorm v3, #8





goddamn, this is... certainly some parenting



She's Firehawk, if you don't remember


>body jacking

>Omigod! 'Zat Captain Atom?


>Fucking up the cute facts

Fuck you.

A mysterious suicidal Lady?


>keeping icecream cold with her vagina

Why boner.jpg




This Firestorm has a hell of a lot of control over matter.

It's a shame he doesn't use this power on the shows.

Literally curing cancer.




He's also not too bright.

I have to wonder, though- was she wearing her leotard under her clothes? And she's wearing half-high boots and full length gloves, but her human form was wearing high heels and no stockings.

It's taken almost 25 years, but I think we've finally got our best iteration of Killer Frost.

Personality, anyway. I still prefer Assault on Arkham's design.

To remind you, the previous Killer Frost's body was shutting down too. The Killer Frost powers are naturally unstable and kill you.


>Ice girl?
>Better use heat on her!










>literal meat shield

Now that's a new trick.


best louise

And now she's eating Firestorm.





I'm not sure which is cooler: hijacking a superhero so you can ride him into the sun and eat it, or turning a building's worth of people into a shield, then freezing them and using the shattered remains of their corpses as missiles









I guess she got... wind powers? Somehow?





>Like tasting the sun itself
Some foreshadowing there






I bet the people excited for the return of Ronnie were pissed off by this issue.

I always hated how when a new person takes up the mantle of an older hero the other hero has to die and admit that the new one is WAY more powerful or something to legitimize them.

And Louise turned into an ogre?


Well that's the end of that.

Thank you

No Prob.

So, I've already posted her last appearance in Firestorm v3, but I think she only has one more major role before Flashpoint.

At the end of Green Arrow v3, issue 54, Green Arrow has fallen into a trap by an unlikely pair

so here's Green Arrow #55


There's a different artist on this issue, so Killer Frost's design changed.

Her design changed between issues. Jesus.

I love you, user.

Five facts about this thread

1. It's gay
2. OP is a faggot
3. Go back to Tumblr
4. Cutesy shit is for homos
5. Jump in a lake and drown
6. Post mediafire links or GTFO

Oh yeah, and look- she's CRYSTAL Frost again.

Crystal, who died in the 70s. Oops.



who hurt you user


