How would your family feel if you brought home a Russian girl?

How would your family feel if you brought home a Russian girl?

Nobody protested when I did it

they would be really happy

My parents both like Russians for some reason

they would be glad to have a proof that i am not gay

My family reacted pretty normal
Probably it's because we are all Russian

Very happy especially if she's Orthodox

If I rbought back Katya they'd probably be happy with that, she doesn't look like the typical Russian gold digger

Very embarrassed, especially if she is small and Asian like you in your pic because my family thinks Russians are white and tall like Northern European people.

They'd be fine with it, but I'm pretty sure my mom believes living in Russia is comparable to living in North Korea, so it would definitely be hilarious when she mentions that.

They would be surprised to see me with a gf


then wonder why russian

>so you not gonna tell me where's your family stash?
>hmm that's unfortunate... and i thought you loved me
>you sure you not gonna tell me user?
>tell me where you hiding da gooold!

"Finally! We started to doubt this day would come user"

My whole family hates Russians. I'd be disowned.

my parents both speak some russian and she'd be orthodox so it would be perfectly fine


I would move to Russia

Never met a Fin thay didn't like Russians. Only 17 yearold Nazi LARPers. Funny because more than 80% of Finnish Vets forgave Russia and view Russians positively.

>How would your family feel if you brought home a Russian girl?

my mom would be extremely happy.

My parents accept all types of whites and they're racists towards all types of niggers and indians

*Keeps dehumanizing russians on an anime forum*

They'd be fine with that.

Probably would ask if she's mail-order though

>had a Finnish teacher in school
>talking about the Winter War with a friend one day
>suddenly she comes over carrying a liquor store shopping bag and starts ranting about Russia for 5 minutes before waking off again
>friend I was talking with is also Finnish and a few minutes later she starts ranting about Russia as well

Finns. God love 'em.

Finns are the most anti-Russian nation in the world. Not even Poles can compete. It's ironic because most Russians are either indifferent or positive towards Finland.
